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【ロストジャッジメント】半グレ集団と元教師の繋がりとは?ネタバレあり #10

【ロストジャッジメント】半グレ集団と元教師の繋がりとは?ネタバレあり #10

Hello everyone, I’m Kana. I’ll check the sound before proceeding. Please wait for a moment. I’d like to check the sound and then start. Looks like it’s okay. Oh, it’s okay. I’m sorry. It was scheduled for 3:00 pm, but we started late . I’m sorry to everyone who has been waiting. Thank you. Hello. Thank you . Thank you for keeping me waiting . How are you? I hope you ‘re doing well. I’m a bit embarrassed all of a sudden . I’m sorry. Hello, everyone. Thank you for your support. Thank you very much.I’m sorry for the communication yesterday.I took a break without contacting you, but I’m fine.I’ll do my best today as well.I’ll try to solve the case. Last time, yesterday I worked on the sub-subquests, and today I would like to do the main ones.Do you all remember that story ?I started organizing the objectives a little for myself. That’s what I think , right? Kwana is running away right now, and RK is chasing that Kwana, so I’m sure they’ll find out why Sa-sensei is chasing Kwana, and by chasing him, they’ll find out why Sensei ran away. Mr. Sao’s speculation seems to be that the mastermind behind RK is Renko Kusumoto, who is currently working at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.That makes sense.Some theories have come out, and that’s what I’m talking about today. In order to investigate, I ‘d like to find RK with this great man, catch him, and ask him about the situation.Ah, it’s okay, I’ve been resting.I’ve been resting.Are you okay?Are you feeling unwell? Lately , it’s been raining and the weather has been bad, and I haven’t been feeling well.The weather has been going through a lot of things, so I hope you’re okay.How are you all? It’s already getting suspenseful.It’s a suspenseful drama.This is it. I wonder how it’s going to work, isn’t it in the category of suspense and suspense action games? This is Lost Judgment, so I’d like to get to it right away. Wait a minute. The main story is, let’s go back to Tsukumo’s office for now. Well , I guess I have to go back to Tsukumo’s office first.Let’s take a taxi.I’ve been playing a side quest here and now, and the other day.It’s not bad.I’m playing a side quest.I was just coming towards Chinatown. I’m going to take a taxi. It’s me. I took a long detour. I took a long detour. Well, it’s easy to go back to Tsukumo’s office. It’s not here. Let’s move on . After all, Sa-sensei didn’t deserve to be killed, so why did that? But RK was involved with Quanah and was probably killed. I can’t forgive him for that, so I’ll make sure to find out the truth. Ah, all of them, Yagami-san, you’re already back. I was wondering where you were going to have fun until the night. Now here. I’m going to have fun with it. I want you to find out more about Reiko Kusumoto. She might have been the mastermind behind RK. I wonder if you’ll release the photo of Reiko Kusumoto again that you showed me the other day. This guy is in trouble. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. It turns out that the office hours are actually running the Yaza Group. Look at this. Yagami Reiko Kusumoto started working hours only at the beginning of this year. It hasn’t been a year yet, and it seems like she still has a good reputation. I can’t seem to find any articles that write bad things about her.It seems like she’s a tough woman who’s strict even when it comes to companies because she doesn’t have time for office work.She’s the most important person in the bureaucracy , isn’t she? Kwana knows that he was taking revenge for his son in the past, and he wants to shut up about it.If that was the case , he might use some kind of trick to move RK.It ‘s a little rough. But RK was looking for Mr. Kwana and killed Mr. Sa and then tried to kill me as well. No matter how dangerous the organization is, they wouldn’t kill him that easily. The risk is too high. But there’s a mastermind there. It’s a different story if they’re behind you and it’s a different matter.For example, if it’s during office hours, it doesn’t make sense.You can’t say anything just by looking at the internet.The only way to tell is to directly address the person.Maybe it’s just like usual. Is it something that can be easily met? Mitsuru Kusumoto is still unconscious. Yeah, if he’s hospitalized somewhere, there’s a way to stake him out. That’s certainly possible. What’s this? There’s a quick report on the internet saying that a murder squad for Mr. Sa has been arranged, and it’s even reported on Sou News. The wanted culprit is a teacher at Tate High School. Yoko, a self-proclaimed handyman from Kanagawa Prefecture, was murdered in her apartment. The suspect, Kitakata, has been identified as the suspect.The suspect was seen on security cameras around the scene before and after the incident.It also appears that he has been using a false name for over 10 years, and the police suspect that he may have been involved in some connection with Sa. They thought there was trouble and are looking for his whereabouts. Why is the police not Soma? What is the situation now? Well, let’s listen to Watanabe Watanabe of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police . If Mr. Tayoneyashi Kuana was caught on a security camera, the RK guys should have been on it as well. Oh, I think so. To put it another way, I should have been caught on a security camera somewhere as well. However, the police only have Kuana on the wanted list , which makes me feel a bit dark. Let’s ask who it is: Detective Watanabe from the prefecture. Is he the detective who was also in charge of Watanabe’s murder? I wonder if Kuwana killed Mr. Sa? Was there any evidence? Mr. Nabe, did you see the news ? Kuwana moved to the security footage near the crime scene. It was a suspicious person who used an ice pick instead of being inside the victim. I’m watching this happen. There were a lot of RK’s footprints at the crime scene. Is Kwana the culprit? That’s what the investigation headquarters is saying. Even if he bit me, nothing will come out. What happened? What the heck is going on? Is it pressure? Kuwana is also an important reference, but organizations have their own ways of doing things. Easy-going detectives should stay back. Don’t you think you’re getting a lot of frustration? Where are you now? Let’s talk about how to extract information. I hear complaints that you can’t say to your co-workers, but there’s nothing I can say about it when it comes to you. I felt like I was cut off. I was able to pick up the surrounding sounds of the person I was calling . Fortunately, it was a lively place, and Nabe-san’s location was packed. As expected, it’s the main street of Chinatown. If you head straight away, you’ll definitely find it. But I was thinking that just because I went to see him, he would listen to me talk. Mr. Ninabe is going somewhere, but there is no footwork detective agency.If only he had very light footwork.His footwork was light and he was good at work.Yona-san is on the men street in Chinatown.Anyway, let’s catch him and listen to his story. Yeah, I feel like there’s something that I’m hiding that I can’t say , so it’s like there’s a lot of pressure, it’s dark, and I have no choice but to take a taxi to the main street of Chinatown. I want to take a look at the street names. Are you sure about the street names? I wonder if the place names will come up on the map. I wonder if something like Chinatown Main Street will come up or not. But it’s still around here, so let’s just go there. Okay, uh, then the taxi, sorry, taxi, Chan-chan , uh, it was around here, right? The main street. Oh, hello, are you here? I’m looking for Mr. Nabe from the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. It’s already night, so what should I do? Where should I go? This way, this way, the main street. Should I enter from here? Okay, this is the main street. They’re everywhere. It’s too bad, are you alone? Wait a minute, take a look. Who are you, what are you? What are you? You’re doing it in a place like this, and that’s Sakurai, Sakura. It’s not a coincidence that you’re here, but Doku is here . Both of them and I don’t like the police’s actions this time. Why aren’t the police pursuing RK in regards to the teacher’s case? Or is it just me who doesn’t know and has already investigated? This isn’t something I can talk about here, come on, the police are all in charge. I doubt it’s working. There’s no reason to listen to what the adults say. By the way, I’m doing this with just one toilet.I’m going to the toilet for a while.Go back first.You’re coming too.It should be about time for you to urinate.I’m definitely feeling itchy.If you ask me, I’m feeling itchy. Come on, you’re back home. What the hell is that? Or just eat some meat buns. I’m feeling a little itchy, so Nabe-san and I are going to bring this guy to a place where justice doesn’t exist. Ah, shit. Look, we have to talk about this . The scenery isn’t great. Do you seriously think that Quanah is the culprit ? Don’t just put him on the wanted list just for fun. It’s just Quanah, who is also on the list. His real name is Yu Kitakata.He’s been using a fake name for a long time, but he was at the scene of my former student’s murder at the time of the incident.Even from my point of view, he’s a very suspicious guy.What ‘s up with RK?He’s also a security camera in the area. There was no footage of him entering the teacher’s apartment. Hey, hey, hey, you’re an idiot. That’s a bad thing to say . There’s no security footage of RK around the crime scene . That’s since the murder happened. I still understood that the people at the top of the police force were playing politics with politics until the time when they and the CEO were taking the credit for investigating Gangwon , but ever since the murder video came out, I’m at a loss. I don’t understand what’s going on with Dr. Sa’s case.Someone at the top is seriously trying to hide the truth of the case.They think they can hide it, but what are they talking about? The police are here, so if they’re hiding something, it’s unlikely. There is a security footage of the area where Dr. Sa was killed, but someone inside the police did it after paying the reward.I can’t find the data of the part that would have shown the RK guys, but there are footprints at the crime scene. The video was deleted. All that remained was Kwana leaving the apartment. The part where you were shown was also deleted. The video was moved to the security footage before and after the incident. The suspicious person is one of them. Who is the security footage? Anyone can do something like that. Don’t let yourself go. Chasing after Yagami Mami and Sawa-sensei’s case is pointless. What’s more, this is probably the worst case scenario, but Quanah will be found in an accident in the future, but in the end. The cops accidentally killed him due to some kind of impetus , and when they caught him, he died. It seems like someone in the police department wants Kwana to disappear. Are you serious? Kwana is some kind of big force. There’s a lock sound, but I can’t stop it even if I expect it to be erased.I’m already responsible for other cases.You’ll understand when you become a member of the organization.If your own family is hopelessly rotten, you’ll pretend you don’t see it. I can’t help it, right ? I’m fine with catching the easier-to-understand party and making fun of them. Are you going to treat only the evil people other than your own family with justice? Are you still going to punish me? Who are you talking to? I guess the story isn’t over yet , you bastard. Who can’t erase the security footage? Who wants Kwana to be killed? What can you do now that you know that? Back off, I’m saying this for you too.For my sake, I want you to back off.I’m tired of these idiots.You were n’t like this.I’m so scared. Wait, wait, wait, what should I do , what should I do, what should I do , let me put it on me, let me put it on me , wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, it’s been a day . And if I don’t do any warm-up exercises, I won’t warm up, I won’t do any warm-up exercises, I’ll get dandruff, etc. It’s okay, wait a minute, wait a minute, I’m strong after all. Well, let’s eat some meat with a dragon, and fight with a dragon.But after all, it’s better to fight in one fight.Probably one fight is better [music] One shot.I think the striking power of one shot is stronger. But it’s not good, it’s all of a sudden. [Music] It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s game over, it’s okay I thought I was good at swimming, but I’m fighting this trap. I really don’t care. I think you’re not the kind of person you are. I feel like they’re acting like they’re trying to uphold justice, but they’re trying to hide behind the scenes, but they’re telling me to back off and tell me to back off, even though they’re giving me information. What you’re giving me is name-san, name-san, the truth is probably righteousness with a strong sense of justice.I think it’s not justice, it’s punishment.But you think it’s dangerous.Oh wait, this is a difficult request.Let me swim, let me swim.It’s better than crawling. I’m good at breaststroke.I’m faster at breaststroke than crawling.I’m starting to get angry now.Wait a minute, that part about being thrown into the sea just now.That means you can’t win if you don’t do that very well.To Nabe-san. I can’t do the ex action well , after all, it’s okay to play it. I can play it well. [Music] I don’t know what’s going on right now. What’s going on right now? I don’t know. I’m sure you’re thinking about it . Hey , it’s okay. Very good pot. What’s wrong with waking up that sense of justice? Maybe Nena-san doesn’t hate that Yagami, so I don’t want it to get into a bad situation, so I think he stopped, but yeah, maybe. You must be feeling confused. Is this okay? Why did I become a detective? Why did I become a detective as a pawn in this company? A teacher like me broke through the locked door and was forced into my home. I went in there. It was Soma from RK. She must have been scared because she had an ice pick pointed at her. When I found her, her eyes were open and there were tears in her eyes, but the police didn’t chase her, they chased after Kur. If she knows that she is being sentenced for a lie, but there is nothing she can do about it, then I will continue to raise my voice in her place. Nabe-san is aware that the person who will come to stop her is the new criminal and his mastermind. I wonder who’s behind this, and it depends on who in the police is doing it.But if you have any idea who’s behind it, I’d like to ask you in advance.Nabe -san, there’s someone in the police who wants to kill Quanah. As soon as I started investigating Kasa-sensei’s case, I found out that the culprit was this guy.It wasn’t the material you were looking at, but rather the material from Kuana Kitakata, commonly known as Beni-Aa.That ‘s strange. Koan, the chief of police, told me that the culprit was discovered before we, who were at the scene immediately after the incident, did not know about the information from the other north, and only that it was a preliminary information. The police koan is essentially a Japanese spy organization. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I watched that drama recently. I met Viva Vivant, something like that drama on the internet . It’s Viva Vivant. It ‘s a spy organization that monitors foreign operations and organized crime and political organizations. Their purpose is not to arrest criminals, but rather to collect information and analyze internal situations to maintain public order.I don’t know why they came up with this, but what they’re looking for is the criminal network of Hagure RK in Kamurocho. After the disbandment, more and more criminals will be going underground, so to keep track of their movements, it’s better to let RK swim and keep an eye on them than to catch them.No matter how many villains you catch, the next one will come out soon. Because it’s coming, the koan doesn’t want to destroy RK, so he turned a blind eye to Sa-sensei’s incident.If that’s all he did, he would have to find a new source of information if he put RK in the batting order because of one murder. Well, speaking from the point of view of the plan, that’s stupid.Of course, I ‘m not just saying that to Pira.According to the koan, it’s even true that it wasn’t RK who killed the teacher.There’s no basis for that. Well, to top it all off, I asked the chief about what happened, but there were no records, no family register, not even a single photo, which means that the man named Soma doesn’t exist according to records. I don’t know if it was the original or if it was hidden by someone , but instead the koan immediately sent a set of Quanah’s materials and announced that it was the planet that killed the teacher. Does that kind of logic work? In short, Quanah is RK’s scapegoat. Koan is dealing with Sawa Sensei’s case. If you want to end the curtain, all you have to do is just keep quiet and we’ll have a good time.That ‘s why Kuwana is the one responsible for the accident.All the smelly things will be washed away and there will be no need to close the lid.The murder of the teacher will be all done by Kuana. It would be difficult to blame it even if it was an original invention, but if you erase Quanah and say nothing to the dead, you might be able to blame Yuyuuya.Who exactly is the koan and what is his name? Haha, you didn’t let me know that much. Oh yeah , I’m a lot more skilled than you think . [Music] Hey there, Watari . I know what ‘s going on with the great mancho. If you need anything else, call me. Look , Kuwana has appeared. He’s a great man, and there’s still information on sightings of the man just now. He’s back here. I guess we can’t figure it out yet. The place is Korean Town, where the Komijuru people in Fukutokucho live. Now, the Komi police are here. I’m on my way, have you ever seen that Korean word for kunosu ? Look at the ruins they’ve built. Don’t tell anyone you heard from me that there was a quack there. I don’t have that much free time. If things continue like this, it’ll be an accident . There’s a chance I’ll meet him. So you told me where he was. If you meet him, tell him. It’s the world’s plan to target you. He has a strong sense of justice. He still has a strong sense of justice. So, justice has n’t disappeared. Wait a minute. What kind of shop is this? It’s not a ramen shop. You’re welcome. Wagon Shop 87 also owns one. It’s amazing. What’s the richest one? Haku is better than Alpha. The effect is condensed. Even if you don’t have much experience, you can get stronger. 80,000 yen , but I can’t get 80,000 yen. I can’t get 80,000 yen. It’s a four-leaf kuba. It’s a rare black thing that brings something like this. Mugwort. Mugwort. Mugwort. Good mugwort. Thank you. When I was in the countryside, I got some mugwort from the roadside and had my mom make mugwort rice cakes for me.Now that I think about it, I don’t think I can figure out the whole picture. I ate a bit too much of the bento I wanted to buy, so if there was a convenience store somewhere, I ‘d like to go there.I think I heard about it from Kuna . I think he said that there was a Korean organization called Nenankami, which was one of the organizations in the area, such as the Ma Gang, or the Yaza Group , and that they were shy. Thank you very much for your congratulations. I’ve been dropped into the sea many times , but I’ll keep you safe. Hurry up. Hurry. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Surprised and surprised Mr. Yagami is Tsukumo. It seems that Mr. Kwana has appeared in the anthropomorphic chief. Tsukumo also has such information Oh, it’s a Komijyuru. That’s where I’m heading right now. As expected. That’s why the police have already begun to release one of the Komi. Seriously. I guess they’re planning on narrowing their net and catching Kwana-san, right? What will Yagami do? It seems like the koan is arranging him, and according to Nabe, if Kwana gets caught, some kind of accident will happen. Anyway, the police. Tsukumo wants to find Kwana first . I see if I can ask for navigation to get to that guy. Now, Mr. Ya will head straight to Komi, and I will check the surrounding situation. I will also send Sugiura, so I’m relieved. Thank you . Okay, it’s better to have friends.It ‘s reassuring after all.It’s completely different.I don’t have any feelings.Well, it’s true.It’s true.It’s full of connections.I think we’ve arrived in front of Comijul.They’re watching us from a drone.The police are on the way. Don’t worry about the route to get into Komil. The intrusion route is fast. I can only do my job. It’s just as expected. What should I do? Can you see a white car parked in front of the barricade? A truck. Ah, a car like that one. There is a gap next to the truck that someone can pass through with a logger.You can enter through there.It may be cramped, but if you have the movement of an arrow, there will be no problem.I understand, but as expected, there is a gap between the truck and the wall. I’ll leave it to you . Now’s my chance. Thank you spider. Amazing new way of pulling trees. Wait a minute. What do you mean? What do you mean ? That’s what you mean. What do you mean? I haven’t bought a lunch box yet . I have no choice but to go.Okay , okay , okay . I don’t know if it’s okay to go, but if I add a change of clothes to the police officer, I’m going to keep going like this.I think I can buy protective gear while hiding.I’m wearing protective gear as well.I’m wearing a lot of those accessories right now, but maybe more. Yes, I think there’s probably some good armor out there, so I’d like to buy a new one somewhere. What should I do now? Where should I go next ? Wait a minute. Is this here or here? Yes, yes, yes , now EX Where should we go from here? It looks like a commis in the back surrounded by the bathroom.There is a door installed, so you can enter through there.What should I do?Wait a minute.Ah, I don’t have to toss a coin. Should I throw it? [Music] And when I turn around, I’ll hide behind that white truck in front of me. I can’t just go there. Oh, oh, oh, ok. Right now, armor is related to that boost. I think they should have ignored some kind of strengthening system related to that EX boost , like making the boost time longer or making it easier to boost. Are you going to let me do this? Wait a minute, oh wait, the police are n’t coming. How do I throw this? Wait a minute, how do I throw this smoke? There ‘s no throwing action . Hmm, wait a minute, I have two smokes. I can’t throw smoke . Wait, wait a minute. I’m not out of battery. Just wait a minute. I’m sorry, wait a minute. I’m not out of battery . Why can’t I throw smoke? When I throw smoke, I’m blinded by smoke. I feel like something was coming out [Music] But there are some things that are different in terms of standards.Look , it’s okay.Here, you left it to me to ask for support.Here, it’s 100 out of 100. 100 out of 100.I see . I never thought I’d leave, but I guess I should have bought a bento instead of getting caught by the police. Let’s go inside quickly. I’m here. I’m sure Quana is somewhere in Komi. Tsukumo continues to ask me for navigation. If you find Quanah, please let me know right away. That’s weird. Maybe something went wrong . It seems like the radio isn’t working. We have to find a place to get inside. They say there’s a problem with the radio signal, but there’s already some police inside. I’m inside. This place is already a hideout for Komijuru. It ‘s different here. There are some enemies . Let’s hide as much as possible without being seen. Change here. There are people from Komijul in this place. Kitakata-sensei, where are you ? Hey, where are you? Don’t make a sound. Don’t bother telling me where I am. Just shut up and look for me. But it’s probably too big, but these guys are here. As expected of Sugiura, I’m surprised. Tsukumo-kun didn’t say that I was going to follow him, but I forgot. That’s right, Mr. Yagami. The people here are RK. So, does that mean RK found Kwana before the police? Yeah, that’s a bit different. Looks like the cops were letting the RK guys through here. What’s that supposed to mean? I didn’t really understand it, but I’m sure I’m mistaken. It seems that some of the police are in a group with RK, so someone higher up in the police force who made Quanah join RK in order to match Quanah to the accident disappeared into Quanah. What do you mean, he wants to get it? What do you mean ? It’s a terrible situation, but anyway, I want to find Kuana before the police and RK do. I don’t know if I know where he is. That’s why Mr. Kuwana is coming to Komijuru. I don’t even know anyone. Let’s go a little further up the building.Okay , there are some Komijuru people there instead of RK.If we ask them, they might be able to tell us where Quan is.Oh, so the RK guys do n’t notice. I like Sugiura-kun in a low voice. I like Sugiura-kun in a low voice. I was so surprised . Just now I could see just his legs. I was scared because I thought it was really someone, Sugiura. What if we fought quietly? What if it was just here? Well, it doesn’t seem like they’ll notice you, but if your friends find you when you’re lying down, it’ll make a bit of a fuss, so it’s best to go without them finding out.Yeah, it’s crowded, RK guys.RK guys are wandering around quite a bit. The fact that I’ve been looking for so long means that I don’t have any clues about the quack. I have to be as proactive as possible. It seems like there’s nowhere else I can go. Should I go up those stairs? If I’m following you all this way, there’s a possibility that I’m just walking around. I thought we were hiding somewhere, but we’re also just walking around, so it’s a bit off. Let’s go get some items. Quan is also walking somewhere. It’s from R’s eyes. There’s a possibility that you’re walking somewhere where you can’t touch the ground. It looks like you can’t climb any further. Yagami-san, RK seems to have come from below as well. It’s bad. Let’s find another route on this floor. Well, this place doesn’t look like that. This ruin is here [Music] This ruin was originally an apartment building I wonder who the tree I bumped into Isn’t this the door? I can’t go up here I’m afraid I’ll be seen by RK What’s this? Doesn’t this light have something to do with it? I guess I can just jump from here to there. [Music] This is here . I’ll use this as a bridge to jump to the other side. I wonder if I can go to anywhere else. Well then, I might be able to go up if I follow this path. I found it. I found it. I think I can go up from here. It’s a refreshing sea. The cedar trees are more nimble. It’s just like climbing the stairs. You’re very light. I don’t have to worry about it. If anything, I have to be more careful, or it might be difficult to take the same route as Sugiura . Let’s aim for the top somehow. Instead of going here and there, wait a minute and go up here. I can’t do it. Let’s go up here. Yes, yes, yes, yes. What should I do? What should I do ? What should I do from here? I can’t go. If I take the same route as Sugiura-kun, let’s get off for a while. Let’s take a break and then come here. We can go from here , carefully, carefully, because the footing is bad. Here we go [Music] Stones are falling, magnets are falling, we can make it in time, oh, ok, we can make it in time, ok, we can’t make it, we can go, ok, ok, hurry, hurry, ok, once, once, once, get off, get off once, get off once, okay, okay, okay, okay, we can jump. Oh, wait, wait, wait, no , I thought you were going to jump, but you weren’t. I didn’t do it. I had to do it. Hey, let ‘s do one more challenge. Let’s get down and dash around here. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Oh , wait, wait, I’ll have to dash. I’ll probably be able to do this. I’ll do a dash. Okay, I’m surprised. Haa, okay . I can go here. I can go. I can go. It took me so long. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. With your feet. Nate Gon Sugiura Oh, you guys are all Komil. What’s going on with us? There ‘s no one here. Show us around, Mr. Yagami. Those guys look like RK. Even if we get caught, it’ll be troublesome. What are we going to do? Let’s do it, Aoi Yoshi, bastard Hoshi is the leader, right here in the Yoshi sink, and I’m in the sink. Wow, big brother, it’s a big hum! Oh, big brother, I’m going to show you this. Oru Punch. Your punch is strong. It’s pretty strong. Hey, I’m an orchestra, it’s hot. Sugiura was doing something. Sugiura was helping me out. It looks like this is the top floor. Yeah, yeah, Komi, there’s a room here too, you might want to check it out. They said the Komijuru people weren’t there. And what was Kwana’s use for the Komijuru people? Okay, okay, ok, stamina, oh, save. I have a feeling that something is going to happen after this. Let’s save at least once. Maybe I should go and recover my stamina a little bit. Just a little bit of toughness. I drank a few cigarettes. If there was a cigarette, I wanted to smoke it. Okay, let’s go. I feel like there’s definitely going to be something after the cat, so I have no choice but to go . I’m still here. I’m really tired of it. I wish there was at least some sign of Mr. Kwana, but what about from now on? I’m ready. Yagami- san, I have no choice but to go. Ah, let’s go. Let’s go, the dragon’s stamina is getting longer. I used that SP to ask if there’s a cat or what’s going on. There’s nothing anywhere, let alone the north. Is it information from the police ? The police could have ordered it. What should I do? I’m still looking for it. It’s already impossible. What should I do? Yagami-san. Yeah, I can’t seem to find Kwana, but there’s a chance that I’ll find Kwana and see what I can do with it. Is it just to catch him, or does he really like it? Is that what they want? If you’re going to listen directly to them, you ‘ll be dealing with 4 thugs, and you’ll easily win against 2 of them, right ? I’m so confident. I want to hear something from you, but who cares? You guys are the ones who are the comics, Mr. Yagami. It’s like I don’t even know his face This is so lonely Hey hey hey hey hey hey it’s not what I expected Hey Yagami-san, the number has suddenly increased It’s not one person at a time It’s an easy victory That’s Yagami Detective Kamurocho Achi I’m a detective, so catch me. He’s a friend from the north. Okay, catch him. Do n’t beat him up. It’s the festival. There’s still some bad guys out there. Let’s go. Let’s go wild again today. It’s been a while. It’s been a long time. It’s been a long time. I want to come out as usual. Easy , easy, easy . Yes , yes , yes, there are some people who have it. This action is just flowing, it’s flowing, it’s smooth, it feels so good , it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it ‘s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good. There weren’t many of them, right? I’ve had enough of them. If you had been wearing masks from the beginning, you guys would have come looking for Kwana. What were you going to do when you found him? He told you to just go and get him. What should you do? I don’t know, he probably meant to kill him, right? The one who gave the order to arrest him was Mr. Evil.Anyway, I’m sure Mr. Soma was the one giving the instructions. Ane Yagami-san, I’m a little confused. This is Komichi. Everyone likes masks. Aren’t there too many people wearing masks? I’m starting to think so, too. It’s embarrassing. Kwana wouldn’t be here. I’d be wearing masks too. It was a fake story. We were the ones who leaked it. You’re from here. Comiberia was usually the one we hired, but this time he was asked by Quanah to spread a fake story. He spread information about his own sightings and told us what the enemy was. If you were to tell me exactly how they were moving, the results would be surprising. Police information was leaking out to Hagure in Kamurocho. They worked together very well to capture Kuwana. Well, Kuana was Are you looking closely at the current situation? The fact that you’re in the great position isn’t a big deal in itself . To talk about what’s next, you’ll have to pay attention. [Music] No , I ‘m sorry , but I’ll go back That guy who’s coming is a handyman who only shows his power in this town.Where is he now being treated by Happiriman’s iron?You should be able to let him in deep.Are you saying you’re going to meet us after we talk ? There’s a loophole that even the police can’t find. From there, you can go out into town. I’ll tell you what I know. They’re surprisingly nice people. But don’t come here again. You ‘re an uninvited guest. It seems like it was a misunderstanding that they wouldn’t be guaranteed their lives if they came to the hospital.Quana had instructed them to go to Comijul, so this time it was Kuana’s instructions, or should I say instructions because he was their employer , that they should go to Hapiriman, where they would find help. I was told that I have a younger brother named Teso over there, where I think I’ll be shown around.Let ‘s go anyway, but I doubt he’ll change his mind again.I wonder if Tetsu has somehow become a sibling. It was like , from today onwards, we’re brothers, and we’re going to do whatever we can to help. Hey, wait a minute, where are we going? I was shot, I was shot. I didn’t notice it at all earlier, but I was shot. What should I do? I didn’t realize I was being shot at all. I’m so sneaky when I use a gun. I want to fight physically, but here ‘s the iron. It’s over there. Wait here, here, here. Yes, God has asked me to show you around. Could you please come too ? We’re being treated very well by Sadanaga . It means Kur is in the back of here. Before we get on board, I made some preparations. Is it better? Wait a minute, wait a minute, there’s a pop-up nearby. No, I’ll come again. Okay. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Oh , oh, okay. Is it okay? If we do this, let’s go. As long as we do this, we ‘ll be fine, right? Yagami. Mr. Teso has asked me to show you around. Oya ‘s brother, could you please come? Oh, let’s go, I’ll bother you. Oh, if you’re going to bother me, then you can use honorific language. [Applause] How many times ? Periman, who has fought with me too, I can’t believe you’re coming here.Brothers are welcome.You can call me Big Brother of Steel.Sit down.I’ll bother you too.You’re kind and gentle.What should I call you? Ku, or perhaps Kitakata, who had a teacher, is a name that has been erased from society.The great man is a fun and convenient person who goes by Kwana-san.The police are Kitagata, a murderer.He murdered Sawa-sensei and is on the run.At least there are sword-shaped detectives. I wonder what’s making you do that, calm down, Yagami, why do n’t you relax more? You were hired by Quanah from the beginning, but you pretended to be strangers in front of me . Then, the hospitality was quite complicated.Didn’t I tell you that you can request work anonymously from Happiriman?I did n’t know that I was the employer.It’s not a secret anymore, but that’s how it is.I feel bad. Don’t do it, brother. You really have nothing to hide. Have you told me everything? I’m a former high school teacher who killed the bully. If there’s no more secret than that, I think I’ve heard everything, but you’re so cunning. It took me a lot of effort to find out. But thanks to you, I can’t help myself. Even my precious students have their necks held down by you, so they can’t move anymore. Those are the graduates of Kurokawa Academy. Mamiya-san and Mami-san are the only ones who are a little more knowledgeable. Well, everyone here doesn’t need to probe each other anymore. We have no secrets, so we’re all evil. Well, let’s take a breather for now. You guys were in Comijul earlier, right? There’s a group of RK guys there. They were looking for me , and the police were leading them.Oh, they’re trying to trick me, and I don’t know who’s targeting me.They can control both RK and the police, right?I don’t think they have any idea. Well, you can’t rely on Beria’s deductions, great detective. I don’t think you’re the one who’s up to something. I don’t have any concrete proof yet, but I might have found out the identity of the people who are chasing you. Yeah, that’s what I was talking about earlier. This is the information I heard from Detective Watanabe.It ‘s a guess as to who the people who are chasing Quanah are.It’s a guess, but it’s probably true.Koan from the police.Koan from the police.According to information from a koan source told by a detective from the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. The Sawa-sensei murder squad is telling you not to touch RK, Koan . RK has disappeared from the security footage around Sawa-sensei. That may have been Koan’s doing, too. He’s in the background like that. If the koan is attached, then it makes sense that RK is so bullish.Wait a minute.What is the reason why the koan is taking on the quana in the first place?Is the koan a cross-current with the quana?There is a high possibility that someone’s will is involved in this.This is because the koan is Is the Kura dragon trying to protect RK’s existence? That’s someone’s intention, Reiko Kusumoto. She said that the reason why she wants to keep RK alive is because the koan wants to get information about RK. I wonder which one it is. Speaking of doctors , Reiko Kusumoto’s stone plan is probably being carried out between the administrative offices of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Is that true? I was the one who taught her late at night and had her abducted by the others in Kamurocho five years ago. The man who was bullying Kusumotoko’s son, Mitsuru, was your ideal target. Even before you took out Takawa, you brought him up against him. Before you took revenge on the bully, you brought it up to his family. But what if she didn’t do the same to Kusumotoko? She is currently working at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and is in the midst of gaining popularity and correcting the corruption of her predecessor. If you did, it would be a scandal.If you were to be arrested by the police in the future, it might come to light, so Kusumotoko wants to shut me up before that happens, or by using a koan. Ah, but Koan can’t openly move his personnel, so he had RK chase after him as a subordinate.That ‘s a great story that also gives him a reason to try to protect RK.Does it make sense?It’s a shame, but there’s something strange about that. Yes, there is one thing . It’s true that five years ago, I approached Mr. Kusumoto to take revenge on my dear friend, and as you said, he also used Mamiya and the others to kidnap Kai. Since then, Mr. Kusumoto has been with me. I know that Gamami-kun and the others are being moved.The faces of those girls and Takashi are all gone.If Mr. Kusumoto were to try to trace my whereabouts, he would have hit Mami-kun and the others first, but in reality. Even now, the koan hasn’t reached out to you guys. In other words, it’s not Mr. Kusumoto who is giving instructions to the koan. If Reko Kusumoto was the mastermind behind the koan, it would have been easier to find Quanah. That makes sense. Mamiya-san, Mamiya-san, Mamiya is fine. That person is Mamiya. Mamiya, Mamiya, um, that ‘s it. There are all sorts of ways to threaten Mamiya. Hey, this is a little off-topic, but what was Kusumoto-san doing when Kai Midnight was killed five years ago ? She was there with me. From that day on, she took three days in a row of paid time, which she rarely takes. It was Kusumoto who actually killed Ekai Midnight with her own hands, slowly stabbing the knife into her chest with her own hands. Just like Akira Ewara, she took revenge on her son with her own hands . But if that was true, I’d want to do it all the more.Well , I guess I couldn’t get over it anymore.I’m starting to feel like I’m not sure what’s right anymore.My son was driven to suicide. What the heck did you say that you couldn’t get rid of the scent of Reno and the others ? On that day five years ago, when you didn’t even know about it, I was Mami. Mr. Kusumoto was the one who made Mami and the others kidnap Kai and then immediately sent them home. The fact that I was the only one with him when he killed him is a completely different story, but even so, Mr. Kusumoto didn’t betray me.I don’t think he’s great enough to use his plan in the first place. I think your hypothesis is doing a good job. I’m sure that’s what RK proposed. Tsujima fits the situation so far. The reason why people are persistently pursuing me is Because I’m aware that I’m a weakness for Mr. Kusumoto.Either way, the mastermind is someone who is in a special position to capture you.If it’s not Reiko Kusumoto, then it’s definitely her enemy or her enemy.For example, Health Labor and Welfare. Kusunoki and Reiko’s weaknesses are more valuable than anything to those who are enemies within the Ministry, or those who see her as a political nuisance.If they think of using that to bring them down, they can threaten them and manipulate them as they wish. Okay, maybe that’s the reason why the koan is moving.If they were just going to drag them down , they should have just let the police manipulate them.If you think about it, the mastermind behind RK and the public security is Reiko Kusumoto’s enemy.If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. I see , the current Ms. Kusumoto has no ties to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and in addition, she is a powerful person who has the support of public opinion and is popular among young people.I read in an article that the minister is also attracted to her. Even when the idiot minister seems to be messing around and gives strange instructions, Kusumoto-san doesn’t hesitate to refute it, and on the contrary, he’s doing what he says. So, is the minister trying to exploit Kusuko’s weakness? For example. I’ve heard that Mr. Kusumoto, who has power, has many enemies. How to listen to “I’m going to get caught.” Maybe I ‘ve been looking for Mr. Kusumoto’s weaknesses all along. When the Ganghara incident happened, I suddenly realized that Kusuhara seemed to have taken revenge, and when I realized that he had been hurt in the same place as Kusuhara, I found out that the assailant had also disappeared for five years.I see . That’s not the only incident that happened. You had bullying perpetrators all over the country, right? Seriously, seven people, including Kawa. When the mastermind found out about it, he eventually became convinced, and Reiko Kusumoto was also the victim who took revenge. That’s when I realized that the Ebara incident and Reiko Kusumoto’s incident had a common person involved. That’s the teacher. I also realized there was a connection between the two incidents. That’s why R was with her. The teacher suspected that you might be involved in the murder of a bully, and you killed many of the bully’s victims . Maybe it was to vent your regrets and for the sake of justice , but I never intended to involve you, no, I won’t let you say that it was just a matter of consequence.Sooner or later, you knew that you would be destroyed, Tami, Yui, etc. And no matter what happens around me at that time, I won’t blow your ass in the first place because I’m already a sacrifice.If I can drag many bullies to hell, I won’t know anything else. That’s why you didn’t see the teacher’s face when he died.It was clear that he was scared.Why should she pay for the people who killed you and Reiko Ebara Kusumoto and escaped from the corner? If that’s the case, you won’t have the face to match her in the afterlife.What should I do if I have to keep my head down forever ?If I don’t ask the police to volunteer , I wonder why she had to die. I’m so proud because I don’t understand it. Everyone is treating her death as if nothing was wrong. It’s a question that the police cannot do. If I were to ask Opira in this situation, it would probably be erased as a koan. I’m sure. Reiko Kusumoto’s position is in jeopardy. I have no intention of selling her. Her revenge is completely justified and must be forgiven. She shamed her only son into committing suicide. Instead of complaining that it would be better to get rid of her, I just did what I should have done with my own hands.No one has the right to punish her.I will never allow that . It seems like it’s not enough just to talk about what’s right. I don’t think the right thing to do is to kill me, too . I don’t know what it’s like to kill anyone who gets in the way of my justice. If you haven’t killed me, you’ve done it. You don’t understand anything. Do n’t interfere. You’re going to get in our way. Here we go again. It’s someone I don’t want to fight. Before I know it , I’m running low on strength. Hello everyone, everyone , do you have to fight someone you don’t want to fight ? Ah, there are only 5 left to fill with sushi. There’s no such thing. Just wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you’re strong. Please , come more! Oh yeah, come here. If that’s the case, then why are you coming at me from a little far away? I don’t know what to do. I don’t provoke people. I’m a strong man. A strong man wins in silence. There’s nothing wrong with him. He ‘s staring at you with a shocked look on his face. That’s not what you’re doing. It’s not righteousness. Get involved with people who don’t care, eat a little sushi, eat a little sushi . That’s just justice. Your justice is killing people who have nothing to do with it [Music] I don’t get it, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to kill people.But the parties involved, the victims, their children , their families, etc. From the perspective of the people involved, it probably feels like it doesn’t matter anymore, so please come back to that feeling.It ‘s hard to understand that feeling.When it actually happens, when you find yourself in a situation like that, what do you think is your fault? I do n’t know, and I wonder if it’s really possible for the people around me to attack that, and of course that’s not the case here in this country, but how many minutes have passed since I stopped standing still ?Until yesterday I moved in. He’s a good guy. He’s a good guy, isn’t he? He’s a good communicator, isn’t he? [Music] He’s such a hot guy, isn’t he? Both Ku and Kitagata-sensei are the ones who bullied him to such an extent, even though it’s about himself. It wasn’t even about the company, right? It’s broken, but it’s not enough, so it’s over for now. What are you talking about? It’s not Tooru. Don’t worry about it. I still haven’t gotten hit by the special move I learned, but I was about to show my trump card and knock it down.Everyone else is too excited.I want you to do something really bad.Yeah, I’m kind, but I don’t get angry. Well, this is the kind of physical and emotional conflict between men, or women don’t often see this kind of thing, so it’s more like a fist fight . If I woke up, it would be bad, but the person above me is okay, it’s delicious, it’s delicious, it’s delicious, it’s really good, it’s a lie. He’s a really good guy. He might be the best person ever . He was the one who was targeted by the ideas that have come up so far. It’s possible that some of the police are trying to capture me and take advantage of Mr. Kusumoto’s weakness because of the koan’s guidance, but if the koan is really at work, then who brought that information? It’s you Even if the detective says so, there’s no doubt that pressure is being applied to the police’s manipulation from somewhere.It ‘s unnatural that you’re the only one who isn’t wanted when the RK who looks the other way is on the loose. That’s just what I heard from the mouth of a detective. Koan is Japan’s most powerful intelligence agency, and I think that’s how they were chased. I guess the story has finally reached that point, now you two. It’s a koan for anyone who wins when they’re distorted.While you’re dragging each other’s legs, they’ll sneak up close before you know it, and before you know it, they’ll find you and you’ll fall into their hands, and it ‘s your fault. That’s what the enemy thinks, but what if you all join forces? By covering the areas that each other ca n’t see, you might be able to move ahead of RK and even the koan and uncover the mastermind behind it all. I understand why it would be better if there was a bigger enemy in order for the enemies who have been sheared up to join forces with each other. It ‘s okay for me to join forces now. Once the koan is cleared up, I don’t want to overlook what you’ve done. So, where do we start? OK, we’ll always clear things up. If we jump into the idea with all our might, we’ll have to find out if the enemy is really the plan. Ah, the angry action will come after that. On the other side, we’ll still be together. They don’t know what’s going on, so maybe there’s a way to outwit them . They’re a good pair, right? If they’re really trying to take advantage of her, they should be right next to her, listening. They’re chasing after the eavesdropping prize. No, let’s check that first. How can I call her directly and still be connected? If I play here, the enemy might find out where I am in the opposite direction, but I can clearly see who the enemy is there. That’s right , that’s right. The moment you call Kusumotoko, the enemy will step in. You definitely shouldn’t do it here. No, you can use that trick. Hey, brothers. Suddenly, Mr. God , you created brothers without permission. I’m glad I did that, Fuji-san, I don’t think you’ll be offended. Ka- san, you’re still at the hospital. This is really good. It looks delicious , right? That’s fine. You’re the kind of guy who knows the difference. You’re the last brother. When was the last time we spoke?Years ago was the last time we talked.Do you know the numbers we’ve both tried not to contact since then? If it’s not the same as before, please let me know.Is it really a plan for someone with some ideas?I’ll set a trap. I’m going to make sure of that.If your call is reversed and someone comes to attack me, then I’m sure it’s the other party after all.I’m going to call Kusunoki.How can I have two smartphones with no legs and only hear your voice? Of course, I’m going to relay it to a place where you’re not around , preferably in an unpopular place.If I can peek at the people being sent, I’ll complete the mission.But what do you mean, I understand?Ema’s first step is to know the enemy.I can’t stand it. I’ll have Tsukumo prepare my smartphone right away. Well then, it’s okay to have a quick fight. It ‘s only while you’re here. I have to make a difference as a brother . After all, Nagayama’s cooking is good at making even bad deals work. I love Teso. Yagami-san and Tsukumo-kun, who are nice people, have already prepared a phone for me, but it’s just two smartphones that can’t be used. I told them that. As expected, 99 is a fast worker. How will I do this? I ‘ll head over to Tsukumo. No, I don’t really know what to do, but it’s already close. Tsukumo’s house. It’s not Tsukumo’s house. Tsukumo’s office. Oh, please don’t pull back. I can’t see where the car is coming from. That ‘s it, or the other one . Wait a minute. [Music] Look at this guy. Look in front of him and drive . Wait a minute. Isn’t there a pop? Isn’t there a pop? Don’t stay here. Tsukumo . Let’s go back to the place. It’s not near Poppo. Koans are professionals who can easily deceive people like that. Over there, they’re spies and things like that. As I said earlier, Vivant was really popular, so I checked it out. It was so interesting that I watched it all at once in the middle of the night for about 2 or 3 days. Thank you both for your hard work . I ‘ve been waiting for you. I’ve got my smartphone ready for the show, of course. Who do you think I am ? I’m still a little confused about what I’m trying to do, but what are you going to do with this, Yagami-san? First , I’m going to call Kuwana using my smartphone. One phone calls Reiko Kusumoto. So if you connect those two like this, the phone is not connected directly, but the voice is relayed, so you can talk. If so, then the koan is the person on the phone for Kusumoto and Reiko. Even if I were to trace the location of this smartphone as if it were Kurana, he wouldn’t be here.I’d be able to see the faces of the people sent in without taking any risks.I guess I understood somehow.Of course I’m going to do it here and now. That’s not the case, isn’t it? Someone will come to catch Mr. Ku. Ah, I’ll do it somewhere unpopular. I’d like it to be somewhere where no one will be in trouble even if the koan’s henchmen are sent in. But you get the idea. There’s a place where you can see the other party.If that’s the case, there’s a building that’s under construction a little further down the road.There aren’t many people around this late at night, so I do n’t want to get anyone involved.The place is just before you go to Seiryo High School.There ‘s a crane by the river. Okay, let’s go. You two stay here. Don’t go. I’m fine on my own. Okay, I’ll fly the drone and use my beauty to support the arrow. Let’s catch Kwana-san. When the people come, I can clearly see their faces. Yeah, I think it’s better if it’s not a big place. It’s hard to find out who’s the stooge, so it might be better if it’s a building or something. Quanah as a character. I can’t hate you , yeah, I get it, I think he’s a really nice person, I think he’s a really hot person, oh hey, hey, where are you looking? You’re just pulling away, making no noise, trying to leave. What’s going on in this town? It’s really okay. Wait a minute. It’s near Seiryo High School. You should take a taxi. I’ll take a taxi. Let’s take a taxi. I’ll take a taxi. It’s somewhere around here. There’s a taxi.Okay , well, I feel like I’ve never been to this area.This is it.I’ve never been to this edge area.Maybe it’s my first time.Let ‘s go.Let’s go.It’s over there or here.The crane truck is a big clay landmark. Oh wait, it’s here , it’s here, what’s this, Smile Burger, Smile Burger, it’s on the drone race ? I’d like to try an action game where you use a moving car to defeat an enemy , but I’ve never succeeded in doing so. I’ve taken up all of my time , so I’m here. Can I do this? Hey, what do you think? Hey, I’m going to get serious. Money is what I want, but I’ve come to understand that you can get a lot of money by playing games.I don’t need to beg money from these scumbags, but why fight them? Why do we fight? It’s because we just want to do it. We’re fighting because we just want to do it . We’re fighting because we just want to do it. If we find something good, we just want to do it. That’s all. Let’s sleep for a while. Oh, I wonder if the people who do drone racing are okay. Why is there so many people? Is this an event happening? A side incident occurred this late at night. A drone race with a beautiful woman. Is it happening in a place like this? It looks like a soccer field. Hey, I’ve had enough. I’ve fought enough. Everyone ran away. Hey, wait a minute, it’s around here, right here, this is the batting center, wait a minute, where should I go? [Music] Is it on this side or this side? Okay, Okay, Okay, let’s just ignore it. Can we ignore it? Can we just ignore it? [Music] No , we have no choice but to do something. Let’s clean it up.If it feels good, then it’s time to eat.It’s here.It’s here.This is the building that Tsukumo said is under construction.If it’s inside this, then who’s talking about that quack’s favorite place?He came in here. I can’t confirm it unless I go inside. Check it out. Oh, I think I can also confirm the people approaching from here. I’m going to call Kua on one of the jumps now. I understand. It’s called skipping. This is Kuana. Are you ready? I’m going to call Reiko Kusumoto now. When she’s connected, I’m going to do whatever I want. It’s been five years since I’ve talked to her. I know she won’t be very welcome. I’m sure she’ll be surprised. This also means that Reiko Tori’s number has n’t changed, but Mitsuru-kun ‘s office hours from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Reiko Kusumoto [Music] Hello, hello, this is the northern part of Kurokawa Gakuen. I’m sorry to have surprised you, but I really want to talk to you about the situation. So, please assume that someone is listening to this phone call. You’ll be scared, right? I understand. It’s been 13 years since I last heard from you. Mr. Kusumoto. There are various articles about Mr. Kitakata’s successes, and how many times have you been working during office hours? It just happened to be that kind of coincidence. That’s not true. Mr. Kusumoto was the one who was meant to appear in the world. I have never met someone as serious, straightforward, and strong as you. You are still asleep. It’s always been that way.What ‘s the point?As you may have heard from the news , I’m currently being chased by the police, accused of murdering Sayoko.Of course I did it. Do you remember Sa-kun? He was the last one in that class to come and visit Mi. Yes, that’s right. That was about 10 years ago. Yes, he became a teacher. You sent me a letter reporting the report, but I didn’t reply, so I guess that’s true.So , does your government have something to ask of me?If that ‘s the case, I’ll be in trouble.No, but I’ll send it to you in the near future. I wanted to let you know that someone might bother you about me . I’m not in a hurry. I promise I won’t cause any inconvenience to Mr. Kusumoto. It’s all about me. So I’ll do something about you. Are you causing me any trouble now ? Well, I hope you’re okay. It’s almost time for your destination. Turn off the headlights. Looks like two cars are coming. Reiko Kusumoto’s phone has been tapped, so who is that person? When it comes to an organization that can go so far as to go as far as retracing the search, the one chasing Quanah is Koan, and the one driving towards him is Koan. No, if that’s the case, it seems like RK is too quick to follow him. Maybe Koan is the police officer in charge who is using him as a pawn. It’s RK . I’m glad I finally heard your voice. You’ll never hear from me again. Okay , but if this was being wiretapped, I’d feel a bit in trouble. Hey, Reiko Matsumoto, I’m not in a hurry.Will I be in any trouble if Quananoko gets caught?Is it okay to shoot him because he’s saying things like that to me?It’s okay, hurry up , wow, he’s too small . We were forced to chase Roan, where is this guy? Even if we were suddenly contacted and told we didn’t know where he was and told us to hurry up and catch him, there’s no way we could do it . We’re not special forces, after all. But it was my first time shooting a gun. I tried shooting the real thing. The kids were so noisy in the morning. I silenced them all with one shot at my feet . That’s enough. Oh, I’m done. There ‘s already 6 people. Nochinpira and 10 already had a gun and were in a better mood, so maybe they could have just left on their way home.It looks like they rushed over anyway, so who’s this bastard’s orders? So, should you stay here or should you throw away your gun? Tell me everything. Everyone knows RK’s strong Quanah. If this is the case, I think I’ll live here without having to go home with my hands. Don’t let me run away. I’ll shoot you all as you wish . I don’t know what’s going to happen. They ‘re the kind of guys who are pointing guns at kids’ feet and letting loose. [Music] Okay, well, well, well, we’re just here for a little warm-up. It’s not worth it if you’re doing it out of the money you’ve lost. You’re not going to recover and you’re going to keep going like this. After all, there’s a plan behind you. These people are also leaders. I guess you came here after receiving instructions from someone . I’m going to make you look like you’re the type of person who emits flames from your body. I’ll let you out as well. Don’t let this set you up. You’ve done what you can. What you need to do is Is it certain that the plan is in the background ?Who ordered you to come here ? Was it from RK’s manager or Soma?It’s not that high up, he’s one of the many managers.What should he do if he finds Kwana? I was just told to catch him , but I was told not to kill him.He wouldn’t kill me, right?I didn’t even ask him how much he would get , but in the end , you guys are the ones who still don’t know anything. If you heard that you were being used as a piece in a koan, you wouldn’t be surprised, but tell your friends that it’s okay. It’s better for you to leave quickly. At your level, you won’t know anything and you’ll be thrown away . And someday I’ll just fall into a quagmire from which I can’t recover. Yeah, it sounded a little bit like that. Excuse me, that purple zebra-shaped person with the zebra print, but I’m Reiko Kusumoto. What’s going on at this hour? It’s not a good place for outsiders to come here. Well, what is it? I’m a koan artist at the National Police Agency’s Security Bureau, and I feel like I’m adjusting. My name is Band. I’ve heard that koans also have a sense of adjustment. It’s okay, but I have a different official title. However, I don’t want to make it too public that I came here , so no one else will come here for the sake of each other. There’s something I want to do.About the disappearance of a certain man.He disappeared from Kamurocho five years ago.I’m sure you know about him.You’re a former classmate of my cute Mi-kun, and it’s late at night.You can find out the whereabouts of this man. I thought you already knew that. Yeah, she’s surprisingly calm. Ah, it’s over. Chapter 10 I feel like it took a little too long. Maybe it’s just my imagination that Reiko Kusumoto doesn’t feel like she’s in too much of a rush. I wonder if something like this will happen someday. I feel like I’ve already made up my mind.I feel like I have a really strong will.I don’t dare to say anything about hiding things from their eyes, but I feel like I’m ready to throw everything away if they find out.I feel like I’m strong as a rock, so I’m not too anxious. What’s more, you’re supposed to be extremely busy, but there’s a shadow creeping up on you.The public security, Japan’s largest intelligence agency, aims at Kuwano and Reiko during the Ministry of the Elderly’s office hours.She was Kuwano’s handbook five years ago. He cornered his son and killed him in the middle of the night.The secret that had been hidden for a long time was bringing forth a new darkness.Yeah, my son must be number one after all.Maybe that damned Reiko must have been really busy all the time. I guess he must have made time to poke around at the hospital.As expected of Tsukumo, he was able to pinpoint Mitsuru Kusumoto’s hospital at a decent hospital near the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. I was able to narrow down the number, and with hard work and perseverance, I managed to reach Tang University Hospital, which is where Mitsuru Kusumoto has been sleeping. Kusumotoko has been visiting her son’s hospital room almost every night for 13 years. Amazing. Well, it’s been going on since office hours. That’s amazing. If Ya and the others want to meet her in person, it would be best to go there. But Oyagami, are you seriously not going to let Kusumotoko do it on her own? The person you’re planning to meet is the top of Kan. But if it turns out that he committed murder, no, I don’t think it’s anywhere in Japan. Maybe someone else will have to pay for hiding such a secret. It seems like it will be like Mr. Unsa. Mr. Sensei is the best. It had nothing to do with it, so if Soretsu and Ko took it upon themselves to kill each other, Koan would have no reason to act anymore.There would be no reason to protect RK.If that happened, the police would probably end their case with Sawa Sensei.It’s true. I think so too. However, Kwana-san is against it, saying that she won’t let Reiko Kusumoto do anything on her own. So this time, she’s going to directly attack that person who was trying to move without telling her.But on the other side, I’m sure the plan has been sticking around for a long time, and we’re taking all the necessary precautions, so we’re professionals, so the countermeasures are fine , Yagami-san, I have some preparations to make, so I’ll be there first.I came to Tang University Hospital later and found out about it. Well, no matter how much of a detective I am, I’m a professional, so what should I do? You don’t know RK from the past. I want you to find the whereabouts of evil. Can you do that? There’s no way I can’t do that, but you’re cool. I know a few people who are going in and out of RK at the appearance party . I asked them to be careful, but if they find out that you’re spying on them, they’ll be in trouble. They’ll come right behind you, so there’s no need to worry. I’m a professional. It’s because he’s a former Yaza , so he’s always supportive even though he has a bad mouth.It’s true, that’s why I like it.It seems like he’s been bored lately, so why don’t you scout him at Mr. Yagami’s office?Mr. Kaito has come back. I talked to him about it and forgot about Mr. Fuji.What’s worse is that Mr. Tsukumo also borrowed Sugiura, so what’s the point? It’s so weird now.Also, I have n’t been with Mr. Kaito for a long time, so I wonder what’s going on. My partner is already starting to look like Tsumo Sugiura-kun, but I’m going to head to Tang University Hospital, which used to be Kaito-san’s hospital.First of all, I’m going to train with Reiko Kusumoto there, but she’s also a koan. I’ve found out, let’s take a look. I wonder if I’ve received a job request. I haven’t. It hasn’t been added. It hasn’t been added. Let’s go. I’m UF. I’m looking at the objects I took with the catcher and other gachas. I hope you come home safely today, and let’s go. Fuji-san, are you okay? Come to think of it, I haven’t been to visit Fuji-san at the hospital, but lately, I’m going to take a taxi and head there. This way, this way , this way is good. Should I go over here? There are some thugs, so I’d like to avoid them for a bit. I’ll go from here. Ah, it’s Kamurocho. It feels weird. It’s been a long time since I was a great man. He was also a great man because he used to be a detective. I haven’t been working as a detective for a long time, but I ‘ve been on business trips to the big boss for a long time, so when I go out of the office now, I feel like the scenery is different, or that the streets aren’t narrow or crowded. It was a town, so let’s go to the big hospital. Mitsuru’s hospital. Judging from the hospital room, it’s a great hospital. As expected, it’s a detective. It’s scary, isn’t it? I do n’t want to get involved in anything anymore, Mitsuru. I’m the only one there, so what’s okay? I’ll give it back to you when I get off. If I put it in this, it’ll block the radio waves and won’t be eavesdropped on. I wonder if I realized this in an instant. I’ll be coming back to the hospital around here. Please give me your time while I’m at it. You have eyes, right? We’re detectives, and we’ve talked to Kitagata-sensei. We also know about Mi-kun and what happened in the middle of the night five years ago. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Yeah, that’s fine. Let ‘s just be clear first. I’m not your enemy.If that’s the case, what’s your business?I’d like to know your truth.I didn’t say anything like that about the sword that killed cute Midnight.I see, it ‘s like cutting the white. There’s no evidence anymore, so I got a call from Mr. Kitakata, who is talking about Kitagata.He calls himself Kua and is working as a handyman for a great man.He called you. I was trying to find out if you were being monitored by the device.Yes, it’s already here.Maybe this reaction doesn’t really surprise you, or maybe it means you already have a clue. According to the results, your cell phone has been tapped , and the person on the other end of the call has a reversed GPS value.It seems that the telephone company’s cooperation is required for the phone to be wiretapped.If such a thing could be done secretly, it would be difficult to do so in Japan. It’s just a koan. Well, that idea is chasing after Quanah in an attempt to exploit your weakness. Do you understand the current situation? Mr. Kusumoto, the police can’t do it. You seem to be a special kind of bureaucrat. You’ve been off the career path for a long time. However, because the mainstream school lost all its customers and you were suddenly selected, you had no gratitude or obligation to the organization. However, when it comes to being competent , it seems that he has too much power as a bureaucrat.In fact, Mr. Kusumoto is constantly carrying out reforms that he thinks are right, such as purifying the organization and doing what he thinks is right, regardless of the convenience of those around him.Public opinion supports this as well. It seems that even the minister is already checking your complexion.Maybe someone who wants to stop you is behind the plan.If that’s the case, then I have more than one or two enemies.If that’s the order, then it’s a koan. A koan is an organization that exists to maintain the current system.The people who make up that system are the powerful people who control politics and the economy.However, each of them has different ideals and justice. This creates many inconveniences, problems, and bonds.As society is a collection of people, this is unavoidable.The koan ‘s job is to loosen those bonds.However, the world is a place where all kinds of values ​​are chaotic. If all the bonds are unraveled, the future will surely be the collapse of the nation, so the role of the koan is to stabilize and continue the nation while still being bound by the bonds. In other words, what public security protects is the very bondage of those in power, so if I am not bound by it, I may indeed be a nuisance. That means you’re the traitor to the group. Ah, it’s about bullying. It means that even the most important people are bullied. Ah, the bullying theory. So they were exploiting Mr. Kusumoto’s weakness. The incident that led you to realize that Fuka had disappeared was probably the case with Akira Ebara.You know, an active-duty police officer apparently took revenge on the bully who caused his son’s death. Perhaps one of her enemies had suddenly had this idea.If that were the case, what would Kusuko have done about the person who had bullied Nonoko ? Maybe she had gotten there, or she had found a koan, and that was the trigger for her to take action. Shortly after the Sword of Ebara was discovered, a man named RK was searching for Kawa’s whereabouts in Kamurocho.As a result, they realized that Kawa was abducted five years ago and was probably killed.I set out to take revenge. I didn’t do that.Well, there’s no way you could tell me a secret after just meeting me.I don’t have any evidence to draw it out yet.Yeah, I just heard from Quana, but there’s also the reason why Quana would lie. If not, then Reiko Kusumoto, this person in front of her, must have been the righteous person. But if you were involved in that, it would be profitable. They would be able to grasp Kusumoto’s weakness, which was their long-cherished wish. As the koan continued to research How Long Will Your Story Continue, I think they eventually realized that there was a person in common in the bullying of Mitsuru Kusumoto and Toshiro Ebara.That person was the teacher who also taught Hano Ehara. What ‘s more, he was most recently in charge of the training for Koshi, who was killed by Ebara. Soon after, RK came to Iijin-cho and barged into Sawa Sensei’s house.I think that’s when he heard about Kuwa from her mouth.It seems that Sensei suspected that she was involved in Gaga.He came there. With RK, the man interrogates him on a professional wave.He is forced to tell everything he knows through violence and fear.Mr. Kusumoto did that.You knew that she was killed, right, even in the phone call with Kuna. You should have said that, aren’t you one of his friends? He said he’ll make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble. Even if we don’t contact him again, Kuwana and I are in a business situation where we’re in a rush. We ‘re different from friends. This person has been upset since I mentioned Dr. Sa’s name. Yeah, there may be things that I can only ask now. Well, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, Dr. Sa. Moreover, he was most worried about his own son. I killed that person because we were classmates. I didn’t kill him, but I was involved in causing damage. What should I ask Reiko Sugimoto? Yeah, one person died because of me. If you think about it, you’ll be upset, right? Well, that’s not really important. What should I ask Reiko Kusumoto? What should I do? [Music] It ‘s a very important situation. Koan has contacted me about Mitsu’s condition. First of all, let’s talk about your son. What kind of situation are you in, where you’re worried about something and listening to it? You’re in a situation where you can wake up at any moment, and the problem is that it’s been going on for 13 years. That’s right. I started working at Todo University Hospital this year. I thought it would increase my chances of waking up, but in the end, what I’m doing is not that different from the previous hospital. All I can do is wait. This person is also upset since I mentioned Dr. Unsa ‘s name, so there may be things that I can only ask now . Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience. Good evening, everyone. Please take your time. I’m sure there will be some clues. This is the last thing I’ll hear about the murder of a cute person in this time I’m going to draw out.I’m pretty sure that there was a contact from the koan.Is there any contact from the koan to you?Some suspicious person is approaching you, or something like that. [Music] I think his aim is to exploit your weaknesses and manipulate you. If he really wanted to get rid of you, he could have made it look like an accident. If so, could you please tell me?What is their aim? The aim of making it look like an accident and killing someone is to move the pension system, which the Ministry of Labor feels is being run by a corrupt corporation. That amount is about 160 trillion trillion yen, and there are forces that are telling the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to use the people’s money to make a bigger profit by using it, even if it means taking risks.This will rebuild Japan’s dying economy. They think it’s a last resort.For the future of this country, of course, if things like that go well, that ‘s fine, but if we lose to the land, we have no guarantees for the old age of those who believed in our country. That’s why the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has always had a policy of steady investment even if the return is small.Yes, I see the story is starting to appear.It’s a lie.I’m glad they didn’t leave it at that.The aim of Sugiura-kun’s group is to make pension money a reality. In order to revitalize Japan’s economy, Mr. Kusumoto is the head of the administration that even the minister cannot control. If such a person works, the major policy of pension management may be changed. If anyone can do it, it’s only the current Mr. Kusumoto. Even if he tries to do a new office job where he has the ability and the trust of the people, he will be immediately crushed by the constraints. He wants to seize the weakness of the difficult work and manipulate it. Moreover, if the 160 Trillion Land were to fail , I would be able to blame it all on Mr. Kusumoto.I have to make such a decision.Even so, I have already been contacted about the 160 Trillion Land, so I may have to do something about it. I don’t think so . After mentioning Sa-sensei’s name, they brought back this person. Yes, I see. So, the enemy. I still don’t know who Mr. Kusumoto’s enemy is, but there may be several people or groups, but they are… It means that the people who need more pensions to build up the country are also acting out of their own justice.In order to rebuild the country , the people who receive pensions should use the pensions they have accumulated so that they can make such a big profit . It means that Mr. Kusumoto is trying to manipulate Mr. Kusumoto by saying that he wants him to turn around. Everything he just said was what Yagami said, but he just repeated it, cute. I have to ask you about Midnight. Five years ago, you killed him with your own hands. I understand how you feel about Kai , but did you really have to do it ? If you talked to Kitakata-sensei… I’m sure they already know about the video , but I can’t stand this anymore.These students don’t even know about it, and they don’t want to take any responsibility and visit Mi’s hospital room. But now that I think about it, I think they probably didn’t want Mi to wake up, so I wanted to check on her, but Kitagata-sensei, who had even lowered the phone to me, turned on the bidet. It was much later that they showed me that they knew it was a mistake that no punishment had been given to them, so they made everyone who had dragged them into the quagmire to be the ones to kill them. If you know , what more are you going to ask me? Well, teacher, it’s the same as before. I wo n’t ask you any more. Well, I didn’t say that I really did it, but it was Quanah’s story that I did it. The story was that they took a lot of time to stab the dice in various places over the course of several days, inflicting pain on them.I understand, that’s a lot of hatred, right? If we’re not your enemy, then please put it down already. Do you have anything to tell Kakuna ? [Music] I want you to run away somewhere far away as soon as possible. Now that the koan has caught my eye, it’s only a matter of time before I get caught . It’s dangerous anywhere in the country. If I fall into the world, everything I know will be pulled out, and I’ll be tortured or something. At that time, I’ll probably never be able to show it to the public, and no one will be able to bear it. I’ll be made to speak in a way that’s not clear to me. And I’ll have my weaknesses seized, too. I guess you won’t be able to resist it. I’m sure the people’s money will go to waste, and above all, no one will be able to fix the corruption in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. But what is that? [Music] After all, you should be independent, Mr. Kusumoto. Are you guilty of murder? But was it really a person that I killed? Late at night, there was no help from the timid lights. You must have seen the video of what was done to Mi. I’ve been thinking about Mr. Kitakata for a long time. Even though I was an incompetent teacher who took the bullying of Mi, whom I hated, too lightly, eight years later, she came to me and showed me that video, and told me that I had to get rid of the people who moved there. You could have stopped there, thinking that you absolutely had to do it in order to avoid a mistake.Yes, it’s true that you hesitated a lot.No matter how much grudge you have, that will never be forgiven.However, Mr. Kitakata’s words… I couldn’t get it out of my head , so when I heard that Kawai was working in Kamurocho, I went to see him. Right after Mi jumped off, Kawai apologized to me in tears. It was the first time we had seen each other since then. He was me. If I had just froze and apologized again, he might have stopped me right there.That wouldn’t have happened.He didn’t even realize who I was.In fact, he mistook me for an old lady who was trying to talk to a young man. I’ll play with you if you give me some pocket money.The tears I see when I apologize are just a formality. Of course I’ve known this for a long time , but I felt like I shouldn’t have killed him.The other kids who were bullying Mi should be grateful that they didn’t lose their lives, so I have to make amends to myself. I don’t think I’m guilty. I look at my son’s face every day when he never wakes up. I don’t know what else to do to him. Kwana said the same thing to me , but she said the same thing I just said. Can you say this to Sa-san? You guys must have thought you were doing a good job by killing the person you hate, but you are conveniently averting your eyes from her sacrifice that happened as a result. I was once someone else’s justice. I have seen people being sacrificed, so I can’t just ignore the same thing.This smartphone is not being listened to.If you want to be independent, this is what I want. [Music] That’s all about Kakocchi [ Music] No, tomorrow ‘s cool, isn’t your father? Did that come up? I wonder if there’s a car here. I go to talk to Reiko Kusumoto, and what happened is probably going to happen.Kuna-san, you’re just copying me.That’s why you shouldn’t be together.If that’s the case, your words are too sweet. [Music]Masu is like a younger brother, isn’t it? He’s been around for a long time, but he’s younger than me , but Sasuura-kun still hangs around in that same RK tone to everyone. There are a lot of thugs and gangsters in this town. It’s too good to throw. Let’s sleep for a while and drop 1,000 yen or 1,000 yen. Don’t fight for now. Wait here. See you again. Run away. Do n’t make it in time . Which group are you in if you’re going to fight? You guys have opened up. Nori throw is strong. I learned the back throw, so the back throw is strong. Wait, maybe I got an octopus . Some kind of technique to use against a down opponent. Maybe I’ve gathered up some SP by now. I have accumulated 90,000 SP. Okay, ok, ok, what should I do? Hmm, what should I do? Should I release my abilities? Wait a minute . I want to increase my physical strength. I also want to increase my attack power. The battle reward is that SP. The ice is strong. I’ve already raised it, so what is the EX extension ? It’s nice that the gauge doesn’t get depleted when EX boosts, but I guess it’s the attack power. Increase the attack power. I’ll increase the attack power by one more, then I’ll have to use the ability on the enemy. Let’s counterattack from a surrounded state. Wait. SP has accumulated. It seems like it has accumulated a lot. The reason why it is easier to accumulate SP is because I raised it to max rank 6, so it’s probably not a big deal. I’m probably not fighting an enemy, but I’m just fighting an enemy whose level has increased a lot. Isn’t it? And SP accumulates every time you clear something, so it must be accumulating pretty efficiently now. It’s great. It’s a technique that quickly sneaks into the enemy’s bosom and thrusts a fist, which is limited to during EX boost. However, the triangle near the enemy seems to be easy, so open this area as well. EX burst in VR class 56 only. EX or EX burst in this area. Health gauge. You will lose this area if you recover more than a certain amount of health or cancel EX boost. What the heck is my health? When I activate EX Boost when my health is flashing red, my attack power increases significantly. I eat right away, so when my health gauge turns red, I want to eat soon. So I might not use it much.Um , the power of Mortal Reversal increases when you’re on the verge of death.Umm, I’ll use this part normally, so let’s release this part.I’ll release this part of the trick.Um, let ‘s release this part, parry, parry. Okay, let’s release it mainly in the sink.In the end, I tried various things.When it’s a one-on-one ball game, it ‘s just one battle, but basically, the sink is easier for me to use, so even in a ball game, it’s a game. What is this, what is this, what room is this? Wait a minute, it’s not here. It’s open above and below. We’re brothers. We haven’t seen each other for a while, haven’t we? Oh, I’ve missed you so much. It was on the 23rd, right? I’d be surprised if I followed you right behind Kuana Sled. I’m a bit annoyed at things like that. Sorry about the phone call. Oh, I don’t want to make her angry. I’ve been meeting Reiko Kusumoto too much for the past 5 years. What did you say before that you were acting so selfishly that you wanted to kill Kawai? I said that. I have no sins to atone for. Of course, what did you do on your own? It’s over for that person. Don’t involve me again. Don’t let it end as you please. Nothing about your case has been resolved. What about her parents and children? They probably think that your daughter was killed by you. They don’t know why, and the culprit hasn’t been caught. They don’t know anything about it. Is that what you want, sir? Your justice doesn’t even try to save her. You don’t even try to face her properly. No matter what you say, I won’t let Kusumoto-san go any further . I’ll never forgive you if you don’t suffer. I thought you would say so, so I kept quiet about meeting her. Ku also has a great sense of organization. She still hasn’t recovered from Mi’s jump. She killed Kai . Unlike me, I’m still feeling lost.If I’m like you, I’ll be more motivated by her.There’s no evidence that she killed Kawai.Kawai just disappeared from Kamurocho, and the police said that. I didn’t even realize that. And in the first place, it wouldn’t be an incident if there wasn’t a dead body. She’d never be caught. Hmm, Kuana is hiding the dead body of Ikai. I think Mami Yui said that . You said it was frozen, right? Moreover, Samami and his friends had lots of fingerprints on their hands, so that’s why they were being threatened based on that.Even if Mr. Hon took it upon himself, the police wouldn’t be able to deal with it. I won’t even show you.The people I killed were 7 people.Is there no hesitation about that anymore? You are really a lawyer for doubting people when there is no proof. I wonder if that’s what’s going on. Now in Kamurocho, my friends are preparing for the Ebara lawsuit. It’s shining a light on your reality. Speaking of that, it’s not a bad show. People are saying that someone is blaming the perpetrators of bullying. But by then, I’ll have changed my appearance and given a different name.Do you still want to continue?Is Dr. Sa’s sacrifice nothing to you?That’s all you’ve been saying for a long time . I don’t know if it’s a good idea for her to come out.Sa-kun also had some regrets, and what I just sent you is proof of that.This is an audio file.Mr. Ebara is in court. This is a recording of a conversation my girlfriend and I had on the phone right after we lost. Iro-kun ran away to the rooftop with his face cleared. A student named Miya came looking for him soon after. Toshiro-kun was scared at that time. I can’t get her face out of my head . She told me everything . She was teased, beaten, and took my money. Even though no one helped me, I pretended that I hadn’t gone to court. I really didn’t want to do that, but I was told that there was no chance of winning even if I testified alone, even though there was no evidence.Sa -kun gave false testimony in court.I felt guilty about that. That’s right. You were recording this story, taking advantage of Kasa-sensei’s weakness. And the person who let Mr. Ebara listen had the right to know the real reason why his son committed suicide. Ebara’s desire for revenge was only fueled by his desire for a friend of his own.Bullying is an act close to human instinct. That’s right, so I’m sure I won’t die. But for example, do you ever not clean the toilet because it’s going to get dirty? Someone has to get their hands dirty and clean it. From now on, I’ll continue to protect the second and third Mi Kusumoto. You keep killing people, yeah, it’s wrong. If you hit someone who can’t resist, you need to be brought to justice. I don’t want to do it unless the law works for me. I know what you’re saying. Yes , but it’s too much. Don’t give up. If you really want to stop me, you ‘ll have to kill me too. I thought there was going to be another fight for the sake of justice. I had a hard time cleaning up the other day. I’ll have to deal with him next time. It’s time to get away with just a minor injury. When it’s time, do it in the elements, not here . I’m worried about the scar on your face. We’ve become good friends now, so I want to ask you, but the scar on the iron face, that cross scar 9, is already there. I’m going to go back to Volume 99 and take a break . Hmm, what’s going on with you? Where did that happen? I’m also curious. Just take the things that are a little closer. Which way is the exit? Which way is the exit down ? Exit here? Which way is it coming out? This way? This way? Here. No, where’s the exit ? Exit here ? I’m surprised. I wonder if I’m lost in a parallel world again. It’s not here. No, wait, I ‘ve never seen a place like this. It’s my first time. It looks like a Chinatown. The door here is in. It’s not here, it’s not here. Wait, wait, I’m sorry. I get lost when I walk on the ground, so I want to climb up from a high place, like a roof, and get back home from the tower, but there’s no exit. The green line is drawn here. Is it true? I saw the green line, but it’s here. Thank you. How did I get there? Thank you. It ‘s so close. It’s so close . Hey, there’s a money guy out there for you guys. Do it or do it. Do it or not. It’s up to you guys to ignore the money guy. Wait a minute, wait, wait a minute, the money guy has something to do. I’m going to sleep for a while. I don’t really know what to do with the golden one, or the golden cat.Because I’m going to have to eat that bento a lot, and if I defeat this guy, I’ll get a lot of money, but 50,000 yen. I guess it ‘s about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Wow, this is great. I’ll try this trick as well. [Music] Let’s get it done. Okay, let’s go. Okay, it’s time. I got 50,000. After all, I got 50,000 . If I kill that one guy in the gold suit , I get 5. It’s all right. Now this person is going like a bug. This person is going like a bug. They’re not chasing me. They’re running away, which is a little sad. They’re chasing me. They’re a little happy. The road is slipping. The road is slipping. They’re sliding proudly. They’ve come, they’ve come, they’ve come. Kusumoto has come. She said she was still thinking about whether or not to kill her, but she’s still worried about whether it was the right thing to do or whether she should go to sleep or not. He must have already died as a human , so they could have killed him in such a horrifying way.Hello, this is Shirasaki.Is Mr. Yagami still in Yokohama today?Oh, he’s been in Yokohama for a long time.Maybe it’s about the Ebara trial.The police want to consult with us regarding the appeal. I’ve been saying, unofficially, unofficially, no, what do you mean , I want to talk to the judge about whether to use the Gangwon murder video as new evidence.The video has already been exposed to a lot of people on the internet, so how should we handle it? So, everyone is nervous.The prosecutor is probably under pressure to say something about fake videos again, so I can’t wait.That’s why we decided to have this meeting today.I’m sorry it came so suddenly in the courthouse conference room. But, Mr. Yagami, can you join us? Of course, we can’t use Zum-Zoom. Thank you. We still have some time, so there’s no need to rush. Well, we can’t use Zoom or Meat while we’re there, so we’ll have to take a taxi. Tsukumo is also working all the time. I’m sure Tsukumo isn’t the only one, so this is probably the biggest case right now, but there are quite a few bullying incidents. He said he’s dealing with Tsukumo’s office, so let’s go there. The investigation was only conducted by Sugiura-kun and the two of us . In other words, Yui Mamiya was not a victim of molestation, but was in a group with Akira Ebara and was accused of murder. We just want to clear the molestation sword, but the defense says Is the story going that far? It’s your job to find out the truth. In order to explain the plane that the whistleblower saw, it is essential to confirm the fact of the shaman’s murder. In the first place, in this molestation case, there was no conviction. It was in their plot from the beginning that he would be killed.He was a defendant with strong hostility toward the court.I think it was difficult for Ebara to realize that he had made the killing lawful by guiding his will. But it’s true that we were outsmarted.Your main job is detectives, not lawyers.Ya -sensei is still a qualified lawyer.If you’re offended, forget it.Kenji Takano Please guide me. My boss said that when he was young, he didn’t like that teacher.He was always aggressive towards the inspector who insisted that Yoitani had committed a crime and kept getting involved even when he lost, and to make matters worse, he was the head priest and hung out with Yaza.Isn’t that cool? Above all, I couldn’t forgive your erratic attitude. Hey, you know Genda Sensei very well. When I was just starting out, Genda Sensei treated me like a brat. Honestly, I didn’t have a good impression of him, so it was a bitter thing for me to defend. I can’t give you more compliments than that. Umaai Shisaori-san is great. Yummy, yummy. Genta-sensei. I was worried about Saori-san’s career, but when I was younger, I used to pick fights with the prosecutors. That’s cool. But in Kamurocho, yaza. Isn’t that the top of the appearance party ? He’s a person who gets along well with others, so he’s got a lot of courage and determination. Mr. Genda. Now, he’s hunkered down. The children, Saori-san and Hoshino-kun. Are you worried about the children? Hey, Jim’s uncle. Kasao seems to have inherited the lawyer spirit of the current NAT firm, and I’m sure it will be passed down to Hoshino someday.Let’s get back to that topic . Just to confirm, the defendant himself has agreed to the appeal.However , if Ebara really committed the murder, he wouldn’t want to be left behind.Ebara ‘s purpose is not to escape the crime of murder. Well, if the point is to show off the law, the best thing to do is not to deal with it.Maybe that’s true.If you want to prioritize the benefits of the prosecutors and courts rather than the structure of the law, then why not? That’s exactly what I’ve always said, oh sorry I’m late. What is this koan? Who is this ? It’s the public security who went to see Reiko Kusumoto. In this case, the defense intends to insist that the defendant is innocent. But wait, before that, I ‘m from the police station. Since Ebara is an active police officer, I’d like to confirm the situation this time. There’s no point in arguing. Police. We can’t afford to write any more shameful stories , so we need to disseminate accurate information to the people. Can I ask your name? My name is Band. My title is the police chief, and I don’t want to discuss it any further. I don’t want to be a nuisance . Please feel free to continue. Please send a little more security. It seems like this is a more informal place than I had. It takes a while to read. I will once again present the prosecutor’s opinion to the presiding judge. In the case of Masu Ebara, we A murder video cannot be accepted as new evidence.It is just a rumor from the Internet whose source is unknown.It should not be brought into court lightly and will be resolved.Certainly, if you have a strong case, you can use the Internet video as well. There is a possibility that it is a trap again. It’s a trap. Next time, new evidence that the video was manipulated and fabricated may be leaked onto the internet. What if the appeal has started at that time? If we cannot allow the public to see such a courtroom being swayed by Ebara’s whims , then how about we should carry out the sentence handed down to Ebara? Lawyers, are you there? Are you filing an appeal after taking this into consideration? Yes, no matter what they say, we will insist on the innocence of the accused. Yes, you are too. Are you calling me that? What do I think about Gangwon’s enzyme now? How will I answer? Hey [Music] Mako should be made to pay.Prove Ebara’s innocence.Ebara’s conviction was wrong, all of them are correct.All of them are correct.I told the prosecutor about my stance on Ebara’s enzymes.All of them are correct. Because what we have considered is the truth, and what we have deduced is true, we already know that it is true based on the testimonies of those involved, so we can continue to dismiss our mistakes as mistakes. We can’t just let things go . Ebara’s conviction was wrong. We believe that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict that person at the time of the original crime. It was a trick in which fibers in the underwear of the victim were detected.There is no evidence to prove that it was a trick.The evidence was security footage. But I don’t know if it remained.The security footage from the station would be deleted in a few days if it wasn’t needed.However, since Ebara Tomaya and Yui may have been the guru, it seems that the fibers in the underwear are not a decisive factor in convicting the suspect. Well, what else was the deciding factor in Ebara’s guilt? The security footage, and the smartphone video that was shown many times on TV. But I can’t say that it proves rebellion. I think there’s a definite hole. We’ve earned that proof with our feet . There must have been a big hole in the security footage that proved the molestation in Gangwon. That’s it [music] . Did you go to the crime scene properly? Kenji Takano. I’ve been to Shinjuku Station many times , so I think I can understand that there are a lot of security cameras there and there are almost no qualifications, but when I inspected the scene in detail, I found out that they were qualified. It looked like Ebara was running away, and the part of the quadruple that carried him was still visible in the video, but the dotted line of this arrow was a square from every camera. This was the moment when Ebara was able to be replaced with a substitute. The victim ran from right behind Ebara where the hole was and was chasing her.If they were swapped right in front of her, she would notice right away.They’re all gurus, so yeah, she would notice, but she knew in advance that they would be swapped.It proves that. Is that possible? Mr. Takano, we do not want to prove the defendant’s innocence.We point out that the evidence gathered by the prosecution alone cannot prove the defendant’s guilt.That is the role of the defense attorney, so you are right. At the very least, if he didn’t know, he wouldn’t have suspected him. Those words should have been said at Isshin’s time. Most likely, Mr. Shirasaki didn’t believe in the defendant’s innocence either. Isshin’s guilty verdict was induced by the defendant. It’s possible that we didn’t notice that, and it was our mistake. But after realizing it, we ‘re begging you to say something in a big way. This person probably isn’t cut out for swords. I can’t ignore what he just said, but if he’s a molester, he’s falsely accused. If it is allowed, the public may perceive it as such.I will cancel the appearance.After all, if a certain accuser was induced to do it, only the law would allow him to do it.Thank you, however, the murder video of Mr. Ebara I also saw it, and I think it would be difficult to use that as evidence in court.Unfortunately, it is not allowed to bring it to court at this point.It is impossible to overturn a criminal conviction just by using the murder video.To bring it to court in the first place. I can’t even do that. [Music] That’s good. I feel like I’m going to go to court, Saori-san . I’ll go to the office later. I understand. Excuse me, judge. People who are crushed under some kind of pressure. I’m glad it was n’t a band.The public security official didn’t say his name, but it’s true.Do you know Suzuko Kusumoto? Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s office hours.Yes, of course the reason for monitoring her is very straight forward.It ‘s a person. I’m sorry to hear that, but you and I are the only ones here right now.It ‘s good that you’re speaking so quickly, Yagami-sensei.There ‘s no way the koan person who appears in this situation has anything to do with Suzuko Kusumoto’s sword.For you, the Ebara trial is like that. It’s not important . You didn’t come here because you wanted to meet me. I want to know where it is. I can’t find it at all, so you had to give me your feelings, or something like that. It’s not something that’s wrong with you in the north. is wanted on suspicion of murder. If you know where he is, please let me know. He’s wanted for murder. Mr. Yasa, you’re using RK here. Is it possible to hide who killed him? Even the detectives at the crime scene are already suspicious. There is a lot of conflict between the people in charge of the crime scene and the people in charge.The police officers in the crime scene often run around complaining about their superiors.I was like that when I was young, too.Then why are you a police officer? I don’t understand what you’re saying.It’s obvious that you’re being confused.There ‘s no doubt that this sound is definitely from the person making this reaction . You’re an idiot, aren’t you? This guy ‘s the one who’s running the move, or at least the one who’s giving instructions. You knew from the beginning that this case was going to be a dirty job, so you obviously ca n’t use police personnel. I wonder if you weren’t able to raise such a trustworthy subordinate on your own.It ‘s a good thing to be able to be such a high-ranking person.It’s because of the monitoring and the reverse value.The rest of the trouble may be left to you.But still, you. They’ve given out enough to crush them. I’ll ask you all about it, but where is Soma now? If you hand over Kuwana right away, there won’t be any more victims. Do you have any reason to protect him? I understand that Kua is a person who goes around executing bullies and is trying to heal people, but in Mr. Sa’s case, he is not the culprit.I didn’t come here to argue. I heard this for the first time in my life, but what is the final final China? I know it’s the final China, but the final bankbook is the final bankbook. I’m looking for something. What should I do ? Kuana was also angry at me for doing something selfish. Is Ako Muromachi back? Let’s go back to Kamurocho Hara Law Office for now. Let’s take a taxi . It’s cheap after all, Kamurocho. This is where I first got into it. Yes, Genta-sensei. I wonder if Genta-sensei is messing with me. Genta-sensei used to be sharp. You know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t care about the truth, he just finds out the truth. That’s probably what he did with that spirit. Genta-sensei when he was younger is still the same, but RK is being watched. As always, RK is watching and watching, so I guess that’s pressure on me. Yeah, what did I see? How real is this? Why are you coming to Unakochi ? There’s something rough outside, Kenji-sensei . Is it sharp? What was Kenji like in Takano a long time ago? Hey, Asao-kun, you used to treat him like a kid. I was hoping things would go perfectly, but Sao-san might end up wiping his butt. Kenta-sensei doesn’t remember because he treated him like a kid. Mr. Yagami, were you okay earlier? National Police Agency Yeah, there’s a guy called that band. Could it be that it’s the gang that’s behind RK? Oh, that’s for sure. Yeah, they wanted to know where Kwana was. Now that I think about it, it seems like Hoshino-kun has heard rumors about RK. Hoshino-kun has also been cooperating with RK. I heard something about that , but apparently that evil executive has returned to Kamurocho. Since yesterday , he’s been number 2 in Soma’s whereabouts, right? Ah, I know exactly where he is. I don’t think so. Where is Tsu in Kamurocho ? Is it worth a visit? Yagami-san, do you know? RK seems to have several cabaret clubs that have become popular in Kamurocho, and the number two evil is running them. I’m in charge, so if there’s a good reputation in the affiliated store that has good sales or a good reputation that can be expected in the future, evil will sometimes hand out bonuses. Where do you get that information from, Hoshino? I ‘m having fun. Many of the clients are hostesses or people who work in Kamurocho , so I see that the girls who are likely to sell well to the customers are likely to meet evil.The awards have been missing for the past few days, but yesterday it was. It seems like it happened. That means the evil that went to Yokohama has returned to Kamurocho. Well, that’s certainly true. Where exactly in Kamurocho has the evil returned ? Until then, it’s still RK. The executives seem to change their location every night, probably so that the police won’t know what they’re doing, but if it’s a girl who looks like they’re going to sell, it’s not like evil people are calling out to them.I don’t hate the attention at all anymore.This development is actually where I want it to be. If Fufusao-san becomes a hostess again, I’ll be able to attract evil.This will be an infiltration mission for RK , so I know it’s dangerous, but damn, I want to see Sari-san’s transformation again . What are you talking about? You clearly belong to RK. The beast inside you wants to infiltrate Nezuta. There’s a shop called Queen Rouge, which was taken over by RK’s Hagure a while ago. Apparently , the manager at Queen Rouge or something like that hasn’t changed, and he’s still a very good guy.I mean, he was originally a hired manager, but he still hasn’t changed.However, he used to be a high-end store, but he sells cheap products. I guess the inside space may have changed now that it’s cheaper. I guess I’ll go if it’s cheap. Genta-sensei is working, right ? He’s already become an old guy at the gym and doesn’t have time to go. Nasaori needs to prepare clothes and make-up again. Let’s think about it together. If that’s the case, then it’s okay. The other day, I went to RK with Marinette to find out the makeup that I like. I’m going to do the same this time as well. Ah, Marinette’s clothes. I’d like to change that, but I think it’s better for men to do the makeup that men like.I’m sorry to hear that, but you can’t make that judgment without even seeing it.Oh, you ‘re so angry, you’re stepping on a minefield. I guess I should leave it to the girls’ tastes.Wait a minute, let’s do a little more.It’s better to leave it to Saori-san, but I want to say that I’m going to redo the makeup.Let me just say that, after all, it’s me. I’m thinking about the make-up.I worked really hard on the make-up because I didn’t want to get angry at Saori.Still , I wish Yagami-san should do the make-up from scratch again.Those eyes are terrible, Yagami-san said, touching Saori’s intense look in those eyes. Are you sane? No, this isn’t just a game. I think it’s better to focus on the results than on who did it. Mr. Tai is serious. Our makeup has already produced results once, but yeah, that’s right. What should we do in times like this? I shouldn’t go against Saori-san , but let’s try changing it a little bit.I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m sure if I say something like that, I’ll think it’s a bit off-putting, but I’m sorry to have to say it, but I’ll just confirm it.Maybe I’ll change it a little bit. You might try, but the other person is RK and the idea behind it. I’m not just saying this just for fun. I’m serious. I’m serious, Yagami-san. It’s insane to go against Sao-san like this. Yayoi. I’ve said it all. I respect you . You’re just an old guy at the gym. I get it. I can see how serious Mr. Yagami is, so that’s good. It’s a loss of my spirit. Thank you. Let’s go. Since I’m there, I’ll ask for your help. Thank you. I’ll make some changes. Directly Yes, it’s the same as last time. Well, it’s all good. Let’s do one more perfume choreography. A popular perfume that calms the wearer’s mood. A popular perfume. A recent perfume. I put it on.It’s already finished, but I don’t know what to do.I can take the plunge and buy it.In the first game, I had a cat hairstyle.I like this hairstyle, but it’s boring if it’s the same. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what else to do. This is going to be long. I want a close- up. I like a close-up, but it’s weird. The hair on the sides is sticking out too much. Wait a minute, the paper on the sides is a bit weird. It’s sticking out too much. I’d like a close-up. I’d like to do a close-up, but I’ll try to decide with this. It’s not bad. Hmm, no, the paper on the side is a bit. I don’t feel like the front is too much. [Music] It’s a little too good, I’d like a close-up , but I’m just saying, wait, I haven’t decided on that properly. This is a bit more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more. I don’t think so. [Music] Yeah, maybe it’s not that bad. Wait, let’s go with a miniskirt. This time, let’s go with something a little cool. It’s not my preference, but this time, I’m going to go with something cool. This is mostly underwear, and this is mostly sleeping. It’s curly, this is good, this is cute too, the hairstyle is good, this is also good, I’ve been saying this in manufacturing for a long time, but this might be quite good.I want it to look classy even if it’s exposed.This is the only one. It’s the presence of nothingness, really. I don’t want it to have that vulgar feeling, I want it to have an elegant feeling. Maybe I’ll try wearing a miniskirt. This time, I like it too. It’s the same kind of thing [Music] Should I go with this?I want to surprise Hoshino-kun.I want to surprise Hoshino-kun.Maybe Isshin is good.It might be pretty good.Red looks good.I’ll go with this.It might be surprisingly good.It might be surprisingly good.Yeah, it’s totally fine.It’s actually good. It’s nice that the dew is intense like this, but the gap between the eyebrows is n’t so strong, but the gap between the eyebrows is soft. But no matter how flashy I try to make it, my tastes will come out.But this is pretty good, but I guess I’ll just go with what I like.Black is my taste, so I’m using eyeliner this time [Music] For something like this, it’s better not to use panda makeup.I’m going with perfect makeup.This time, it’s so nice and beautiful.But yeah, I guess this is what I like.Eye shadow.Yeah , this might be good.Maybe I can use this to match the color of my clothes.This is it. Okay, let’s go with this to match the color of my clothes.Um, the colored contacts aren’t really cute.They’re not cute anymore.Maybe the colors are too bright.They’re really cute types.Oh wait [music] Wait a minute, these might be good. So, what’s good for cheeks? I don’t want it to be too dark because it blends into my skin.I have dark eyes, so it’s not too dark.I don’t need it.For lipstick, I’d like it to be as red as possible [Music], but this is actually it. It’s orange, it’s orange-ish. I wonder if I’ll go with this one. It’s a bit dark. I’ll go with something with a bit of brown in it. It’s really good. It’s not good. I don’t have really good shoes. I don’t have any shoes. Wait a minute, change my nails. The rainbow pattern on the pants and bra of that first top and bottom set from when I was at school . I don’t need any skills.I don’t need any skills.I don’t need any skills.I’ll go with this.Wait, I’ve come up with something surprisingly good.Wait a minute, I’ve already done it last time, but I can’t do it. Hey, I want to show it to Hoshino-kun quickly. I guess there’s still a little time until my makeup is finished. I’ll prepare myself so that whatever happens, I’ll be fine. Or just wait, so that whatever happens, I’ll be fine. Let’s go to Poppo or Poppo. Let’s hurry up and go to Popo. We’re almost out of food, so we’ll hurry up and go to Popo. But, everyone, get out of here quickly. I want to see Mr. Osan appear. Come on, everyone, get out of here. Um , wait a minute, I’m going to buy it quickly, I’m going to buy some yakisoba.I’m going to buy all the sushi that I can buy, and I’m going to buy some yakisoba, too.Well , there aren’t that many bento boxes, so I’m going to buy some yakisoba as well. Oh, and how many of these do I have? I’ll buy this as well. I’ll go there already. I already bought it there. Hurry up. Wait, I might have found the best one. I’ve been thinking about this, Mr. Sao. It’s pretty well made , everything is ready, this one is ready, and Sari is coming out. It’s summer, but miniskirts are nice. And I like the purists, so I’m fine with this, this, that , wait, wait. I’m a little disappointed, but in the end , I thought it wasn’t a bad idea to ask Ya-san. Thank you very much. It turned out better than I expected. It was neat and neat, but Sao-san did the makeup for Queen Rouge. I told the store manager about joining.As Hoshino-kun said, it seems like there is a system where people who are expected to make a certain amount of sales are called out by evil spirits.I ca n’t lose to this, right?I’m number one in the store. All you have to do is aim for it.I can’t guarantee whether you’ll be able to do it or not, depending on your confidence.Amazing, Tomiko Mine, Tomiko Mine, I ‘ll follow you wherever you go.Let’s go to Quin Rouge.It’s a shop I sneaked into once before.You can do well.Inside my cute heart. Saori-san is cute just the way she is. Please be careful. Saori-san understands. Hoshino-kun is fine in the field. Compare and contrast. You can walk sideways. The difference between this person’s side and side is I’m going to be late. I’m not going to prepare the food. It’s too short, Saori-san. As expected, let’s compare. Which one is prettier, me or you? Comparing, you or I, which one is prettier. Which one is amazing? Look! Look, everyone! I’m sure you’ll scream . What’s amazing about Hoshino- kun? What are you doing here and there? What are you doing? I’m going to sue you. I’m going to sue you. I feel like the sex appeal of adults is really bad. You’re not sexy either. You girls. Look, look, this body isn’t here. Yes, everyone, this is what we’re aiming for at the cabaret club, but from here on out, I feel like it’s going to get a little long, so it’s a good thing , but the fun continues tomorrow. I think I want to do this.This would be amazing.I might have made a number one.My previous work.I might have made a history of number one that surpassed the previous one.So today, I will show Saori from various angles and wear a watch. By the way , can I tell you my favorite angle ? I’d like to go from a lower angle, but my favorite angle is definitely from this angle, which makes the body lines look really beautiful. That’s great, everyone. Well, it’s a little in the middle, but it’s a good place. Well, I’d like to continue this tomorrow and beyond. Well, everyone, thank you for your comments today on Moe Chat. See you tomorrow. Wait, come and visit me! If you liked the video, please hit the good button and subscribe to the channel. Thank you for your hard work. Bye-bye. See you again. Bye-bye.


【ロストジャッジメント/LOST JUDGMENT:裁かれざる記憶 再生リスト】

【ジャッジアイズ/JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 再生リスト】

チャンネル登録よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m




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