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Mayuki MC cut. Mayuyu comeback to AKB stage (Sashihara Rino Gradcon ~Sayonara, Sashihara Rino~)

Mayuki MC cut. Mayuyu comeback to AKB stage (Sashihara Rino Gradcon ~Sayonara, Sashihara Rino~)

Mayuki MC cut. Mayuyu comeback to AKB stage (Sashihara Rino Gradcon ~Sayonara, Sashihara Rino~)

There might be some mistranslated part since my Japanese is still limited and I still got help from the translator app while translating this so I’m sorry for that, but overall I think this can help you to understand the main point that they were talking about

If there is a mistake with my translation in some parts, please kindly correct it in the comment section, thank you.


  1. Thank you for the subs! Zankokuna Ame is the more memorable Yukirin and Sasshi duet. Wish they performed that song at Sasshi’s grad concert!

  2. 炎上路線と特にこのMCで柏木由紀の存在を初めて知って

  3. Do they have reuions it would be really nice put the origanal cast all together on stage that would be a collectors dvd video that would sell millions right yup

  4. ゆきりんと まゆは 3年間 一緒に暮らしてたんでしょ 私もまゆ ゆ と 霊界で 一緒に3年間暮らしてました 永遠に一緒に暮らす 予定だったそうですが 悪魔の旅館が まゆゆ をいじめ倒しました

  5. まゆゆの卒業公演の時はさっしーだけアボガドの衣装だったけど今回はまゆゆだけアボガドの衣装なのがエモい

  6. まゆゆの卒コンとなると2017年かぁ~。まゆゆとゆきりん同期だっけね。( =^ω^) さっしーときたりえもそうだっけ?(´・ω・`)?

  7. まゆちゃん😢ゆきりん、さっしー、まゆゆ

  8. Thank you so so much for translating all these Mayuyu Yukirin MC videos, without you I'd probably never be able to enjoy them. I miss Mayuyu so much 🙁

  9. The balloon on mayuyu's dress are moving cutely as the wind blows it's so cute

  10. I've never been this excited watching MC. I was just scrolling on sasshi's grad concert and found this legendary members doing MC, especially after mayuyu's graduation, and now, when she decided to end his entertainment career. I see em, i click em. Missing all of em!!!

  11. 指原



  12. この後にさしまゆきりんを勢揃いさせる事が出来るとしたら、ゆきりんの卒コンくらいだな!

  13. I miss you…mayuyukirin. pasangan serasi berbicara…bermain ..bernyanyi dan lucu. Kami di sini sangat gembira dapat melihat kamu berdua. Terbaik❤❤❤❤❤❤

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