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Rio – Rainbow Gate! Opening

Rio – Rainbow Gate! Opening


  1. After hearing this song, it makes even more sense to have Rio's counterpart be in an IDOLM@STER character if there ever were to be a Dead or Alive X Tekken

  2. honestly, i never would have thought an anime about gambling could be this entertaining untill after i saw it. screw children`s card games, the king of games has nothing on the goddess of viktory!!!!

  3. ***** Well, heres the opening for Rio Rainbow Gate, if you want to see more il find the full episodes

  4. I randomly had this song stuck in my head for several days before I finally realized it was Rios OP. That's so crazy how I remembered after all this time . Classic throw back anime

  5. これ確かまどマギやゴシックと同じ頃にあってたんだよな

  6. 声優だけはめっちゃ豪華やったから最後まで見たけど

  7. 当時ニコニコで毎週見てたなあ(ノ∀`笑)
    どことなくミルキィホームズみたいなOP懐かしい° ✧ (*´ `*) ✧ °

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