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河合奈保子 作曲作品ノリノリライブ!プレイリスト♫

河合奈保子 作曲作品ノリノリライブ!プレイリスト♫

[Applause] Bey that’s in on East For so like me you love man you can have like now I’m to oh that’s only Dre Day What Look at good To seven morning let to Long oh My have like tonight that means that I’m too cool All dream she she you he the sun is tonight you may all to S to know you b h tonight I’m to oh that’s orang but that she Keep [Applause] [Applause] Hey You For Good Do you want you the ner Te Woo That you do you we B the nails inside hey He Joh do you want to CH S [Applause] he D Dy off get [Applause] She [Applause] there c c be all all right mother Keep soos to keep me right theight [Applause] you oh [Applause] Yeah [Applause] She the I c cry let man oh okay who all [Applause] Right me Bell s [Applause] Is [Applause] [Applause] yeah I eat the I don’t you know to the S could have Have Fore [Applause] Might you For I eat the [Applause] The [Applause] Sing M makes me s t into my ha Mak me to KN s my myngs makes me [Applause] [Applause] go I want you put keep all that you could [Applause] My she Going back keep [Applause] you The she to eat Your [Applause] Monkey Let me go And Me You are do you are do you Are [Applause] [Applause] hallall [Applause] A [Applause] yeah

04:12 GT天国
08:23 ミックにOKと言ってくれ
12:47 黒髪にアマリリス
17:06 夢見るコーラス・ガール

#河合奈保子 #プレイリスト #ライブ #ノリノリ #河合奈保子応援隊

1 Comment

  1. コンサートの奈保子ちゃんは、何時もに増してノリノリで元気でしたね~😊
    子育てに夢中で ボックスシリーズを買いそびれました。

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