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[京都vlog] 年末もカフェとギャラリー巡り☕️🕯️ | 一条寺カフェ | 器購入品 | 京都在住2人暮らしの日常

[京都vlog] 年末もカフェとギャラリー巡り☕️🕯️ | 一条寺カフェ | 器購入品 | 京都在住2人暮らしの日常

[京都vlog] 年末もカフェとギャラリー巡り☕️🕯️ | 一条寺カフェ | 器購入品 | 京都在住2人暮らしの日常

Hello, this is Kana. This is a vlog that starts on the way to Ichijoji Temple in the early afternoon. Did a shop like this exist? (Apparently it opened 2 years ago) A stylish takoyaki restaurant I love that it’s additive-free and organic. I wasn’t planning on stopping by, but I ended up buying it.

Kyoto style sesame flavor It was large, melty and delicious ◎ I didn’t have any plans today, so I went for a walk at Ichijoji Temple for the first time in a while. First, let’s walk a little from the center and go for lunch. Cafe along Shirakawa Street

The cafe at Ichijoji Temple is a friendly shop that stays open even though most people are closed on Sundays. A warm and homey interior with a counter surrounding the kitchen. Cozy and relaxing time Wait for your food while listening to the conversation between the regulars and the owner.

When I was looking at a book I was interested in, the sunlight filtering through the trees was shining beautifully. Husband who loves omelet rice I had an assortment of side dishes. I had a bite of omelet rice. It was simple and delicious with ketchup.

All the side dishes taste like I want you to tell me the recipe. Eat while thinking about what to add to get this flavor. I want to make a dish like this The carefully brewed coffee looked delicious, so I’ll go again. I found a hiding place

The sun sets too early and the day goes by in the blink of an eye Actually, he used to be a tutor in this area. I wish I had explored more then. Let’s go have dessert after dinner This is a shop where I looked online and the scones looked delicious.

I thought I had never seen this place before, but it opened this year. Which scones should I choose from these cute scones? Order at the counter and eat inside Every seat seems comfortable in the bright interior. I had the affogato and my husband had the sundae🍨 Scone is the simplest rich plain flavor

I’m horribly bad at making espresso 🫠 I can’t help but order affogato because it fulfills both my ice cream and coffee cravings. The scone was not too sweet and was perfect for eating with ice cream. Satisfying size for gluttons Thank you for the meal. Two people with really full bellies

The sofa was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep. I came to the main street of Ichijoji Temple. I’m going to go to a store that I couldn’t visit before because it was closed. It has antique items from Japan and the world. It was a very nice shop with a style that I liked. A materialistic person who buys immediately

Keibunsha is a must when you come to Ichijoji Temple. Since it was before Christmas, there were a lot of Santas in the picture book corner. Lots of stylish calendars I like wall calendars that can become part of the interior. This is a desk daily calendar 365 days different font cool…

In addition to books, there are many miscellaneous goods that you may be interested in. Astronomy fair, what a wonderful fair Time passed quickly as I was looking at various things. Flick through the books that catch your eye A wonderful shop with a unique world view It’s a place you’ll want to wear regularly.

The nostalgic view of Eiden blending into the cityscape On the way home, I stopped by one more shop that caught my eye. A stylish place that suddenly appears in a residential area There was a place like this As it is a coffee roaster, there are many types of coffee available.

Easy to understand with taste chart I’m sure her husband had it set to “Sound Blend”. I can’t remember what I ordered… But compared to my husband’s I do remember that it tasted just like the chart and was delicious. It was a happy time spent enjoying delicious coffee and a stylish shop.

Coffee beans are also available for sale. When I see things like this, I think I’ll start making home coffee. It suddenly got cold so I brought out an electric blanket. I’m going to light an osmanthus candle that I bought as a souvenir for myself on my trip to Kanazawa.

Kanazawa has an atmosphere similar to Kyoto. I ate Japanese sweets and seafood until I got tired of them. A novel design with a match on the tip of the candle Since I don’t have a candle holder, I will set it up in a primitive style. Now I want a candle holder

Slightly fragrant osmanthus I’m fascinated by the flickering of candles 🕯️ Let’s make a matcha latte for breakfast for the first time in a while. Kurasu’s matcha latte stimulated my matcha craving Long time no tea This is also a glass I bought as a souvenir of my trip to Kanazawa.

I started valuing my time at home I think the way I enjoy traveling has expanded. I rebaked Five Run’s matcha melon bread that I had frozen. Matcha x Matcha breakfast Going out for a little bit in the afternoon It was too casual, so I wore loafers on my feet, which is unusual.

I learned that a solo exhibition of the artist who made the pottery I purchased the other day was being held nearby. I came to the gallery because I had been interested in the venue for the event for some time. My purpose today was to have a solo exhibition.

Next time I would like to try the cafe on the first floor. Works lined up in a clean exhibition space on the second floor Light weight and price that is just right for everyday use (thank you) There are so many works that I can’t choose… The scratched surface gives it an antique look.

I took my time to choose I was able to do some good shopping today too ◎ bengalensis is still not doing well My favorite winter is harsh on weak plants. Artesima has also disappeared and I want to somehow change the environment. I tried changing the position of the circulator, but…

Even if you don’t get enough sleep in the morning, taking care of the plants and smelling things will cool your eyes. It feels like winter when I see kumquats lined up. Remove scum while washing Prepare the candied kumquats in advance. Bubble attack with a toothpick

Add plenty of sugar and boil for a while. The worst La France ☠️ But it’s a waste, so I only eat the beautiful parts. Taste the kumquats while they are being boiled. I will be unpacking the vessels I purchased at the solo exhibition. I thought a lot and bought 3 items.

First, two flat plates. The white one is the same as the one I bought before. I wanted the black one, but I also wanted the white one for my husband and wife, so I ended up getting both. no regrets The other item is a black medium bowl.

I bought it because it seemed easy to use for anything. I want to use it carefully and bring out its flavor. Have breakfast right away using a medium bowl. With the rescued LaFrance Kumquats are a source of vitamins Topped with honey and grated cheese The black pottery does a great job. The chestnut simmered financier I bought from Kaho Kaho is super moist and moist. The kumquats were soft and juicy even after just a little boiling. delicious winter taste After a quick run and a shower I’m heading to Starbucks to work. It feels like spring with the hot sunshine ☀️ Christmas pistachio 🎄 The temple stands out against the clear sky, making for a nice view. I ended up ordering the pistachio even though I thought it looked sweet. Now, work There’s something I need to prepare at work.

For the first time in a while, I did the work I hate most in the world, taking home food. Rokkakudo also has Christmas specifications Is this good? (lol) I looked outside from time to time, and before I knew it, about an hour and a half had passed. It was really sweet.

I’ll buy lunch and go home. I found out that I could take it out so I tried it. Order by phone and receive in 15 minutes It’s nice to be able to eat without lining up ◎ Since it was just a hamburger, side, and sauce, I made the salad at home.

I chose the smallest hamburger steak at 180g. Even this is quite heavy and satisfying to eat. It’s been 5 years since I had Tokura’s hamburger steak… The overflowing gravy wasn’t a memory correction🤤 It was a very satisfying home lunch🙌🏻 I went out for business again in the evening. I came here again for business. I will revisit Mr. Tabi no Oto, who I liked.

It was so warm that I didn’t even think it was winter, so I didn’t need a coat. I’m the type of person who goes to a store I like over and over again. A space suitable for a tree

Although it was late, several groups were there, so you could tell it was a popular restaurant. I had a slightly different Osmanthus latte. 🤍 Her husband is now Honduras It was a sweet and delicious latte with a fluffy scent of osmanthus. I can’t wait to come again

I would like to try some sweets next time. Vlog still continuing When I thought about the record for this year, it turned out to be longer than usual. Thank you everyone for your cooperation this year. I work at my own pace, but I look forward to working with you next year.

Making baked goods for the first time in a while We will make vegan and gentle sweets for your tired stomach at the end of the year. Mix with a whisk instead of sieving Add liquid to flour and knead Let the dough rest in the refrigerator We will use the last figs of this year to make tarte tatin. Substitute butter and honey with coconut oil and maple syrup Oh 😐 Relax and cut out the mold Fill the cercle and pudding mold with figs.

It wasn’t enough for 3, so I ended up with 2. Cover the pudding mold with dough from above. Flip the cercle over so the dough is facing up. Use the remaining dough to make cookies 🍪 Bake at 180° for about 25 minutes

It was cold in the room, and my rough fever cooled down quickly (lol) You can also chill it in the refrigerator and it’s done. Did it work? I’ll have it with the drip coffee I received. starbucks cafe verona Fig tarte tatin does not need to be boiled down.

It was done in a surprisingly short time My goal is to make apple tarte tatin before winter. It was the right choice to use plain rice flour. Sometimes I want to take the time to make baked goods like this. Nail blue x coat blue

The last outing of the year was definitely a gallery At the end of the year, a solo exhibition by an artist I’ve always admired It was the most mysterious gallery I’ve ever been to. I was afraid to take pictures as it was a sacred space. I took a few pictures for my memories.

Everything I see stimulates my sensibilities. thank you for your precious time The location next to the shrine is also great. The shop staff recommended a affiliated cafe, so I decided to go there. I’m so excited because it’s absolutely wonderful…

Reading about the origin of the store’s name reminds me of the supernova explosion that I learned about in science class. All the tea leaves looked delicious and I was drawn to them. CHA YUAN Pain d’épices spicy scented tea

You can feel the attention to detail in everything in the store and the world view is the best Shops that appeal to your tastes Sweets are vegan friendly I had carrot cake It was chewy and moist and very delicious… It was chewy and moist and very delicious…

To end the year in such a wonderful place It was great to have a blissful time I hope we have a wonderful encounter next year as well. Thank you for watching this year.





00:00 opening
00:45 一条寺カフェ巡りstart
01:50 キッサヒナタ
03:48 Sora coffee&scone
05:40 恵文社
07:11 京都珈琲焙煎所 旅の音
08:23 金木犀の蝋燭と点茶
10:43 TO SEE
13:46 器haul
16:18 スタバで作業
17:30 とくらテイクアウト
20:50 タルトタタン・オ・フィグ
24:58 elberthe → stardust

Music by Public Library Commute – 100 Degrees –
Music by Prath – Calm Coffeee –
Music by Chinsaku – Cozy –
Music by Public Library Commute – Yesterdays –

#京都 #京都カフェ #kyotovlog #vlog #kyotovlog


  1. 年の瀬ですね!!旅の音さん気になっているところなのでうらやましいです☕️個展で買われたら器も素敵です‼️私も来年こそは集めていきたい✨

  2. Happy new year 可愛い Kana💝✨ I love Vlog continues at the end of the year🎀 TO SEE gallery is very nice and you made fig tart look so good🧁🤤 This year, I was really happy to know you😊 Thank you for sharing the cool and graceful daily life in Kyoto🙏🏻 I hope you finish the year well and stay healthy and happy in 2024🥰

  3. お久しぶりです。カナさん🧡 今年カナさんに出会えてとても嬉しかったです。品のある生活が垣間見れて個人的に勉強になりました。アロマキャンドル気になりますね☺️

  4. Very lovely cafes ☕️ 🍵 and vlog , happy new year kana san 🍀 I wish we always stay together and continue enjoying your vlogs 💜, Arigato 🍀

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