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モーニング娘。鈴木香音 – Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari ~Morning Musume ’15 ver.~

モーニング娘。鈴木香音 – Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari ~Morning Musume ’15 ver.~

Suzuki Kanon’s verse in Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari ~Morning Musume ’15 ver.~ with English subtitles. This is probably my favorite Joshi Kashimashi verse.

女子かしまし物語~モーニング娘。’­15 ver.~


  1. Imagine you're on a crash diet and you've lost 12kg in a short amount of time and then some asshole gives you lines like that. Not only do the lines make her look like a hypocrite because she's praising how healthy she is and how much she eats and that she's teaching others how to do that while she's on a heavy diet, but it's also emphasizing that she's the chosen fat one when she was pretty thin at that point… it's so cringe.

  2. Absolute icon! And she's absolutely right too, she was never fat, people are just very ignorant about these things in Japan sadly.
    I'll never forgive certain "fans" and management for how she was treated only because of her body type. She was an amazing idol with a great voice, personality and smile. Will always love and support Suzuki Kanon! <3

  3. 当時まんまるなズッキも痩せてるズッキもどっちも可愛くて選べない!って悩んでたな···

  4. 太ってるとか痩せてるとかどうでもよくてズッキが好きなだけだよ

  5. 痩せてるかのんちゃんの方がスタイルは良かったかも知れないけど顔はふっくらしてる時の方が好き

  6. ズッキ好きだけど確かに卒業間近くらいはアイドルとしての体型ではなかったよね。けどそれだけストレスも凄い中で頑張ってたんだろうから今はそういうストレスから解放されてのびのび過ごせてたらいいなぁ

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