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フリーゲージトレインの観光列車『Goldenpass Express』【迷列車で行こう海外編】現地突撃取材

フリーゲージトレインの観光列車『Goldenpass Express』【迷列車で行こう海外編】現地突撃取材

Good morning, everyone. I am ETR600 “Gin-chan” (Frecciargento), and I seem to have caused a little accident back in my home country, Italy, recently. Until now, we, Yukkuri Kagekidan, have introduced the Montreux–Oberland Bernois Railway, a regional railway running through the mountains in western Switzerland, over three episodes.

Having successfully reached the final destination of Montreux after riding the train through the mountains, we were considering moving on to a new theme for our next video. However, we will talk a little more about the MOB railway.

This railway, which appears to be just a tourist line, has a lot of depth. We want to give our viewers a bit more insight into it. The day after we uploaded our last video, on the morning of December 23rd,

Gin-chan and I, along with our ICE sisters, Ai-chan and T-chan, set off for Switzerland. Why did we choose that day? It was because it was the only day Luka could take off. I told you December 23rd would be quite busy.

It’s one of the busiest days of the year for trains in Germany. We were busy with work from the morning. Which is more important, Yukkuri Kagekidan’s shooting or the job at Deutsche Bahn? Of course, our Kagekida… no,the job at the company is more important.

Let me explain what was happening that day. In Germany, people gather with their families or return to their hometowns from Christmas Eve on December 24th to the New Year. Furthermore, in 2023, December 22nd was a Friday, and the following 23rd was a Saturday.

Many people finished their work on Friday and the rush to return home concentrated on Saturday. The train stations were overflowing with people carrying large suitcases from the morning, and it was predicted to be very crowded all day.

On such a day, Luka and Gin-chan invited me and my sister, ICE-T, to Switzerland! So, here we are, greeting you from Switzerland on Christmas Eve, December 24th. What are we doing on Christmas Eve? Calm down, Luka, or you’ll lose. Now, we are heading to Interlaken, a town in central Switzerland.

“Inter” means “between” and “Laken” is the plural form of “lake.” As the name suggests, it’s located between two lakes, east and west. We are currently on a Swiss Federal Railways express train, traveling along the shores of Lake Thun, to the west.

We will soon arrive at Interlaken Ost station, where we plan to board the train featured in today’s special. Unfortunately, we have less than 10 minutes to transfer, so let me briefly explain what we are going to do. We plan to board the “Goldenpass Express,”

Montreux–Oberland Bernois Railway’s new pride in tourist trains. We’ve mentioned this train in our previous videos but never had the chance to ride it. The Goldenpass Express made its debut at the end of the 2022 timetable revision.

However, due to unexpected issues with the undercarriage, it was temporarily suspended after just three months of operation. After fixing the issues, the train resumed operations in June 2023, but it still had frequent breakdowns and sudden cancellations.

Recently, however, the initial issues with the new train seem to have been resolved, and it is now running stably. So, we decided to give it a third try. After filming our last video, we, Yukkuri Kagekidan, visited the MOB Railway twice,

But each time, our target tourist train was out of service, and we had to leave disappointed. However, there’s a saying, ‘third time’s the charm.’ Believing in this, we made another trip to Switzerland to ride the Goldenpass Express. There’s also a saying, ‘what happens twice will happen thrice’…

T-chan! Don’t say ominous things before we even board! So, we are about to arrive at Interlaken Ost station, the starting point of the Goldenpass Express. Oh, Luka, rejoice. It seems a miracle has happened this time. Really?! Then, I shall perform ‘the dance of joy’…

We don’t have time for that, get ready to get off the train instead! Upon arriving at Interlaken station, we saw a destination on the departure board that had never been displayed at this station before – a train heading to MOB Railway’s terminus, ‘Montreux.’

Excited, we rushed up the stairs to the platform where a striking train adorned in navy blue, cream, and gold decorations awaited. This was the Swiss new-generation tourist train ‘Goldenpass Express’ I had been longing to board. The design was by the Italian design firm ‘Pininfarina.’

This company has created numerous sleek Italian sports cars like Ferrari and Alfa Romeo and in the railway industry, is a renowned design firm known for its involvement in projects often with challenging trains. I wanted to closely observe each part of the train body,

But as usual in Switzerland, the connection time at the station is short, so we decided to explore the interior first, postponing the observation of the exterior, including its unique undercarriage. Upon entering through the champagne gold doors, we were greeted by large windows and high ceilings designed for enjoying the scenic landscape.

The color of the seats in both first and second class was a light purple, understated and harmonious with the surroundings, not obstructing the view. The partitions at the decks and the luggage areas subtly featured the ‘Goldenpass Express’ logo, enhancing the sense of exclusivity.

When the departure time came, the new tourist train started its journey towards Zweisimmen, nestled in the mountains. Now, let’s briefly introduce the route of today’s star, the ‘Goldenpass Express,’ against the beautiful lakeside scenery. This train operates on the ‘Goldenpass Line,’ a scenic route stretching from central to western Switzerland.

The line is long and runs through three different regional railways. Among them, the new-generation tourist train, the Goldenpass Express, runs between the MOB in the west and the BLS, which handles the middle part. These two railway companies have significantly different track gauges.

Therefore, direct through trains were not possible, and passengers always had to change trains at the connecting station, Zweisimmen. No matter the weather, rain or snow, hot or cold, passengers had to disembark with their luggage for the transfer.

Moreover, BLS, responsible for the middle scenic part, only had commuter rapid train vehicles and lacked tourist trains. The Goldenpass Express was developed to solve these problems in one go. It boasts large windows offering views of the mountains and sky, and a luxurious design.

But its most distinctive feature is the ability to operate on both the 1435mm standard-gauge tracks used by BLS and the 1000mm narrow-gauge tracks used by MOB. This is a so-called gauge-changing tourist train.

With the introduction of this train, a special track was installed at Zweisimmen, the connecting station between BLS and MOB, to change the width of the wheels, allowing direct travel on different track gauges. The Goldenpass Express, from Interlaken in the east to Montreux in the west,

Takes a total of 3 hours and 10 minutes. Having departed from Interlaken, the train is now traveling westward with Lake Thun on its right. The track runs along the lake, and even while seated,you can feel a strong centrifugal force. This section is where the Goldenpass Express reaches its highest speeds.

Despite the numerous curves, the well-maintained track can accommodate the high center of gravity of the double-decker express trains operated by the Swiss Federal Railways. Soon, the train will enter mountainous areas with continuous steep slopes and sharp curves, where the speed will likely reduce to around 50-60 km/h.

Under the unusually fine winter weather in Switzerland, as we enjoy the beautiful mountains and lakes, we arrive at the next station, Spiez. In our last feature, we aimed for Montreux from this station. The main line of the Swiss Federal Railways continues northward from here towards the capital, Bern,

But the Goldenpass Express changes its course to the true west,heading towards the connection station Zweisimmen and then to the final destination, Montreux. Let’s briefly introduce the structure and interior of the train. The train currently operates as a fixed 4-car formation.

There are driving cabs at both ends of the formation, but it’s a passenger car structure without any power. Therefore, an electric locomotive is always connected either at the front or the rear. In the BLS railway area, the locomotive is connected to the west side of the formation.

So, in our westbound service, the locomotive is at the front, pulling the train. In contrast, for the eastbound service to Interlaken, the electric locomotive pushes the train from behind, and the operation is controlled from the control car. The interior has two first-class and two second-class cars.

The seats are all box seats facing each other, designed for group travelers. Under the seats, there are outlets and USB sockets for charging smartphones and tablets. The Goldenpass Express operates under the ‘PE’ category, short for ‘Panoramic Express,’ indicating trains operated with scenic view carriages.

In the MOB section, the panoramic carriage with front observation seats, which we rode last time, also falls under the same category. The Goldenpass Express is a special tourist vehicle with some express stops along the way. However, its status is essentially that of a rapid train.

There are no additional special fares, and you can board with a regular ticket. In the BLS section, it seemed that even locals were using the train. This train also adds a new ‘Prestige’ class to the usual first and second classes.

The big windows remain, but the floors in these regular compartments are 40 cm higher, allowing passengers to enjoy scenery as if they were in the midst of nature. The Prestige class is located at both ends of the formation.

There are 9 seats arranged in three rows laterally and longitudinally behind each driving cab (making a total of 18 seats for the whole train). While the standard seats are fabric, the top-tier Prestige class, of course, features leather upholstery.

The seats are equipped with seat heaters and electric reclining, and are larger than the regular ones. Uniquely in Europe, these seats also have the capability to rotate, allowing passengers to always face the direction of travel or to face each other within their group.

We actually wanted to ride in the Prestige class, but while other seats were mostly empty, the Prestige class was fully booked, so we had to give up reserving seats there. Since we traveled on December 24, many groups probably chose to indulge a bit for Christmas Eve.

However, this allowed us to explore other parts of the train. The ordinary and first-class seats with lower floors are separated from the Prestige class by glass walls and doors. The bottom half is made translucent, a clever design that blocks the line of sight from the rear cabins.

There was also an unexpected detail. It’s not possible to pass through between the two first-class carriages on the train. This is because there’s a small kitchen area where meals served on board are prepared. For hygiene management reasons, general passengers are not allowed to enter this area.

Oh yes, in the last video, we mentioned that the Goldenpass Express offers meal services in the Prestige class, but reservations are required in advance. Indeed, while you can reserve meals when buying tickets, it seems possible to order drinks and sandwiches on the spot too.

In first class, passengers are given a special menu, and after a while, the train crew comes to take orders. …There were quite a few differences from what we had heard before actually boarding. It really shows how important it is to visit the place in person. About an hour after leaving Interlaken,

We are approaching Zweisimmen, which we haven’t visited in a while. An announcement was made on the train, ‘We will be stopping for a while at this station to change the width of the wheels. Passengers heading to Montreux, please stay inside the train.’

Today, we won’t be going to the final destination, Montreux, but instead, we’ll get off at this station to observe the train changing its wheel width. As the Goldenpass Express arrives at the station and we quickly disembark, we immediately notice the crew bustling around the train.

We then spot something peculiar at the front of the formation. The train, which currently has a fixed formation of ‘4 carriages,’ urprisingly had a mysterious intermediate carriage connected between the four fixed carriages and the electric locomotive pulling the train. When the Goldenpass Express arrives at Zweisimmen,

It’s not the leading electric locomotive but this intermediate carriage in the second position that gets disconnected. Thus, while the BLS railway section had five carriages, the MOB section reduces to four. This mysterious carriage is more intriguing than it appears, so stay tuned for my explanation in the next part!

The disconnected intermediate carriage, along with the leading locomotive, is pulled to the forward siding. At the same time, an MOB locomotive, which will power the train to Montreux, was being connected at the rear of the formation.

In other words, while the train was pulled by a locomotive at the front from Interlaken to Zweisimmen, from here onwards, it will be pushed from the rear to the final destination. Once the locomotive connection at the rear is complete and the train is ready to depart,

The much-anticipated gauge change process begins. Although there was no one else on the platform but us! In the control car that becomes the leading car from Zweisimmen to Montreux, the driver boards, and the headlights are turned on. Simultaneously, a significant change occurs around the gauge-changing device.

The net-like floor on either side of the rails rises 90 degrees. At first glance, what appears to be just a cover for an inspection hatch unfolds in a manner reminiscent of a spaceship or secret weapon launching in a sci-fi or special effects movie. Of course, this isn’t just for show.

This net-like structure plays a crucial role, which I will explain before showing how the train changes its wheel width. Did you catch that? To change the width of its wheels, the train needs to lift its body, detach the wheels from the rails, and float them in the air.

The net that opened 90 degrees earlier, like something out of a secret base, is actually a guide rail used to lift the train’s body. On closer inspection inside the lid, there’s a curved rail, and on the train’s bogie, you can see a small protrusion sticking out.

Normally, this protrusion is folded inside to avoid interfering with platforms or ground facilities, but it unfolds when changing the wheel width, lifting the train along the guide rail. There’s another subtle innovation in this part. The section that temporarily supports the train body uses small rollers.

The method of lifting the body and changing the wheel width is similar to Spain’s gauge-changing train ‘Talgo.’ However, the method used in Spain involves supporting the weight on a fixed frame during wheel width change and forcibly sliding it over the rails.

To reduce friction, water is sprayed on the rails, minimizing noise and abnormal wear of parts. But such a method using water isn’t feasible in Switzerland. Zweisimmen, where the gauge-changing device is located, would undoubtedly freeze in the winter due to its mountainous location.

Therefore, by making the part that contacts the guide rail a rotating roller, they can smoothly lift the train body and ensure smooth passage. Well, I’m explaining this normally, but Luka was incredibly excited to see the whole process in front of her. I had to calm her down.

By the way, Luka, why do you always jump around when you see interesting machinery? I don’t even know myself. Once the gauge-changing train passes, the guide rails of the gauge-changing device close, and the net floor returns to its original position.

There were few passengers getting off at Zweisimmen, and the workers involved in connecting and disconnecting the locomotive also returned to their offices once their work was done.

The major event that drew the attention of railway enthusiasts ended, and the station, now devoid of the train, returned to a quiet and leisurely atmosphere. With about two hours until our return train, we thought about having a relaxed lunch, but then Luka discovered several strange things at the station.

So next time, we’ll continue our feature on the Goldenpass Express at Zweisimmen station. Thank you for watching so far. Goodbye!

ということで、今回はBLS鉄道の始発駅「インターラーケン東駅(Interlaken Ost)」から接続駅のツヴァイジンメン(Zweisimmen)までゴールデンパスエクスプレスに乗車し、車内のご案内と車輪の幅を変えるところを見ることにしました。


0:00 スイスMOB編、まだまだ続きます!
0:49 ドイツのクリスマス休暇
2:16 クリスマスイブにスイスへ
3:11 今回の特集は新型観光列車「ゴールデンパスエクスプレス」
4:59 インターラーケン駅で念願の列車とご対面
6:09 ゴールデンパスエクスプレスの車内の様子と設備
6:51 ゴールデンパスエクスプレスの路線
8:07 一番の特徴が「フリーゲージトレイン」になっていること
9:44 シュピーツから国鉄の線路と分かれ、ツヴァイジンメンへ
10:16 車内設備と車両の構造
12:07 新設の特等席「プレステージ」クラス
13:40 ゴールデンパスエクスプレスのサービスと意外な注意点
15:03 連絡駅のツヴァイジンメンに到着
15:45 到着と同時に機関車の交換が行われる。
17:23 軌間変更の様子、車輪の幅を変えるための設備
19:33 軌間変更装置に隠されたスイス特有の工夫
21:18 この動画は前編。後編に続きます。

#ゆっくり解説 #鉄道
#スイス #ゆっくり歌激団 #goldenpass
#technology #interlaken
#railway #Goldenpassexpress #travel #railwayjourney #stadler


  1. このフリーゲージはBLS側の機関車は軌間変更装置を閉じて切り離し移動してるのに、MOB側の機関車は繋いだ状態で狭軌のまま軌間変更装置を通過して入線出線出来てるところがすごい。どうやってるのか気になってました。

  2. タルゴのときもそうでしたが、動力付きの車両を軌間変更するのって、結構大変な技なんですね…

  3. 今年も最後にまたきれいな車窓と皆さんの笑顔が見られてとても嬉しいです。😂

  4. *大好物を見て踊りだす*

  5. なんとなくサフィールっぽいかも。

  6. 冬のスイスで、素晴らしい晴天で、ステキな車窓風景をありがとうございます。

  7. 今年も楽しい動画をありがとうございました。来年はイギリス動画楽しみにしております!(あるか知らないけど)

  8. 大晦日のUPお疲れさまでした。

  9. いつもありがとうございます!

  10. かつてのパノラミックエクスプレスの21世紀版といったところでしょうか。

  11. いつも楽しい動画をありがとうございます!!







  13. テロップと異なるセリフ(いつもの)で始まり、しかも歌激団フラグを倒しての「3度目の正直」、素晴らしいです!!

    さらにスイスのフリゲの変換装置、「MOBの機関車がそのまま通過」のカラクリを解説して下さるとは!! 今まで動画を調べても台車内のカメラしか映像が出てこず、他の方と同じく気になっていたのです!! 「側面の変換用ガイドレールが可動式」というのは思い至りませんでした。あれは歓喜の舞を披露しようとするのも無理ないかと。

    2023年の締めくくりに、素晴らしい動画をありがとうございました!! 来年も歌激団の更なるドタバタを期待させていただきます!!

  14. スペイン、スイスの軌間変更列車を体験したなら、次はポーランドとウクライナ、リトアニア間の軌間変更列車をに乗りに行こうと、と軽々しく言えないのが現在の厳しい国際情勢ですね。

  15. 銀ちゃん・・・





  16. 今年も楽しい動画よろしくお願いいたします。

  17. 終わりそうで終わらない…ここのUP主らしいけどもw

  18. 関係ないけど、列車とともに湖畔を疾走する30年前の名車トヨタエスティマをみると

  19. 初代エスティマ久しぶりに見た。保存鉄道といい、ドイツ圏はモノ持ちがイイですね。

  20. 地上側の変更装置は標準軌とメーターゲージの建築限界の差の隙間に収めているのかな?装置が出しっぱだとBLS機関車に当たるから前に付けて逃がしてから装置を広げる、MOBの機関車は幅が狭いからOK!に見えるがどうかな?
    いっしょに切り離した客車の台車にもなにやら仕掛けが?(come on baby do the locomotion)

  21. 謹賀新年、明けましておめでとうございます。本年も宜しく御願い申し上げます。今回も楽しませて頂きました。

  22. ゴールデンパストレインを開発した人も、初代トヨタ・エスティマの作りの緻密さを見習って軌間変更車両を制作したけど、その車両の運行を支える軌間変換設備の不具合により暫く運行できなかったかも知れません。

  23. ななみちゃん、イタリアン通勤型日立、そしてこの子etc…どうしてどこもこう吊り目でゴツゴツのお顔になっていくのだろう


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