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Actress 女優

1998.11.22 Boys Be… Jr 8 ft. Yamashita Tomohisa

1998.11.22 Boys Be... Jr  8 ft. Yamashita Tomohisa

1998.11.22 Boys Be… Jr 8 ft. Yamashita Tomohisa

初めてのデートは (First Date) episode.

0:08 there’s an evil senpai pinching Pi’s cheeks and abusing him XD. I can’t be sure but the ‘evil senpai’ looks like Toma to me *___*

The mini-drama is probably one of Pi’s very first main role appearances. Akki, HaseJun and Miyagi Shunta play supporting roles.

Ending performance – 世界は僕らを待っている by Takki, Kazama, Nino, Jun etc.


  1. 子供の頃の山Pて、本当に可愛いね💖 

  2. I don't think there such an adorable cutey boy like angel out there until I know Tomo-chan. That pretty face makes me wanna give him a bite so badly aww

  3. 7:02 仕事中に、お客さんをバカにするなんて、モラルがない店員達だなあ。しかも、子供相手に陰口叩くなんて、大人げなさすぎてダサいね。

  4. 少年時代の山P可愛い

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