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ENGSUB【宋慈韶华录 The Forensic Examiner Song Ci EP12】宋慈探案破除迷局 | 古装悬疑 | 孙泽源/陈欣予 | YOUKU COSTUME

ENGSUB【宋慈韶华录 The Forensic Examiner Song Ci EP12】宋慈探案破除迷局 | 古装悬疑 | 孙泽源/陈欣予 | YOUKU COSTUME

[Episode 12] Be careful. Who? Speak. Who are you? Who are you? Are you here to save me? I’m Wusiman, a princess of Huihu. It’s Princess Wusiman. – Yes. – Great. Miss Bai. Song deduced it right. Where am I? Miss Bai, send the proof you found to Song. All right. [Record of Redressing Mishandled Cases] Li Yuanzhen, do you know when I began to suspect you? The first time I went to Xixia’s barracks, I thought how General Li died in the barracks protected by soldiers. I couldn’t figure it out and I didn’t think I found the answer until I began to suspect you.

I took the question too complicated. I thought he was murdered secretly, but the fact was quite simple. The mission of Xixia followed your order because they were all your men. So it couldn’t be easier to kill him without leaving any traces. Did you suspect him when we went there last time? Exactly.

But what I really suspected was the cook of Li Yuanzhi. Master, what did I say? I knew that the cook was suspicious. You just didn’t trust me. It must be him who poisoned the general. He didn’t poison us because we surprised him. You are wrong, Xiaoliu. I suspected

That the man wasn’t Li Yuanzhi’s cook. Venison. Venison? If I guess it right, you let him pretend to be the cook temporarily. Li Yuanzhi’s trusted people, soldiers and cook were all killed by you. I have no idea what you are talking about. Li Yuanzhi was my cousin, why should I kill him? Thanks to Miss Shen. It was her information

That led me to your motive. Tell me about your suspect. Whose information do you need? Li Yuanzhen’s. Li Yuanzhen? I suspected him for a while. It’s just I haven’t found his motive to murder. Our information shows that Li Yuanzhen and Li Yuanzhi were cousins. Li Yuanzhi was a dove.

So Li Yuanzhi responded actively when our country invited them to the meeting. In recent years, most of the royal people in charge of Xixia are doves, Li Yuanzhi was their leader. As for Li Yuanzhen, his position in the Court of Xixia was far inferior to Li Yuanzhi’s. He is also a royal member,

But he is a hawk. Li Yuanzhen is an ambitious man. It’s just the military power is all controlled by the doves recently, he has been in an awkward position. If the Alliance of Five Countries breaks and wars break out, the forces of dove and hawk will be reshuffled.

Li Yuanzhen wants to take advantage of it to realize his own political ambition. Then Li Yuanzhen had sufficient reasons to kill Li Yuanzhi. Nonsense. You said I killed Li Yuanzhi because we belonged to different sides? Did your Song’s doves and hawks usually kill each other? Though Li Yuanzhi

And I shared different political views, we were close brothers. You lied. You were not intimate, but estranged. Huh? You can prove it? When we first went to the Central Camp, Xiaoliu knocked over a book carelessly. Do you still remember the words in it, Zifang? General Li, why are there so many sutras here?

My brother believed in Buddhism. When he passed by Buddha Temple, he asked for sutras [Heart Sutra Li Yuan’an] for each of his relatives and friends. So the people he loved would be safe and happy. I remember all the words on the covers. Was there one for Li Yuanzhen? [Li Huizhen] No.

This man has the ability that he can remember all the books he sees. You said Li Yuanzhi passed by Buddha Temple when he came south and asked for sutras for his relatives and friends. But there was none for you. Certainly, you may tell us you asked for one already, but I’m sure

You can’t show us your sutra. The Emperor of Xixia was so clever that he made you the guard of Li Yuanzhi. So he could balance you two and reduce the tensions between doves and hawks. To think you didn’t just kill Li Yuanzhi and colluded with Zhuo Lutu who tried to start a war.

You sacrificed the welfare of your own people just for your ambition. You broke the Alliance and used Wangyan Mu’s curse to kill four countries’ envoys. Since only Song’s envoy was safe, he became the target of the others. The Jins killed so many of your people, but you colluded with them?

You mean I colluded with Zhuo Lutu, where’s the proof? Fine. It’s a shame that Zhuo Lutu’s letter was burnt in half. Though there’s no your signature on it, [Mr. Zhuo Lutu] I’m sure you can recognize your own handwriting. When I saw this letter, thanks to Zifang’s reaction, I began to suspect.

[Cut and die] That handwriting… You saw it before? I’m sure I saw it before. Zifang said he knew the handwriting, but he only saw yours among the suspects, he just couldn’t recall it. Master, I remembered it. When we went to the barracks, I knocked over the sutras. Before that, Li Zifang took a brochure on Li Yuanzhi’s table.

I just took a glance and saw Li Yuanzhen’s handwriting. So I remembered it. No. It’s a document I wrote for Grand General. I don’t think it concerns the case. Since I saw your handwriting before, I felt familiar when I saw that half letter. Maybe everybody forgot it, but I recalled it

When I suspected you. Zifang didn’t see Hassan, Wusiman or even Mr. Wei’s handwriting, only yours. That means you colluded with Zhuo Lutu. But your plan of starting a war and breaking the Alliance is destroyed. If I guess it right, before the envoy summoned you, you were going to kill Princess Wusiman. Mr..

Song’s Mr. Wei invites you, He said it was the last night of looking for the real murderer. Mr. Wei caught the murderer. Song, we found the proof and saved the princess. So? Su Quan occupied the Central Camp and caught all those who tried to resist. Besides, we found Princess Wusiman there. What’s more,

I also found the stuff you asked for. It’s a narcotic in the bottle. It’s called Tianmanzi which is extracted from the root of a flower named Tianman in Xixia. It coincided with the one in the two dead people’s stomachs. So the proofs are solid. I always thought my plan was perfect. To think

I met a young hero. I admit my defeat wholeheartedly, but it’s not over yet. Arrest him. The case of Yanhui was solved by a young man named Song Ci. Song Ci? Our Song does have many talents. Han. Can I use this Song Ci? Song Ci is a man from Jiangyang

Who lost his parents long ago. He has no supporters, but he is a righteous man. By the way, this friend of his is Li Zifang, son of Li Tai. General Li Tai? Yes. What happened in his case? How could the ghost soldiers borrow grains? Is it solved? No. I’m working on it.

My father became moody because of what happened recently. I’m afraid something may go wrong if we can’t solve the cases. Your Highness. I, Han Fu, will keep our country safe. Good. One more thing. According to reliable information, my sixth brother went to Yanhui City. Right. Prince Rui is right beside Song Ci.

He was so interested in the case that he took Captor Feng’s token to Yanhui City directly. Then he happened to be with Song Ci. My sixth brother is an innocent and kind person. So he has no ill intention, but his father-in-law-to-be might be a problem. Are you sure he didn’t go

To Yanhui City because of Shen Xiuling? I’m sure Shen Xiuling knows nothing about Prince Rui’s condition, or he wouldn’t have sent his second daughter there, too. What? Shen Xiyue also went there? Yes. It’s possible that she was sent by Shen Xiuling. What do you think he is up to? I guess his target

Is the same as ours. To rope in Song Ci. Han. I know you keep many things from me, but I always believe that you work for me. As I said, for our Song, I will use all those that can be used. If I can’t use you,

I won’t let you be used by my enemy. I understand. Trust me. No matter what I do, I, Han Fu, will always serve you. Good. Sister. Did you see Song Ci? He solved the case of Wanya Mu’s curse and caught the real criminal, Li Yuanzhen.

[The eldest daughter of the Shen family in Lin’an, Shen Xifei] The guy is really a somebody. What do you mean? You shall keep following Song Ci. You are not here to catch me? Yue. His Majesty believes in calumnies, so the situation is in turmoil. The odd deaths of four important courtiers

Made His Majesty more suspicious. So father thinks it’s crucial to solve the mystery of Death Kingdom. We need to win Song Ci over. But why do you need me to do that? Why don’t you invite him in the name of our family to help us to solve the case in the capital?

His Majesty let our family handle the case because he was sure it concerned ghosts. If we give this case to a stranger openly, we will be humiliated in front of His Majesty and the other courtiers. Second, father thinks we shouldn’t tell Song Ci about the Death Kingdom until he arrives in the capital.

It’s just in case. I see. Sister, what’s up? Yue. Our family might be in serious trouble this time. [Changfeng Inn] It cost me too much time in Yanhui City. It’s not time for Nanting Academy to open. So you can make it. Come with me to do some business. You still have business? Something private. Shouldn’t we go back to Lin’an to handle your father’s case earlier? Alas. I have to do it certainly.

Mr. Han said he could keep my father alive and handle him when the truth is clear. But this is a matter trusted by someone, so let’s deal with it first. Okay. Where to? You will see. You are here for me? For me. You pack up here. I talk to him. Huh?

Don’t worry, Mr. Yin. Did they go to have snacks? Who? He sent you here? Yes. It’s a shame that your plan didn’t work out. So you were sent to do me away? I won’t betray my ally, but a suspicious man like him won’t believe it. Fine. In this world, only a dead man

Can’t talk. When did you find he was dead? The official on the morning shift found that our men were all knocked out and saw the body inside then. What a strange wound. The blade seems to have serration. The flesh is exposed in an irregular shape. I have never seen such a weapon.

The blood coagulated, but the rigor mortis only formed at small joints, so he died around six hours. Chou hour. There are spies from other countries in the prison here. Some spies may be locked up with important information, so this place is more strictly guarded than the prisons of other cities.

The killer was so strong that he could avoid the guards outside and killed Li Yuanzhen without being noticed. Mr. Wei, could you show me around? Especially the guards outside. Certainly. Apart from the dirt walls around, there is also a city moat. The soldiers keep the gate. Nobody can enter it except those

With Yanhui Government’s pass or the Court’s. Then how did the killer enter? Even if he could walk on the walls, the soldiers on the watchtower were not blind. How could they not see them? Another indoor homicide? Haven’t we just solved a case, why is there another? Can we still leave here?

How many days have we wasted? In fact, since Li Yuanzhen committed a capital crime he would have been executed even if he wasn’t killed. But the killer did it abruptly. He was killed before the interrogation. Mr. Wei. I’m not sure if I should tell you this. Master, is it time to hesitate?

Just say it. At Yo hour yesterday, we called Li Yuanzhen and the others to the hall to tell them about the killer. Li Yuanzhen was imprisoned at Mao Hour, but the killer entered the prison to kill Li Yuanzhen at Chou Hour. What does that mean? Huh? Master. That’s creepy.

Among the people with us at the garrison director’s mansion, some were on the killer’s side? There were Mr. Wei, my master, you, Miss Yin Qiaobai and me, so one of us is a spy? Enough. You don’t deserve to be the master captor. There were also many soldiers.

The message might be let out on the way they escorted Li to the prison. So why are you sure the spy is among us? I’m just worried. Can you hear me out? Right. Tell him. Except for Hassan and the others, the only people who knew Li Yuanzhen was the real murderer

Were the people who escorted him at Chou hour. Besides, we never believed the saying of indoor homicide or ghost. Since the killer could enter the prison to kill and withdrew secretly, I think it’s quite possible… That the killer is around us who has the pass or blinds in wit the patrol soldiers.

That’s not the scariest thing. Have you thought about the motive of the killer? Master, remember the night we caught Li Yuanzhen, he said something? I admit my defeat, but it’s not over yet. Is this what he meant? I need to report it to the Court. If the people of Song

Colluded with Li Yuanzhen stealthily, I have to ask His Majesty to look into it. Mr. Wei, since it concerns many things, we should stay away from it as ordinary people. This is your case now. Okay. Thank you for your support. You may leave today. We will leave,

But I have to ask you for one thing. What is it? Privacy. Privacy? So, you like my carriage? Yes. Master. The privacy you talked about was to ask Mr. Wei for a carriage? I didn’t ask him before, so it’s not just a carriage. I also asked for the traveling expenses and food.

It’s a spacy carriage, so you won’t mind to let me in. Why do you follow us? You needed me when you solved the case and you dumped me when it’s done? No. Do you need a carriage as a rich girl? I just like it and I just want to go with you.

Who let you come with me? What’s wrong? Here’s the deal, no tricks on the way, the four of us are timid. You four? You don’t count me in? Why are you coming with us? You can forbid me to take this public way? I may not use your carriage at the worst.

What are you doing? A Journey to the West? Just get on the carriage now. Let’s go. Come on. Hey. You are all on it, what about me? Can’t you see it? You shall drive it. Go, groom, before it gets dark. Ya. Huh? Didn’t Song ask for many clothes?

Why are they all for man? Don’t you know him? Song Ci didn’t know your decision? I haven’t told him yet. But I agreed with Mr. Yin on this matter. He asked me to help them, so we made such an agreement. What do you think, Miss Bai? Well,

I had no place to go since I left Yanhui City, so I will listen to you. Why do we go to the capital? I don’t want to go there. Let’s go out to have fun. Miss Shen, go back to the capital if you want to

Because there are always many matters in your family. We will go to see you when we finish the business of Yin Qiao. Zhao Xiaoliu, why do you want me to go to the capital so eagerly? No. Didn’t you say you wanted to go there? I won’t leave now anyway.

Since you want to go to Yin Qiao’s home, let’s go then. Thank you, everyone. Add some firewood – if the fire is small. – Okay. You should change the sides of the chicken to roast it till it’s a bit burnt, then it’s tasty. Okay. Langtou. I have some Yiluo spice

Which was exchanged with a businessman from the Western Regions. Dredge the chicken with it and it may taste better. All right. Let me smell it. It’s not that one. What happened to him? I mistook it. It’s this one. That one is Confusing Incense. Langtou. I’m sorry. Hey. What are you doing? Two chickens

Are not enough for us, why do you wake him up? Do it later. Okay. Hey. Is it done? Can you not be so greedy? You are not tired because you were on the carriage. Me? I have driven all the day. I did all the work. So pitiful? Then have a drumstick.

Right. Give it to me. Yin. Yin? What’s up? Nothing. Still worrying about your family? I was worrying, but then I thought you were all coming with me, then I wasn’t worried. You all have unique skills. Song Ci can deduce to solve case. You can remember everything. Miss Bai is a master of medicine.

Miss Shen is a psychic who can summon souls. Though Xiaoliu can do nothing, I’m sure a man with the token of the Six Gates must have his own skills, too. Only me, I know nothing except for some martial arts. Don’t say that. We are companions. Except for Miss Shen who can protect herself,

You are the strongest person. So we are all counting on you to keep us safe. So you mean I’m still useful? Of course. I think you are much better than that nasty Song Ci. Hey. I’m right here. What are you talking about? Langtou. Why did I fall asleep? Where’s my chicken?

Give me my chicken. Why is there just a butt? I’ll share Miss Bai’s tent tonight. The five of you sort it out. Okay. Come. Miss Bai, you will sleep together? Master. Let’s use the same tent. So you may tell me about the female ghost of Xiashui. Yin. Let’s use the same tent. Huh?

Xiaoliu. You know me so well, but I don’t know you at all. Are you keeping some secrets? Huh? Master, Heaven can prove that I keep nothing from you. No. You treated people generously because you gave them ten paintings of Princess Rui. You also have Feng Buping’s token, so I’m sure

You are not an ordinary man. You should be the son of a high official. No, you should be… Your dad should be a courtier of a high rank. Or he may be retired already, so you just idle because you have a large fortune. Solving case is just your interest. Humph. Am I right?

You are getting close to Song Ci on purpose, too? I’m sure you can guess it as a smart person. I’m the second daughter of the Shen family, so I won’t follow you without purpose. You knew who I was back in Changfeng Inn? Why didn’t you tell them about my identity?

I knew you were not bad person. You have your purpose and I have mine. I won’t ask you about it and I hope you can leave mine be. Those are all good people. If you don’t hurt them, I will not interfere in your business. (Honestly,), ♪Aim high at a young age♪ ♪Always full of ambitions♪ ♪The truth is hard to find♪ ♪But I ascertain the facts♪ ♪The wind blows the autumn leaves♪ ♪Across the troubled times♪ ♪Spread cold remediation♪ ♪In a wanton way♪ ♪Shining spears and armored horses♪ ♪Perishable sea waves♪ ♪The unafraid consciousness♪ ♪Incarnates the knight against evil♪

♪Afterglow and sunset always support each other♪ ♪Sunshine breaks the mist♪ ♪I bid farewell to youth and loneliness♪ ♪And step into a thorny pool of strategy♪ ♪Dawn never gives up every inch of hope♪ ♪Until the dark mists are cleared away♪ ♪Aim far♪ ♪See through the false appearance♪ ♪Keep growing♪ ♪Keep growing on the way♪

[Copyrights reserved] [by Shanghai Fenghai Film Co., Ltd,] [Youku Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.] [and other producers and co-producers.] [The network communication rights exclusively belong to] [Youku Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.]

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🎬【宋慈韶华录 The Forensic Examiner Song Ci】​该剧讲述以宋慈为首的六位少年因机缘巧合相聚在一起,携手破获多起神秘诡谲的疑案,意外卷入南宋朝堂主战派和主和派斗争,逐渐从懵懂的少年成长为真正心怀家国大义之人的故事。

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