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How I ended Melody Parade, THE TRUTH, REAL, APOLOGY!

How I ended Melody Parade, THE TRUTH, REAL, APOLOGY!

Melody prade is disbanding I see you over there I see you looking at my title I think it has come a bit of a shock to everyone that Melody parade is disbanding Al for anyone who is new here hi my name is T I am a cosplayer and I am also a J-pop

Idol and I’m a part of a group called Melody prey that is now disbanding I do not want to drag this video out and make it a big long performance about the whole history of Melody parade I am going to answer the most asked question on my Instagram why is Melody

Prey disbanding and what am I going to be doing after so let’s first get into the most asked question it is actually a lot simpler than I think a lot of people like to believe when it comes to graduations we mutually wanted to go on to other activities really we were all

Thinking about next year we were thinking about what our goalss were going to be were we going to go overseas were we going to go to America like what’s next on the big Melody parade goal list another song we were trying to plan out and as we were trying to plan

Out it was just very difficult to imagine a next year I think one thing that I really want to touch upon is the amount of work that goes into being an idol group and the amount of work that goes into building um up something like Melody parade

There’s actually a lot of business that goes on behind it and um Melody parade is and was a business we had to look at um ways of managing that we couldn’t keep on you know doing the back end back alley way of delivering things we had to

Get a PO Box we had to get liability insurance for our shows cuz we started actually getting bigger I mean we all had some basic knowledge but Melody parade really took it up a notch we had to be our own choreographers because we were a full person we there what groups

Of four people you tell me that Wasa is a four person group there are like a very small amount of four people groups so we had to rec choreograph everything uh we had to be our own dancers and singers of course that is the core of

Being an idol we had to be our own critique critiques critiquers criti CR we have to to critique ourselves and that is also very difficult when you are focusing on a lot of other things we had to be our own videographers a big part making the content to keep um up our

Social medias and that was definitely a huge timec consuming part of Melody pre and then of course there was when our song came around that was a whole new ballpark we had to learn how to write the music we had to learn about distribution we had to learn about

Logistics of putting things on Spotify and getting things on Tik Tok and then when it comes to shows that’s just a whole other ballot Park as well that is literally just creeping the surface like there was so much stuff like and I was only the social media I know that

Marmalade and pip they did a lot of the administration side of Melody parade and I’m sure that there was far more that I’ve missed out and Beth does all the graphics and I’m sure there’s so many other things that I missed out there but on the social media side alone Melody

Parade was basically like a full-time job and it is all really really fun and I enjoy every single second of it I love editing videos I love being able to make content with all uh with my friends and I love signing checky and I love I love all the little nitty-gritty organizing

Bits it’s what makes the is group so cool and so awesome but it also you realize that I have have to start thinking about the future and I have to start thinking will I have time to continue this is this sustainable and I think we all came to like a mutual understanding and

Agreement that we just couldn’t keep this up but Melody pre grew and you guys gave us so much amazing support and we wanted to keep upping our quality and we wanted to keep creating really amazing covers and really amazing shows for you guys and I guess it just it’s become a

Lot it has grown into this big beautiful tree that we cannot tame anymore I think something that’s important to learn from this is that not everything is permanent and that can be a really really tough pill to swallow especially when you have put so much of your time and your love

Into something and you realize that it just won’t last forever and I remember lying in bed one night thinking like when will what will be my last performance when will be my final time on stage and how am I going to make the best of that I am really sorry to all

Those that we have I told myself that I would not cry I am really sorry to all those that we have broken hearts of who have loved and supported Melanie prade for all these years three years it’s been 3 years is a big is a big chunk of time and you guys

Have given us so much love you’ve drawn us art you’ve put so much energy and I cannot thank you enough and I cannot thank everyone enough when I started Melody prade I was super insecure I was very shy I didn’t really know myself I have never cried on camera so I’m just going

To a few moments later now for the second most asked question in my DMs what am I going to be doing after Melody parade this is something that I have I’m still contemplating for me I still love cosplaying and I love being able to do

YouTube and I love to be able to create and be creative so I really do want to put a focus back into that and I also want to continue to be an idol I am going to continue as a soloist I do not plan to join join any groups I think

That Melody parade was my family and that I will never find another experience like it it’s all very bittersweet because I love me Melody parade was my baby guys Melody parade was my child I want to go through my melody parade gift box and I keep

Everything that I am given from you guys in this box and so I wanted to go I wanted to show you some of the things that I have in here so this is my balloon from me and I Melody I have a lot of plane tickets here from our

Travels and then I have this headband that uh Dana made me I hope you guys are like I’m like I’m going to shout out guys but yeah uh this was made during our debut like before we even uh debuted um so very special to me I have a lot of

Badges like this one is the Mellow power Matt sui collectible badge lots of things in here actually and then what else have we got in here oh this is so cute all right so we used to perform at geny market and one of the store holders had two children two little girls and

They would always come up to our booth we had a booth and then they had a booth they used to always come up to us and give us like little gifts sometimes they would make like paper stars little rins but this one time they made us lollipop stick um little lollipop stick like

Animals and things so I kept those I have a Polaroid uh can you guys even see that here we go this is from one of the gany markets and it was when we did a cosplay themed gany Market but we didn’t wear like wigs we just like wore a normal hair and

Cosplay so I was k gawa um from my dress Di so that was really fun uh this is a little frame that I got and it has cinnamon rolls in it and it was from a little girl and she colored each of them in so there is that it was very cute oh

This is Parallax this is The Parallax live poster those and then yeah I have lots of like letters that I have gotten and I won’t read them all out but I do have many many letters lots and lots of little business cards that people have gifted me I kept keep every single one

Of them and then oh my gosh I’m getting to the bottom I’m getting to all the candy okay let me see if I can actually collect oh oh I found I found a Holy Grail oh my gosh you guys are going to be so happy I have my CRX crunchy

Roll like Wrist Band still crazy and then okay okay I want to see if I can actually collect up all of these I have so much candy guys I I don’t even think you guys actually understand you’re about to understand actually I used to

Try and like wear all of them and then I just I got so many that I couldn’t actually physically put them on my arm anymore I don’t know if I can they keep falling hold on I need I need a different I need a different plan of

Attack for this there are so many let me just um I’ll put them all into like this lid here and then you guys can witness how much candy I have this is all my Candy I have so many they’re so beautiful I’ll see if I can give a

Closeup here you can see all my Candy there is lots of purple ones there is a tea one there was one that was my favorite that I wore a lot this one this was my first one actually and it has like a little crown on it and I really

Liked the colors on this one so I worn that one a lot and then there was another one where is the other one that I wear a lot ah here this one this one I got at CRX and I remember that and it says t-

Rose on it one time someone did like um subunit names so this one is um where’s my pip and tea one here this this one says pip says pip tea on it so that’s like a subunit one and then I have like a cinnamon roll one I have a mutui one

From mutui and then I have one of Barbara because I cosplay barbar a lot and then I’ve got a summer party one and it’s got a little dog a little balloon dog which is so cute and what else do I have here I have honey tea and this was

Also a pip and tea subunit bracelet that um someone gave me I got a one that says Melody parade mp on it and then I have a very very long one which is really really pretty um but yeah I have so many this one just says tea on it which is

Really cute it’s got little butterflies but yeah I have so so many so much candy and each one of them is super super special to me so this I have a little Mona charm and that is from honey works yeah there you go but I got this after dreamy

Stand age and I remember this one girl came up to me and she just gave it to me and she’s like you you remind me of Mona and I was literally I literally wanted to blil my eyes out I was so so happy um cuz I love honeyworks honey works is

Like my favorite trying to see if there’s anything else just hiding around here you guys are going to think I’m actually feral for this um so I have I have nails in here um but they press on nails don’t worry let me see if I can show you yeah no you

Cannot see that a friend of Beth’s made us all custom pressant Nails the only thing is is that um I suck at having long nails I have super short nails like I just bit these like 10 minutes ago uh these are like claws to me so I remember

I did put them on for the first two dances and then when I got off stage I ripped them off backstage it hurt a lot there is yeah I think oh there’s another there’s a few I’m finding more candy I’m finding more candy oh okay uh this is

More subunit candy this is me and Beth it says gray grape and then this one is also this is me and marmalade and this says carrots on it and then this one’s really pretty this one I got given at dreamy stage I think or was like the

Night before dreamy stage but yeah I need to add that there is I I’m finding more candy in here I don’t know how and then at dreamy stage we all got squish Mellows turns out there is one more Melody prate thing that I want to share and that is my crunchy roll

Expo uh album and this is um so crunchy Expo was the first um convention that I traveled into state for not only that it was actually a gift to me from the girls from Melody prey so it was an extra special trip I’ll never forget crunchy relics but going to

Melbourne um even though it was literally the most chaotic moment of my life um I think you all know if you know it was really really cute um you can see there is us on the bus I’ll just give a quick overview of it cuz some of it’s

Just like me me walking around Melbourne being an absolute tourist like we all went to the gacha arcade together and I have photos of us on stage you can see there just us with the crowd and I have let me see what I wrote here for the

Show then it was time for our show this was a full 40 minute set it was very intense but everyone performed their best and I had fun doing our most iconic dances here is US doing hello new Jen We performed our OG song everyone cheered loudly it was very special look at all

The people in many exclamation boogs It’s very cute then of course I have our Invasion live section I actually want to read about this cuz I’m curious what I did here um onto the final show in our collaboration Fable in Citrus plus we were all extremely tired and

Delusional the stage the stage had a broken speaker so we sang Everything with a very little backing track the best part was even though we barely had music the audience went wild and lifted us all up oh that’s really cute the whole show was extremely chaotic it

Really was you had to be there to understand it we all at one point were crying backstage the Dynamics between the groups were very funny it was I missed that so much me and pip cosplayed together for day two I want to see if there’s anything else like Melody parade

Related here oh there’s a photo of us like on the tram on the way back to the airport um but yeah very special I’m very happy that I did this because uh Melbourne was such an important trip to me but yeah thank you guys so much for

Watching I hope this was fun I think this went on a little bit longer than I was expecting but I really wanted to show you all like the love that I have received and give it back to you guys one more note I want to leave on and that is just saying a

Wholehearted thank you to everyone who has supported my journey within Melody parade it has been I don’t think I’ll ever have an experience that has been that magical Ever every time on stage I felt welcomed I never felt nervous I always felt excited to see your faces and even

After the show when I was covered and sweat and I was just I felt like I was about to pass out from the heat cuz Australia is so hot I really appreciate you guys and I know that it is sad that Melody parade is coming to an end but

This is like a proper way of saying goodbye and I’m happy about that thank you also to all the overseas Idols who hyped us up and I know that we inspired many of you and I hope that you will take that inspiration and you will run

With it thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you guys in the future Byebye

⋆ Melody Parade Graduation ⋆
11.02.2021 – 19.02.2024
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Hey everyone, it is me Tea. Here with my first apology video, I should have none this time in my career, but I am ready.

I filmed this video before our grad live and I have been putting this post off, because I think part of me doesn’t believe my journey with MeloPara has come to an end.

💓 It only feels like yesterday I was shaking backstage at the Summer Party in 2021, nervous beyond anything that we would touch someone’s heart. As the months went on, I poured my soul into Melody Parade because I caught a glimpse of the happiness it brought my friends and our parade.

Melody Parade has been lightly documented here on my YouTube but what a journey it has been. I hope this video gives a little more insight into the decision that was made and that I couldn’t ask for a more magical ending.

My journey as an idol isn’t over, but the next chapter is around the corner. 💜
Please continue to take care of me.
⋆┄┄┄┄┄┄┄✧┄┄┄┄ ⋆
0:00- Intro
1:11- The decision
06:38- My plans
07:16- Memory box!
15:53- Outro
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𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙨
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#idol #jpop #MelodyParade



  2. You have done so many challenges when you were an Idol. You gained confidence and made people smile. I met you in person back in the 2022 September Crunchyroll Expo. I just wanna thank you for being my idol Tea. Glad I met you. It's time for your next chapter.😌💜

  3. i will always remember the graduation live show and all the moments in between, you all really made my life so much better and i will always support you all no matter what happens. 🧡💛💜🤍

  4. im so proud of the idol you have become 🥺

  5. Seeing little trinkets that I recognise was amazing! Congratulations on the end of one journey and the start of the next! I can’t wait to see what you hold for us all next! Sending all the love 💜💜💜💜

  6. Me being so confused when you say there's candy but you pull out bracelets. Also I wonder if there's short press on nails.

  7. hi tea! i wanted to say a massive thank you for everything youve done for me and the rest of the community. you singlehandedly got me through resi care and homelessness! summer party was honestly my first time smiling through january 2023. and melody parade and all the other wonderful groups are to thank for that! you have left such a positive change on the community and i cant wait to see where you go from here!

  8. Invasion was what encouraged me to persue being an idol, and where my call and response started as I ended up in the sound booth 😂😂 thank you for your passion and joy, and sharing it with all of us.

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