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ARIANA GRANDE Welcomed by Japanese Fans At Airport! アリアナ・グランデが来日!空港でファンサービス♪

ARIANA GRANDE Welcomed by Japanese Fans At Airport! アリアナ・グランデが来日!空港でファンサービス♪


デビュー・アルバム「ユアーズ・トゥルーリー」が全米初登場1位を獲得し、そのキュートなルックスからは想像できない程ずば抜けた歌唱力で全世界を魅了するアリアナ・グランデ。今回は全米で大ヒット中の最新シングル「プロブレム feat.イギ―・アゼリア」のプロモーションために来日を果たしましたが、なんと、これで今年3度目の来日となります!




Ariana Grande arrived in Japan 17th of June, 2014, welcomed by many Japanese fans at Narita Airport, Tokyo. This is her third visit to Japan this year.

Ariana is scheduled to live perform on 20th on Japanese famous music TV show.


  1. this is so different from taylor who doesnt voluntarily walk away from her fans before security urges to

  2. 個人的にはファンの子の方が可愛い子が3~4人かいたんですけど、ダメですか?

  3. アリーとかキモいあだ名つけてんじゃねーよ!水沢アリみてーじゃねーか

  4. 日本てこんなファンの人のこと白人て言ってたのに全く理解できないだから日本人はアジア人だって

  5. You see this video and the video where taylor visits japan,and see the difference on how she treats her fans
    Ariana looked like she was bored and wanted to get away

  6. I felt so bad for Ari, everyone was so desperate, screaming her name and being so loud, wouldn't that be irritating and annoying sometimes? People don't understand that this can be overwhelming even though she loves her fans.

  7. 途中の黒い革ジャンの女の人の威圧感エグすぎwwwwwwwww時止まってるwwwwwwwww

  8. アメリカからの飛行機なんて時差とかで疲れるはずなのにここまでたいおうするのすごいな

  9. Yeah because that is absolutely what a human being wants to do …first thing after a long international flight ✈.. wow!

    I dunno…I am guessing and hoping that her handlers and money first allowed her to be tucked away in some airport club lounge to decompress and freshen up, relax, and eat some food possibly and/or rest…

    Before fan immersion.

    Just saying. Sorry I am calling b.s. on this one….love you Ari…

    (Maybe it was leaving for flight and not ariving?)

    But maybe do…every time I flew international for work or vacay…I would power through the jet lag and go straight to hotel check in and then to office or site seeing.

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