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下飯菜「 回鍋肉 」这样做,肥而不腻,吃一口停不下来,真香,【美食烹飪秀】,#回鍋肉食譜,#回鍋肉料理,#回鍋肉的做法,#food,#美食,#chinesefood #回鍋肉 #中餐食譜 #美味佳餚

下飯菜「 回鍋肉 」这样做,肥而不腻,吃一口停不下来,真香,【美食烹飪秀】,#回鍋肉食譜,#回鍋肉料理,#回鍋肉的做法,#food,#美食,#chinesefood #回鍋肉 #中餐食譜 #美味佳餚

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoying. Today I will share with you a recipe of twice-cooked pork. This dish is delicious and has an endless aftertaste. It is loved by everyone, but many people cannot make twice-cooked pork. In fact, it is very simple to make this dish , but it is delicious and requires skill

. It comes out very delicious and fat but not greasy. It goes well with both wine and rice . Then follow the video to see how I made it. Today I bought a piece of pork belly for 1 yuan at the market. First, we cut the pork belly into two pieces.

When making twice-cooked pork, we must choose the best pork belly. The authentic three-layered pork belly looks very beautiful. Put it in an iron pot and use the iron pot to scald the pig skin for everyone. The hard iron pot can effectively remove the pig hair . It can remove the fishy smell.

When we scald the pig skin, we should keep the skin facing down and rub it with our hands to scald the pig skin into a crispy one. It can also be blanched to make it firm and shrink , and it can also make the pig skin more elastic. The golden

Aroma will be enough when blanching. Blanch all the pig skin until it is golden brown like in our hands. Then put it into a large bowl and add a large bowl of warm water. The warm water is about 40 degrees. Soak the pig skin for 5 seconds.

After 5 minutes, the pig skin can be easily scraped off the impurities on the surface of the pig skin by gently scraping it with a knife. The pig skin treated in this way tastes very delicious. After all the pig skin is scraped off, wash it again.

After washing it for the first time, put it in a bowl , then pour 40-degree warm water into it and wash it again. Wash all the pork belly. When washing, keep scrubbing it with your hands , so that it will be very clean. After cleaning, put it into the pot for later use.

Next, we will prepare a piece of peeled ginger and cut it into slices. Then prepare a few green onions . Cut them into small sections . After cutting, put the onions and ginger into the pot and add a spoonful of pepper. Pour water into the powder to cover the pork belly

, and then add a spoonful of rice wine. The meat will be more fragrant. If you don’t have rice wine at home, it doesn’t matter . We can just use rice wine. Just add the taste of rice wine. The aroma of the fried meat slices will be different.

Then cover the lid and turn on high heat. After the water boils, cook for about 15 minutes. Next, we prepare a handful of garlic , cut it into thin slices, put it on a plate and set aside . Then prepare a piece of peeled ginger, cut it into thin

Slices, then cut it into shredded ginger and then into minced ginger. After everything is cut, put it on a plate and set aside. Then prepare a handful of garlic sprouts. Flatten the white garlic with a knife and pat it to make the garlic aroma more intense . Then cut it into small

Sections. After cutting them all, put them on a plate and set aside. Next, prepare them. First cut off the heads of the two green and red peppers. Then cut the green and red peppers in half. Take out the pepper seeds inside and discard them. Then slice them with a diagonal knife.

Cut them all and put them on a plate for later use. Prepare two rooster eggs and beat them in . In the bowl, friends and family, you have seen the video here. Please use your little fortune-making hand to help order a free little red heart. It is just a little effort for you.

Xiaoying can be so happy that she can’t sleep. Now this video is hard for you to help. Xiaoying, please like and repost. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Stir well and set aside for later use. Now let’s take a look. Our pork belly has been cooked.

Use chopsticks to take it out and put it in the cold water prepared in advance. Let the pork belly cool down. When it is hot, it will shrink into ice water and the meat will become more elastic. Let it cool down and then scrub it with your hands.

Clean off the foam from the pork belly. After cleaning, take it out to drain the water and put it on the chopping board . Use a knife to cut it into thinner slices. When cutting the pork belly, try to cut it evenly. Don’t cut it too thick or too thin.

If it is cut too thick, the taste will not be good. Let’s fry the fat. When making pot pork, be sure to blanch the pork belly in advance and cook the pork belly until the fat pot meat is the most fragrant. After frying, it will be very flavorful.

Cut the pork belly into the thickness of your hand and then start the pot. Add a small amount of cooking oil and heat it, then pour the cut pork belly into the pot. First, put the pork belly in the pot and

Fry it. Fry out the excess fat from the pork belly . It will not be too greasy and it will be very fragrant . Turn on low heat and fry slowly. We need to turn on low heat and fry. If the fire is too high, the pork belly will be burnt.

The twice-cooked pork will not be good. Fry the pork belly until golden brown. Then it will be done . Then control the oil and put it on a plate. Set aside. Next, leave the oil in the pot. Put the minced ginger and garlic into the pot.

Turn on medium-low heat and stir-fry them until fragrant. Stir-fry until spicy. Stir-fry until fragrant. Then add a spoonful of black bean and continue to stir-fry until fragrant. At this time, you will smell the aroma of black bean. Then add a spoonful of black bean. Spoon the bean paste

And stir-fry it over medium-low heat until the red oil becomes fragrant. Add the pork belly and continue to stir-fry until fragrant . Then add a spoonful of sweet noodle sauce. The aroma of the sweet noodle sauce will taste smoother and the texture will be smoother. Add another tablespoon. Turn

On the soy sauce and stir-fry quickly over high heat. Stir-fry the seasoning until evenly. It’s so fragrant. After putting the seasoning into the pot, we need to stir-fry continuously to penetrate the seasoning into the pork belly. After the pork belly is fragrant, add the green and red peppers and

Then add a little. A small spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of oyster sauce for freshness . Remember not to add salt. If you add salt, it will be very salty and unpalatable. Then we stir-fry quickly. Stir-fry the green and red peppers until they are raw . Then add the

Garlic sprouts. Stir-fry until raw, stir-fry the aroma from the garlic sprouts, continue to stir-fry for ten seconds, and it ‘s almost done. It ‘s really fragrant. Turn off the heat , then scoop it out and put it into a plate. It’s delicious. It’s a delicious garlic sprouts. This is how we make

The twice-cooked pork . The stir-fried twice-cooked pork is really special and fragrant. The weather is getting colder and colder . At this time, we stir-fry a plate of fragrant twice-cooked pork. It really goes well with wine and rice . And it is spicy and fresh according to my method. The aroma

Is very delicious and the method is very simple. Even if you are a novice in the kitchen, you can easily master it. If you follow my method, it will definitely not be inferior to that of a big hotel. If you like it, save it and try it. If

You like my video, remember to click it. Like, follow and leave a message. Click my avatar and you can see more simple home-cooked food. See you in the next video.


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1. “回鍋肉:肥而不膩,停不下來的美味佳餚”
2. “回鍋肉食譜:香氣四溢,口感絕佳”
3. “美味回鍋肉的製作方法,讓你停不下筷子”
4. “回鍋肉料理:肥美多汁,回味無窮”
5. “回鍋肉的獨特口味,令人欲罷不能”

1. #回鍋肉
2. #中餐食譜
3. #美食
4. #中華料理
5. #香氣撲鼻
6. #美味佳餚
7. #獨特口感
8. #經典菜譜
9. #傳統風味
10. #料理視頻
11. #下飯菜
12. #家常菜
13. #中式料理
14. #美食控
15. #食慾大開
16. #美味分享
17. #料理愛好者
18. #好吃到停不下來
19. #舌尖上的中國
20. #口水菜譜


  1. 回鍋肉的味道確實挺好的。有肥有瘦又不膩。特別好吃。整體感覺非常的棒👍👍👍

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