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中國沈陽趕早市,-20°天氣,殺豬菜配上蒸豬血嘎嘎香,凜冽寒風中的油炸糕,街頭美食香氣逼人,驢打滾做不及,牛肉火勺起鍋子兩分鐘就賣完,蔬菜需要火爐保暖,價格感人/Shenyang market/4k

中國沈陽趕早市,-20°天氣,殺豬菜配上蒸豬血嘎嘎香,凜冽寒風中的油炸糕,街頭美食香氣逼人,驢打滾做不及,牛肉火勺起鍋子兩分鐘就賣完,蔬菜需要火爐保暖,價格感人/Shenyang market/4k

This is the highest etiquette for Northeastern people. How much does mutton soup cost? Mutton soup is 8 yuan. A bowl is 8 yuan. This is red beans boiled in a pot, and the little mushrooms and chicken are crunchy and fragrant. There is also a stove for heating. Dear friends, hello,

I am yours. A few days ago, my good friends, the Tiger Brothers, we broadcast for you a video of the Xiaoheyan Morning Market in Shenyang, Northeast China. Since the content of the shooting is quite rich and considering the length of the program, what we will broadcast for you today

Is the Xiaoheyan Morning Market. Next episode, Xiaoheyan Morning Market is the most popular convenience market in Northeast China. In recent years, it has also become a place where foreign tourists rush to check in. Compared with the ordinary morning market, it is more like a food street.

The current temperature is below zero. 20 degrees , but such a cold weather can’t stop people’s enthusiasm for tasting delicious food. This snack shop was surrounded by customers. Control the oil. This snack is called Beef Fire Spoon. This snack is called Zhouji’s Tieling Beef Fire Spoon. Everyone knows that the Heyan morning market

Opens at 5 o’clock in the morning and there is a queue when the door opens. Beef Fire Spoon is a snack originated in the Tieling area. The main ingredients are flour, beef and green onions. Due to the unique method of Fire Spoon, it is similar to The traditional beef pie is very different.

The fire spoon is roasted in the oven over high fire. Because the baking time is short, the beef filling inside is quite tender and the dough with pastry is very crispy. In the words of the boss, it is a good fire. The spoon should have clear layers , crispy but not broken

, oily but not greasy , crispy and delicious . Beauty, how much do you want, 10 yuan. I also want 10 yuan. Wait for a while. When you turn it over, you can take the picture. Brother , let’s take a photo. How do you sell the fire spoons?

5 yuan for 7 pieces, 10 yuan for 15 yuan. You see. It ’s beautiful . It’s sizzling and oily. Is it beef? Yes, it’s beef . There’s a long queue . Do you want the 10 yuan fire spoon? Okay, it just came out. The beef hotpot in the pot is so popular

That it sold out within 2 minutes. Fortunately, the hotpot bakes faster and the waiting time in line is not too long. I can eat this freshly made dish on this cold morning. The crispy and fragrant food in the pot is warm and satiating. Before coming to Northeast China, I subjectively thought

That the market might be depressed due to the cold weather. But after arriving in Shenyang, the scene in the morning market was beyond my expectation. People’s enthusiasm for food goes beyond this subzero temperature. The big brother who makes the fire spoon is very busy in the 20-degree weather and greets every customer seriously.

The straightforwardness and enthusiasm of the Northeastern people make everyone who walks in front of this stall feel the warmth. What does this stall sell ? Donkey Rolling is a sweet delicacy from Northeast China. Because the last step in the production process is to sprinkle soybean flour,

Which is very similar to the scene of a wild donkey kicking up loess when rolling on the ground , so its name is Donkey Rolling Donkey. Rolling, also called bean flour cake, is mainly popular in the Northeast, Beijing and Tianjin.

Its main raw materials are glutinous rice flour, soybean flour, red bean paste, white sugar, sesame oil, osmanthus, green and red silk, and melon kernels. What kind of noodles are inside? This is glutinous rice flour. It is hot. You try it, you try it, let me take a look, I think it’s quite soft

And real. You see, it’s steaming. It’s still hot. It’s hot . It’s hot. It’s fresh every day. Ours is the best and the most delicious. Well, auntie is quite confident in the donkey rolling she made. It is all fresh and contains no preservatives or additives. These are red beans and

Red beans. Um, can you put more good bean paste? Put more for you . No peanuts, right? I almost forgot. Who wants peanuts ? Do you want sugar? Children want sugary sesames , or peanuts? Okay , sprinkle more sesame seeds. Okay, what kind of stuffing do you want to eat? I will make

Whatever stuffing you want. What kind of stuffing will my aunt make for you? How much stuffing should be given? The well-made donkey roll is yellow, white and red. It has a golden appearance and contains bean paste. It is soft in the mouth . The fragrance of glutinous rice and

The taste of bean paste and osmanthus blend together. It is very sweet and delicious. It is delicious. I will give you a box to try. Wait a moment. I won’t care. I’ll take pictures for a while . Is this box for sale? You can sell it to him. No, no, no.

You sell it. You sell it. You sell this box. Give me this box. You sell it. Sell this box to me. Give me a box. Give me a box. Wow, what kind of snacks does this place sell? There are so many people waiting in line to take a look.

The steaming hot mutton soup is indispensable in the morning market in Northeast China. It is the best food stop to keep warm and ward off the cold. The aroma of the mutton in front of this square cauldron enveloped the people queuing up. Who can resist a bowl of hot mutton soup

In the cold weather ? Not only is this mutton soup fragrant, but the price of a bowl of 8 yuan also makes people love the mutton soup. How much is a bowl of mutton soup? 8 yuan a bowl. This mutton soup shop has a fixed stall in the morning market.

There is a physical store behind it. After the mutton soup is served in the front , you can go to the back room to eat. Sister, let’s fry it. What do you call the delicacies fried in the pot? Is this called turning around, turning around, and turning around? The snack baked in the

Huitou frying pan is called “Huitou” . This is also a unique snack in Northeast China. Just from its name, people are very curious. It is also made with beef fillings wrapped in dough and baked with a beef fire spoon. The pie is a little different. The reason why this snack is called Huitou

Is because it is wrapped with beef fillings and made into a long strip. The last step is to wrap the dough at both ends back to seal it , so it is called Huitou. Of course, there are also There are some other opinions , but no matter what,

This kind of snack has been passed down for a long time and is loved by most people. In this restaurant , it is paired with mutton soup. This is a classic way of eating . A basket of shaomai is given to the table. Where is everyone eating

At the back ? Is there any store in this cage that sells shaomai ? Does the bank accept cash for 8 yuan ? They all accept cash. They have to charge the one called Huitou Beef and Scallion Stuffing. It costs 5 yuan. Give me 4.

Just now, a customer asked if they accept cash. The boss replied. Very straightforward It is said that payment must be collected. In fact, although mobile payment is very common , cash is unimpeded in any market in China. So if friends overseas are planning to travel to China, they don’t have to worry about

Not having WeChat and Alipay. Come on, everyone. Wow , the red sausages in Harbin are on sale at a lot in the market. Buy a pound, get a pound free, which is 29.8 yuan per pound , which is equivalent to 15 yuan per pound , which is quite affordable.

There is a long queue at this place, and there are a lot of people surrounding us. We have to go inside. Take a look at this big fried dough sticks restaurant that is an internet celebrity. This fried dough sticks restaurant is also very famous. It often appears on our mobile phones.

There must be a reason why a seemingly ordinary fried dough sticks can be loved by so many people. Why does it taste like green vegetables? This is 4.6 yuan, plus this one is 6.1 yuan, and here is another one for six yuan each . Are they the same flavor?

They are the same kind of green fried dough sticks. They are vegetable-flavored. It’s not too common to make fried dough sticks like this, but this kind Youtiao are as popular as the original ones. One pot after another, they are sold very quickly. Boss, are they sold by the pound?

Yes, it is symmetrical , eight yuan per pound, eight yuan per pound . Give me a chocolate-flavored one, and then How many kinds of fried dough sticks do we have if I want one? There are three kinds now. In summer, there is also dragon fruit flavor

. Which three are they now ? The original flavor, the chocolate flavored egg milk one is the original flavor. Wow, do you understand if it is 8.6 yuan? This is 4 yuan, these 4 are 5 yuan, 9 yuan , plus a tofu puff, the total is 12 yuan.

This is the famous fried cake. He is definitely the protagonist in the morning market in Northeast China. He sells fried cake in Xiaoheyan morning market . There are no less than five stalls, each with its own characteristics. This one is relatively large and the price is 1.5 yuan each.

Some stalls also sell fried cakes for 1 yuan each. Fried cakes are mainly made with glutinous rice flour and flour mixed with bean paste. Fillings such as jam and sesame seeds are then fried in hot oil until golden. The taste is glutinous, sweet, soft and delicious.

It is a delicacy suitable for all ages. WeChat payment is 3.1 yuan. WeChat payment is 6.5 yuan. Mushrooms . Little mushrooms. Brother, how do you sell these mushrooms? This one is 65 yuan. Authentic small hazelnut mushrooms. Stewed chicken, stewed duck, stewed goose, stewed chicken, stewed hazelnut mushrooms. Open the pot

And stew the small mushrooms. The chicken is crunchy and fragrant. The small mushrooms are from the Northeast. Let’s take a look at the butchered vegetables and the pig-killed vegetables. Steamed pig blood is great . How much does this bowl cost? The small bowl is 10 yuan and the large bowl is 13 yuan.

The Northeastern pig-killing dish is so popular that I saw it today . It is indeed very special. Although there are not many vegetables left in the pot , the big bones in the pot are clear. It can be seen that the small taste is also very fragrant.

The content of a bowl of butchered vegetables is also quite rich. Blood sausage, steamed pig blood, pork belly, pickled cabbage and garlic juice are all available. Many stores also write how to eat them on the cardboard. Hello beauty, what is this? Snacks like steamed pig blood, which are very pure

And have no glue inside and have pores, can be eaten to supplement iron and anemia . The origin of the Northeastern pig-killing dish is that pigs are slaughtered in rural areas during the New Year and festivals. Everyone gets together and then eats this dish.

This is the highest etiquette for Northeastern people to treat guests. They eat this when they are very hospitable to guests. Then this is blood sausage. Take this big bone sauerkraut blood sausage and dip a big bone inside . Soak the rice with some garlic sauce . It’s so fragrant. This is blood

Sausage and pork belly . This is a big bowl, a small bowl, a small bowl, and this small bowl. It’s 10 yuan, economical, delicious, not expensive. 10 yuan, you can’t go to Hong Kong , you can’t go to Singapore, it’s cold. Every time I see steaming delicacies in the weather

, I always feel warm. The large steamed chestnuts freshly baked are on sale for 16 yuan per pound , 8 yuan per pound. Rather than coming to the Northeast in winter to feel the cold, it’s more about enjoying the extreme weather. Enjoy delicious food in the cold weather because

Most of the stalls in this morning market are full of hot delicacies. Every few steps, there is a restaurant that is surrounded by people. It is said that this delicious sausage is sold out every day. It is freshly cooked and grilled. It sells for 25.8 yuan per pound.

After observing for a while, I found that most of the people who come to buy sausages here are locals. They are very familiar with each other. Many customers are very familiar with the taste of sausages. The flavors of sausages include original flavor and black pepper. It also has egg and meat sausages.

How much does it cost for two separate packages ? It’s two yuan. Then I also want two fried cakes. That’s called fried cake, right? There’s another fried cake here that sells freshly fried cakes. They ’re all hot. 1 My friends are really enthusiastic about this food. The boss is really busy.

How much does one sesame ball cost? 1.5 yuan each. Give me two sesame balls. The steamed siomai in the basket looks so warm . The shaomai is available in both steamed and fried varieties. The price is also quite interesting. You can buy 7 pieces for 5

Yuan, 8 yuan, 11 pieces, 10 yuan, 15. WeChat payment is 10 yuan. Thank you for your patronage . Welcome to visit next time. WeChat payment is 2 yuan. The best and sweetest Northeastern jelly. Pears are sweet and sweet. The best and sweetest frozen pears from Northeast China.

The best and sweetest frozen pears from Northeast China. How can these pears be sold for 6 yuan per pound ? There are so many of them . The best and sweetest frozen pears from Northeast China. Letter of payment. 10 yuan has not yet recovered from the artifact of Northeast frozen pears.

Another smell of fried milk wafts over here. Fried yogurt cannabis flowers. When I get closer, I can see that there are many flavors. In addition to the yogurt flavor, there are also chocolate-flavored durians. The price of the flavored ones and the honey millet flavor is 4 yuan a piece, 3 pieces 10 yuan

. It looks good. It’s so refreshing. What kind of flavor is this ? The durian flavor is freshly fried. So beautiful. I want the green and red ones for 5 yuan ? The green ones are sold out. The food at this restaurant is not just twists. They

Also have steamed dumplings with hot noodles. The dumplings are really big. They are bigger than the dumplings in some places. There are two kinds of Northeastern ones stuffed with sauerkraut and radish and cabbage. The diversity of food is also an eye-opener . We are well fed by the soil and water.

There are so many snacks that I have seen for the first time. Some of them can’t be named , but their fragrance is visible . Let’s take a look at the crab roe cake first . How much does it cost per pound? It costs 10 yuan per piece. 12 pieces cost

10 yuan. 12 pieces . 9 flavors. 9 flavors. 9 flavors can be combined in any combination, right? Yes, yes, you can combine them. Let’s take a look at the one with durian flavor and the red bean flavor. There are also black sesame seeds and mung beans on the side. Wow,

Freshly braised and freshly caught. Northeastern people really have a set of meat dishes. In addition to the traditional braised meat, there are so many varieties of meat sausages with various flavors. This family has five or six flavors of original meat slices, sausages and tenderloins. Jujube intestines and crispy bone sausages with rattan pepper

Are only unexpected. The prices are between 22 yuan and 25 yuan per pound. Chive pancake box. Wow, how much does it cost? 4 yuan each . Do you want one ? It’s beautiful. Haha. Use oil or not. It doesn’t look good. It looks pretty if it’s oiled. It tastes better if it’s oiled

. It’s 4 yuan for a chive box. We’ve all eaten it , but this chive box wrapped in pancakes is the first time I’ve seen it. It ’s a seemingly simple delicacy. The creativity is impressive. Wrap the pancakes with leeks and eggs and fry them in the pan. After a few minutes,

A tempting delicacy appears in front of you. You can buy one for 4 yuan. It is delicious and not expensive . This siomai has beef. There are so many pork sausages . WeChat payment is 4 yuan. The ribs flavor is 25.8 yuan per kilogram.

The morning market in Shenyang lasts from 5 o’clock to 9 o’clock in the morning. It is now 8:20 and it is almost the end of the morning market. Many mobile stall owners are preparing to sell cold salad. Sister, how much is one pound of this dish ? 8 yuan

Per pound. Cold salad is 8 yuan. You can choose from more than a dozen varieties. Freshly ground soy milk is also on the streets in China. Good soy milk, freshly ground with grains, dripping with fragrance. The advertising slogan says it’s so good. After observing here for a while,

I felt that this soy milk is really not simple. It can make more than a dozen flavors. Sister , how much does this cup cost? This cup costs three yuan. That one cup is four yuan , there are three yuan ones, and there are also four yuan ones. I understand . It

’s quite thick. It needs to be packaged separately. It ’s two cups in one portion. Yes , it’s actually one cup of fruit. Come in and let me take a look inside. Sister Nuanhe , how much is this? Ugly oranges are 5 yuan per pound. There are many fruits. There are also vegetables,

Huangguanli, which are on special price. They are delicious , sweet, and various radishes. The WeChat payment is 17.2 yuan. In this cold weather, the fruits and vegetables in the market Measures must be taken to keep warm. Even in such a house,

There must be a stove to heat it. Don’t miss it when you walk by. Try it first before buying. It ’s not delicious. No added, no coloring. Delicious . Don’t miss it. Don’t miss it when you walk by. The price of fresh beef

Is 35 yuan per kilogram, which is impossible to encounter in previous years. I hope this low price can stay for a while , because we ordinary people pay attention to an affordable price. Persimmons are two yuan a kilogram. There are many affordable vegetables sold here. Go in and see

How much these vegetables cost. Setting up a stall to sell vegetables in the Northeast in winter is quite troublesome. The most important thing for fresh vegetables is to keep them warm so that they don’t freeze. There are many stalls selling fresh fruits and vegetables in this market.

There is also a heating stove in such a house, which virtually increases the cost of sales. So what about the price of vegetables? How much is this? This is 3.5 yuan per kilogram. Celery is two yuan. WeChat payment is 3.5 yuan. The price of beans is 5 yuan per kilogram.

In fact, the price of vegetables is not high, such as pumpkins, potatoes, radishes and cabbage, which are easy to preserve, are only 1 to 2 yuan. Green leafy vegetables and fruit vegetables are also 3-5 yuan per pound , so overall the prices are relatively low here. All kinds of

Radish , broccoli and tomatoes . The variety of this vegetable shop is really comprehensive. If you want to buy vegetables, this one is enough. It is fresh and affordable. Selenium-rich eggs . Let’s take a look at the prices of these various eggs.

They are not much different from those in the Central Plains. The difference is basically 5 yuan to 7 yuan per catty. Goose eggs , wholesale and retail of various dry goods, 5 yuan for two catties. The quantity is not much. The special price is 5 yuan. Dadi grapes have arrived. The special

Price is 5 yuan. Try it as you like. Old sweet, old sweet, keep sweet and keep hard. Thank you to our old customers for today’s special price of 2 kilograms . The price has been quoted on the radio. Fresh purple grapes are 5 yuan per kilogram. Huang Marshal is 5 yuan. Two kilograms

Of red Fuji is also 5 yuan per kilogram . The price is basically the same as other places in the mainland. The special price has arrived. A big rooster is 30 yuan, a big goose is 35 yuan, a big rooster is 30 yuan, a big goose is 35 yuan

, 4 jins, 10 yuan, 4 jins, 10 yuan, 4 jins, 10 yuan, 4 jins, 10 yuan, 4 kg, 10 yuan, navel orange, 4 jins, 10 yuan. Four pounds, ten yuan. Four pounds, ten yuan. Sunflower seeds, fried and sold now , are 7-10 yuan per pound. How do you sell these grapes?

10 yuan. 3 pounds. 9 o’clock. It’s 9 o’clock in the morning. Where I stand is the most crowded steel market. The place is unbelievable It seems that the lively scene disappeared in an instant, leaving people feeling as if they had never been to this place. This is

The morning market. A market that lasts for 3-4 hours comes and goes in a hurry. These tricycles, vans, and trucks are all pulled by various stall owners. At this point in time when the goods are in use, most of them have closed their stalls. Those who have not yet closed their

Stalls are those who originally had physical stores on this street . The morning market in Northeast China starts at 5 a.m. , which means that most stalls open at 4 a.m. We are about to arrive at this market in the middle of the year. So what time did they get up?

How much time did it take to prepare, sort, and transport ? How much money did they make after selling in this market for 4 hours ? These are all things I am curious about. At the same time, I The feeling I feel is the vitality they exude. They use their hard work

To create a beautiful life. This power always inspires me to move forward bravely.



  1. อากาศหนาวๆ ได้กินอาหารร้อนๆ สดใหม่ เห็นแล้วหิว 😋💗

  2. 我是沈阳人,但从不吃早市的熟食品,卫生堪忧, 没有上下水,滚烫的食品装在袋里散发着致癌物质

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