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Maeda Yuuka – Gakkyuu Innchou

Maeda Yuuka - Gakkyuu Innchou

Maeda Yuuka – Gakkyuu Innchou

Maeda Yuuka – Gakkyuu Innchou (2011)

Original song – S/mileage : Gakkyuu Innchou (Warugaki 1)
Original video – DVD Special Making of See You-Karin


  1. 声も歌もまだ幼い気がします。私はシンソングライターで月に二回コンサートをしてます。来春私の作詞がCDに成ります。  歌はいつどこでも練習を重ねて下さい。数多く練習をする事をお勧めします。頑張って下さい応援してますよ。

  2. i love her too! I miss her so much, I got her Yuuka Maeda 15sai this year. Did you make those prints on your wall?

  3. Vatasi nani nihongo imas ? Busi-do, djyu-do, karate, uta- koi no vacance,anime suke '' Sora to bu yureisen !!! Vatasi djembu nihongo sitte iru !!! Vatasi iey tigaimas imas Koharu Kusume, Morning Musume, Erina Mano, Berriz-1 ,Yuuka Maeda, Babymetal… Vatasi nihongo suki, totemo suki !!! Go bujide !!! Vsevo dobrova !!!

  4. Mars and planets solar system there ll our inhabitants of the Earth !!! Correcting technology interplanet flights in world my !!! This technology don t prestige ,this technology survive !!! Than better tank either aircraft help against tsunami, earthquake, meteorit ? ?? My technology help !!!

  5. 新しい時代の夜明けは太陽が毎日世界中で上昇したのと同じ国から世界中に上昇!太陽が美しい曲を美しい歌手を満たしているからです!遠いと空の星のように手の届かない!しかし、遠い星の巡航人利用可能な高さのための!Dawn of a new era rises over the world from the same country from which the sun rises over the world every day! this is because the sun meet beautiful songs beautiful singers! distant and unreachable as the stars in the sky! but for cruise people available height of distant stars! Ab aurora terrarum nova oritur Sol qui terrarum ab eodem omni die! Cuius ratio est quia pulchrum in occursum solis cantorum in carmine pulchro, tamquam sidera cæli in multitudinem, et longe impossibile; sed ad id summa distantia available populo!

  6. 私は、今年8月に日本に来る!私は映画を作るつもりだ! (スターウォーズ)と同じです!あらゆる面で優れた新しい!
    Watashi wa, kotoshi 8 tsuki ni Nihon ni kuru! Watashi wa eiga o tsukuru tsumorida! (Sutāu~ōzu) to onajidesu! Arayuru men de sugureta atarashī!

  7. I will come to Japan in August this year! I'm going to make a movie! is the same as (Star Wars)! newer better in every way!
    Hoc anno ad veniam in Iaponia, Ego facere elit! idem (Star Wars); newer melius in omnibus!

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