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Maeda Yuuka – Solo Shugo Chara The Musical

Maeda Yuuka – Solo Shugo Chara The Musical

Maeda Yuuka dans un solo pour la comédie musical de Shugo Chara en 2009 !

Vidéo : 1st DVD Solo (2010)


  1. Cette chanson a chaque fois que je l'écoute j'ai le coeur qui bat a fond, le larme qui monte sa fait bizarre, le live est tellement bien réussi ! Mais faut pas pleurer sauf pleurer de joie, fière de connaitre cette magnifique fille :3

  2. Pareille! Quand je l'entend je ressens la même chose! Je pleure en regrettant cette ange, sa voix si mignonne et son caractère qui ma tant fais rire pendant 3 ans.C'était ma première S/Mileage et ma deuxième idole et comme tu dit je suis fière de l'avoir connue! Une fille si extraordinaire qui restera à ajmais dans nos coeurs! ♥

  3. 新しい時代の夜明けは太陽が毎日世界中で上昇したのと同じ国から世界中に上昇!太陽が美しい曲を美しい歌手を満たしているからです!遠いと空の星のように手の届かない!しかし、遠い星の巡航人利用可能な高さのための!Dawn of a new era rises over the world from the same country from which the sun rises over the world every day! this is because the sun meet beautiful songs beautiful singers! distant and unreachable as the stars in the sky! but for cruise people available height of distant stars! Ab aurora terrarum nova oritur Sol qui terrarum ab eodem omni die! Cuius ratio est quia pulchrum in occursum solis cantorum in carmine pulchro, tamquam sidera cæli in multitudinem, et longe impossibile; sed ad id summa distantia available populo!

  4. 私の星を輝か、光る!あなたは空の星座の1だ!世界の別のそのようではありません!私は日本語で書くことを学んでいます!
    Watashi no hoshi o kagayaka, hikaru! Anata wa sora no seiza no 1da! Sekai no betsu no sono yōde wa arimasen! Watashi wa nihongo de kaku koto o manande imasu!

  5. shine, shine my star! you're one of the constellations in the sky! another such in the world is not! I'm learning to write in Japanese!

  6. Kawaii Yuuka san in Japan, I come not alone ! I will be engaged in movies and sinema series to acquaint with the Japanese cosmism ! Space Art is a new Russian world view is the philosophy of technology ! Without this purpose that knowledge to a new level of technology does not go up ! That would explore other planets need real spaceships ! American "Apollo" and the Russian "Soyuz" is not spaceships and space vehicles ! You girls from "Helo project" must pass what that course ! You will be our representatives in Japan, we'll teach you Japanese ! Japanese experts will work!'s all new so a big subject ! Come will tell and teach you ! Most importantly, these technologies are useful in the earthquake and tsunami !

  7. Live, live for spring ! In the world is pure and cold water -pure as crystal ! Do not let dry up the source of beautiful songs ! In Japan ! Never ! Spring where there are stars in the world !

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