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Ayami Muto (武藤彩未) Cute and Funny moments

Ayami Muto (武藤彩未) Cute and Funny moments

Ayami Muto (武藤彩未) Cute and Funny moments

Cute and funny compilation video of Ayami Muto.
If anyone is interested in watching more about Sakura Gakuin
check out this amazing link i found that gives you a list of music videos and more:


  1. Ayami will always be the prime example of what a Sakura Gakuin member should be 🙂 shes amazing. please do a part 2 of her cute and funny moments 🙂

  2. While she's always top notch in talent and charm, I wonder if she managed to improve her archery skills yet. 😀

  3. The first person who came to mind when Yui announced her retirement from BABYMETAL was Ayami. She's fantastic. Her long relationship with both Su and Moa make her perfect, if she is willing to be mostly secondary to Su. The fans would love her. Ayami-Metal!

  4. Ayami is the only person in the whole world that could fill Yuimetal's position full time and be immediately accepted and respected by Su, Moa, and BM fans. I doubt that she would do it, but she could if she wanted to.

  5. She was 22 months older than Su and nearly 4 years older than Moa and Yui. Her size and appearance was still similar. You can see the confidence, the presence and talent to be a star on her own in this video and all the others from her short time in the school.

  6. She was already an established star. Sakura Gakuin was established as an offshoot of the Karen Girls. Ayami and Suzuka had that "it" factor that made the school possible. Ayami was correct too, she never really grew much.

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