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첫 인터뷰를 말 많은 아저씨에게 잘못 걸린 네키루가 추천하는 지하 아이돌 플레이리스트 #Nekiru #지하아이돌

첫 인터뷰를 말 많은 아저씨에게 잘못 걸린 네키루가 추천하는 지하 아이돌 플레이리스트 #Nekiru #지하아이돌

Hello. I’m Korean Music communicator. Today I came here to Itaewon to conduct an interview. Let me introduce it right away. Let us introduce you to the idol NEKIRU members! hello! I’m Zero, in charge of green at NEKIRU. Hello. I’m nano, in charge of white at NEKIRU.

I’m Soha, in charge of light blue at NEKIRU. The team name is ねえ、聴いてる? (Hey, are you listening?). Underground idol refers to a form of idol that has grown in Japan who is not affiliated with a company and focuses on performing. They are called live idols because live performances are the core of their activities rather than albums, events, or online activities, or they are called indie idols

Because they work without investing in a company. Nekiru, whom we meet today, is currently the most popular team in the domestic underground idol market. People going to a concert for the first time can only be excited if they know the songs to some extent. Today, with the members of NEKIRU,

I would like to introduce songs that would be good to know when going to NEKIRU’s performance. NEKIRU said that when we perform, we do more original songs than cover songs. And you said that there are many fans of underground idols in Korea who don’t know about Japanese underground idols, so they don’t do many Japanese songs.

So, I received an answer in advance as to which of Nekiru’s original songs would be good to know. Did you answer this yourself? (Wasn’t it done by an employee of the agency?) Yes, these are the songs we always sing. First of all, I received three songs.

Do you know what song I got? (Doubt until the end…) I’ve never heard of it, so I’ll listen to it here! NEKIRU – More Than Love NEKIRU is classified as a radio wave, right? (*See previous Otaku King video) No. There is nothing set in stone. Is this song classified into loud type? nononono. So? Then what is the genre of this song?

Well, it’s hard for us to distinguish into specific categories. When is this? This is the most recent song. This song was sung by the three people who just came out, right? yes. This is the only song we…arrr…fir… first.. Ah, First! It’s a song released by the three of us. released by the three of us!

Huh? It’s an indoor shoot, but there’s an echo. There is someone who repeats what she said?! kkk. What is your process when creating original songs? The song I just played was entrusted to a producer in Japan. We commissioned the work from a producer who composed songs we often cover or songs we like.

Before doing this, I worked with a Korean composer, but later I left it to Japan for a while, then did it again in Korea, and now I’m doing it again in Japan. Aha. When it comes to releasing a new song, the process is different each time. But this song is Japanese.

All other songs are in Korean. It was the first time that we released a Japanese version. So the two people who joined the team later also knew how to speak Japanese? Yes. I was able to do it to a certain extent. Then you guys have no problem eating ramen in Japan. Let’s go to the second song. Then this song must have been released a long time ago. But this song was recorded by the three of us. It’s a song that was released before, but you re-recorded it as the current member’s version? NEKIRU – Take My Way When requesting a new song,

To what extent do you request a certain mood or genre? Or do you just take what’s given to you? If there is a genre I want, I tend to find a composer who writes in that genre and discuss it in detail there. It’s a completely different style than I expected.

There is an image of an underground idol I think. And because I heard who your favorite idol was, there was an image I was imagining. Now that I think about it, we don’t have any songs like that!

I heard that these rock-based band idol songs are weak not only in Korea but also in Japan. So I guess you’re doing it because you like this style? that’s right. When I think about it, all the songs we released are like this.

Do you also do cover songs on radio wave and festival music? no. we’re not good at it. Then you guys really like this style. yes. I don’t think I did well with other styles… Then I’ll listen to the next song. This song was the first original song released. NEKIRU – Hear My Voice

Do you tell the audience in advance when you film something like this? Nonononono. There is nothing like that. Play on your own. Then let’s try it. Which one? We ask everyone to support us as much as possible so that we can leave a great video of our representative~~.

But even if you don’t do that… Those people are always at their best. But I think there are many people like this. When I see things like this… I want to go there, but what should I do when I get there??

I think people who come here for the first time might be worried. It’s okay because these people already know each other. People who go there for the first time wonder how I will fit in there. I think I’ll think about that a lot. I think we really need those things… When I asked you a question in advance, I asked you to tell me one of the cover songs that you often cover or one that you would recommend because it gets a good response. Do you sing this song often?

It’s a song I’ve done for a long time. bellring少女ハート? An old song that came out about 10 years ago. Our audience likes this song a lot. This is a song I’ve been doing ever since I was a solo artist for a while. At the end, the audience forms a large circle together.

They seem to like it because it has such symbolic elements… That’s a video of the performance they did yesterday… NEKIRU COVER (bellring少女ハート – asthma) Because there is an atmosphere of harmony… But you have to let them know that there are things like that. From the perspective of a first-time person,

When something like that suddenly begins, you get embarrassed. It takes effort to do a cover song. Then it won’t be easy to decide on a song. Since I invested time and practiced, I have to do it for a long time, but it doesn’t work if I don’t get a good response on site.

So how do you usually decide? Still, do you tend to be stubborn in choosing your favorite songs? Or do you tend to choose songs that you think will get a good response? the songs I like and the songs I can perform on stage are very different… There’s a team direction, too.

To create the kind of stage we’re trying to pursue, we can’t sing all the songs we like. We tend to find a compromise. But now there’s a little bit of that. The songs we play are a little different from those chosen by most teams of underground idols in Korea.

The reason for the choice is a little different. But if I talk about this, it gets too long… There are several cheering methods used at idol performances. Like the cheering method in Korean, there is a cheering method called MIX. Korea’s Underground Idol Most teams are playing MIX. You can dance along, but cheering slogans have a lower barrier to entry than that. It’s less embarrassing than dancing, and you can just memorize the slogan. However, with our original songs and the cover songs we usually do, it feels like we’re all dancing

Or jumping together a lot rather than in that way, so we don’t tend to get mixed calls. So it’s a little different. But it might actually be more comfortable. Even for mix calls, we have to memorize “Faiba Saiba” anyway. But it means that you don’t have to memorize things like that at NEKIRU’s performance? Then just have to come and run around? Our audience is like that. So, anyone who doesn’t have any problems with their joints can go! yes. that’s right(?). I am currently working for the Japanese team Kamen Joshi.

I got to meet the NEKIRU team while doing a joint performance together this time. But regardless of this performance… I don’t know much about Kamen Joshi yet, so I asked the question because I wanted to ask the experts. I asked a question that I wanted to know if NEKIRU covered Kamen Joshi’s song,

Which song would be good and why. You haven’t tried it yet, have you? yes. wasn’t there yet. It’s a song that came out a long time ago. It’s the most famous song… but it feels a little different from the original Kamen Joshi songs. The choreography is very tight

And the song is long and has a cool feel. I think it’s a song that has the vibe we usually do. Kamenjoshi will perform in Korea for the first time on January 6th and 7th. It is about greeting in Korean about it. Please fall in love with us!

– EP.2 :
– 네키루(NEKIRU) 음악 듣기 :
– 방송에 나온 곡들 : More Than Love, Take My Way, Hear My Voice, asthma(bellring少女ハート)
– 방송 리뷰, 음악 소개를 주로 하고 있는 음악 커뮤니케이터, 가치 입니다.
채널에 가입하면 선 공개 영상, 비 공개 영상 등의 혜택을 받으실 수 있습니다.
– 구독과 좋아요, 댓글은 채널을 성장시키는 원동력이 됩니다. 감사합니다.

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