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YUIMETAL has finally appeared on Japanese TV!!!

YUIMETAL has finally appeared on Japanese TV!!!

Good evening everyone baby metal is now capturing the hearts of fans all over the world their charm knows no bounds as they are always updating the latest and strongest meanwhile on a certain program there was a fan who was talking passionately about baby metal that person is the owner of a popular Ramen

Shop called santor in Tokyo this is the content that was broadcast on the YouTube channel eat ramen the first half was about Ramen but in the middle the owner started talking about being a fan of baby metal for a moment next to the chalk Auto Gohan button on the ticket

Vending machine inside the store a photo of someone that had been edited to make it difficult to see was displayed it’s hidden in the video but if you’re a fan who’s been with baby metal since the beginning it’s obvious who this is right I’m a little happy to be able to see you

Mle again in such an unexpected place I will put a link to watch this video in the summary section so please check it out if you live near Tokyo you may have to go to this Ramen Shop santor see you again in the next video

The world is shocked by this unexpected development…!!!

The now legendary YUIMETAL suddenly appears on TV!!!
Don’t miss this moment…!!!

#japan #reaction #BABYMETAL #babymetal

★Click here for the link introduced in the video↓★
三ん寅(江戸川橋)× 山下幸輝

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【Important things said by the three members of BABYMETAL.】

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【Double impact from BABYMETAL】

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【Super cute!!! The best smile that BABYMETAL showed during LIVE★】

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【BABYMETAL】大アクシデント発生!!! 2人の間に一体何が・・・!?
【An accident occurs to SU-METAL and MOMOMETAL!!!】

BABYMETALからコメント到着!!! これが新生BABYMETALの真骨頂だ!!!【Comment arrived from BABYMETAL!!!】

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【Shocking scene where BABYMETAL started playing during LIVE】

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【A nightmare attacks BABYMETAL!!! 】

SU-METALとMOAMETALが喧嘩!? BABYMETALのLIVE中に2人の間でバトルが開戦!!!【MOAMETAL and SU-METAL got into a fight.】

衝撃!!! BABYMETALのLIVE中にMOAMETALが謝罪するアクシデント発生!!! 【Accident occurred for which MOAMETAL apologized】

【BABYMETAL】YUIMETAL生誕祭2023開催中!!! 全世界が祝福に包まれる!!【This is the video of YUIMETAL Birthday Festival 2023】

BABYMETAL特大アクシデント!!! MOAMETALが大変なことになった!!!【BABYMETAL Oversized Accident!!! 】

【BABYMETAL】この絆は永遠に。YUIMETAL(水野 由結)は今も・・・。【Mizuno Yui】


  1. Shameless clickbait! How dare you play with the hopes and emotions of fragile Yui fans in this evil heartless way? 🙁 lol

  2. This Is awesome! It shows that BABYMETAL have a diverse fanbase. It's great that such a respected business owner Is a fan.
    The picture on the machine Is very blurry and so could be either MOAMETAL or YUIMETAL. But It Is almost certainly MIZUNO YUI. The reason for this I believe Is YUIMETAL'S solo song Chokotto Love (a Putchimoni cover) , which she sang at Legend 1999 concert (June 30th, 2013) for her birthday celebration.
    I don't speak or understand Japanese well, but I believe this connection shows that the the picture Is YUIMETAL.
    It Is nice to see that our Tomato Princess Is remembered fondly, with love and respect.

  3. Unsubscribed. Why bother posting a spam video supposedly about YUIMETAL if there is no actual substance to this "story"? Senseless waste of time.

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