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スマイレージ リトル♡ぷりんせす☆ぷりっ![ リルぷりっ]

スマイレージ リトル♡ぷりんせす☆ぷりっ![ リルぷりっ]

雪森 りんご:和田彩花
高城 レイラ:前田憂佳
笹原 名月:福田花音


  1. @9u0y somehow i think it Saki Ogawa because i think that is when she haven't left S/mileage.

  2. @9u0y No, it's Saki Ogawa. She wasn't part of Lilpri, but was part of S/mileage, which Yuuka (who just graduated), Kanon, and Ayaka are part of. I can't remember if it was before this performance or after, but Saki had a solo performance with her baton doing some song I forget the name to, so I figure they left her on stage since they're all part of S/mileage and she had to be on it in a moment, anyway.
    Also, before S/mileage, all of these girls were H!P Eggs!

  3. これで、花音にぞっこん化したんだよねー。

  4. If you close your eyes, they actually sound very similar so I think they are the voice actors
    ;;; I'm not 100% sure though orz

  5. 사과유리루나새일람이용이♥★ 🍕🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍛🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🎒🎒🎒

  6. 当時はこの3人が同じグループのアイドルだってことすら知らなかった

  7. 1番右邪魔なんだけど誰?!3人が主役なんだから部外者は映さなくていー!

  8. さきちぃのナゾの動きをみんなで完コピしないか?

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