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二階堂ふみ、鮮やかなブルードレスで魅了 映画「リバーズ・エッジ」完成披露試写会1

二階堂ふみ、鮮やかなブルードレスで魅了 映画「リバーズ・エッジ」完成披露試写会1

二階堂ふみ、鮮やかなブルードレスで魅了 映画「リバーズ・エッジ」完成披露試写会1





Attracted by Nikaido Fumi’s bright blue dress

Actress Nikaido Fumi appeared at the stage greetings demonstrating the preview of the movie “River’s Edge” with her starring role (directed by Isao Yukisada, to be premiered on 16th February) held in Tokyo on 31st January.

In a bright blue dress, combined with the scarlet lipstick color, Nikaido attracted the audience with a glamorous and outstanding image.

The director Yukisada, the co-star Ryo Yoshizawa, and the cast Aoi Morikawa, Shuhei Uesugi, SUMIRE, Shiori Doi also attended the event with their distinctive styles.

“River’s Edge” is the masterpiece manga of young Kyoko Okazngaki, which was serialized in “CUTiE” fashion magazine (Takarajimasha company) in 1993-1994.

The movie centers the strange connection of partners in crime, they are: Haruna (Nikaido), a high school girl who somehow gets bored of this life, Yamada (Yoshizawa), a gay teenager who is always bullied and Kozue (SUMIRE), a model who suffers from Bulimia. Besides, the movie depicts the discomfort, loneliness and desires… of the daily life.


  1. 吉沢亮はキラッキラのかっこいいキャラも我得だけど闇深くて儚くて脆い役の方が好き。

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