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「未来へ」Cover / 武藤彩未

「未来へ」Cover / 武藤彩未

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  1. 彩未ちゃんの綺麗な声大好きです!

  2. 彩未ちゃんの歌声は、何気ない昼のひと時にFMラジオで流れるのが似合うのかな。

  3. We will be always waiting for your comeback Ayami-chan even if it takes 100 years. We will always have you in our minds.

  4. Ayami-san, just hearing you sing brings a tear to my eye. Beautiful as ever. Thank you for sharing. Hope you are well.

    Sorry it took me over three months to realize you uploaded this.

  5. 彩未の歌声大好き!早くライブで聞きたい!

  6. Finally you're back in Japan Ayami-chan! I'll wait for your new singing and music. I love your smile Ayami! Good luck to you. -from Pilipinas 🇵🇭

  7. Muto Ayami!! I miss your voice a lot from Sakura Gakuin until now. Your voice is so soothing and beautiful. 😍😍😍😍

  8. ついに彩未ちゃんが新たな一歩を踏み出す日が来ましたね!ゆっくり歩いていきましょう

  9. 恐らくお母さんが優しくて賢いと、彩未ちゃんのような素敵な娘に育つんだろう。

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