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Kyari Pamyu Pamyu at Union Square

Kyari Pamyu Pamyu at Union Square

Kyari Pamyu Pamyu at Union Square

我是透過「YouTube 影片編輯器」( 建立這部影片


  1. こんなに人気あったんだ。。!!

  2. That was fun, the fact that kyary raises a street with her music, and makes me have more hope in the world today

  3. 海外でも大盛況だね❣️


  4. the girl absolutely yelling out the lyrics from her lungs in the background….

    we should get married

  5. 生歌と音源で聴く印象が異なることってよくあるけど、このジャンルで全然ブレないって普通に凄いな。

  6. The screaming girl just like my nephew when to watch The CONJURING 2013

    Btw. That is Most normal outfit on kyary.. CUTE!

  7. マイケルジャクソンのスリラーのPVもそうだけど、周りのダンサーの凄さだよね。

  8. Tbh I would've been crying and screaming if I saw kyary too!!
    I would've lost my shit if I saw my idol who I've loved since I was 10!!

  9. この中に新しい学校のmizyu がいたのか…

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