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菅田将暉&土屋太鳳、ハグ、床ドン、号泣…W主演映画「となりの怪物くん」の新予告映像公開 主題歌は西野カナ

菅田将暉&土屋太鳳、ハグ、床ドン、号泣…W主演映画「となりの怪物くん」の新予告映像公開 主題歌は西野カナ



 また、映画の主題歌を歌手の西野カナさんが担当することも決定。主題歌「アイラブユー」のほか、人気曲「Best Friend」など、西野さんの楽曲が挿入歌として使用される。西野さんの複数の楽曲が映画に使用されるのは初の試みだといい、今回の新予告映像でも、「アイラブユー」や挿入歌の一部が使用されている。




 土屋さんも「すごい……! 西野カナさんは、青春の天才です。この歌が描く景色も時間も恋も、なんてすてきなんだろう。聴いた瞬間、胸いっぱいにフレッシュジュースみたいな甘酸っぱい思いが広がって、懐かしくて、優しくて。この気持ちを早く月川組のみんなと、そして見てくださる方々と共有したい! うずうずしながら、春を待ちたいと思います」と語っている。

Trailer of the movie “My Little Monster” co-starred by Tao Tsuchiya and Masaki Suda.

The trailer of the movie “My Little Monster”(directed by Shou Tsukikawa, to be premiered on 26th April) co-starred by Tao Tsuchiya and Masaki Suda was released on 19th February.

Aside from the scene when Shizuku Mizutani (by Tsuchiya) approaches and hugs Haru Yoshida (by Suda), and “Yuka-don” scene between Haru and Shizuku, there are also scenes when Shizuku cries when Haru goes away.

Moreover, Yuuki Furukawa, Hiroki Yamada, Eliza Ikeda, Minami Hamabe, Gaku Sano and Mokomichi Hayami also join.

Besides, it has been decided that Kana Nishino will perform the theme song.

Apart from the theme song, “I love you”, other songs by Nishino for instance “Best Friend”, a very popular song are used as the soundtracks.

It can be said that this is the first time the production crew has tried to put many of Nishino’s songs into a movie and in this trailer, the song “I love you” and some other songs are used as background music.


  1. The main male lead is so cute. He has an amazing personality when he is happy and is really funny and creative. Imagine being friends with him. It would be like taking care of a 4-year old that finds random chickens in the street and decides to put it in there jacket and get attacked to it.

  2. 太鳳ちゃん好きだけどやっぱり女子高生ヒロインじゃないんだよなぁ。

  3. 0:10 I love the music what is the title? someone please tell me

    0:10 私は音楽が大好きです。タイトルは何ですか?誰か教えてください

  4. Worrorrortortietirtoertorrirfirrirtietoerrirtir irtirurtertirtuetirtieioooooooooooetortoehoetoetoetoetoeyoetyeyoeyoetoetoeteyoeyoeyueieeiieeiieiieieeieieieietuuuuuetoeyoryietyoeyyrto pppppppppppproetoetyoetyoetoetortyoeyoeiieieieieieeii3ieieiieiieieieieeiieiieiri

  5. 菅田くん身長高いわけじゃないけどかっこいいし可愛い

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