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Sara Kurashima (倉島颯良) Cute and Funny Moments

Sara Kurashima (倉島颯良) Cute and Funny Moments

Cute and funny compilation of Sara Kurashima. Hope you enjoy!

If anyone is interested in watching more about Sakura Gakuin, check out these links.

Reddit page:

Sakura Gakuin official website:


  1. I barely followed much of Sakura Gakuin from the past two years. I'm sure by the time I catch up with all of it, I'll have this sinking feeling that I didn't follow Sara and Mirena when they were still in the group.

  2. This is great! Puts all of my favourite Sara moments into one, including some I haven't seen 😀

  3. I hope we see a lot more of her in the future. 🙂

    Do you have a link to the twinklestars instrumental in the outro?

  4. I wanna watch the episodes with eng sub but its so hard to find ;_;

  5. I know Sara (a.k.a Kokeshima) has only been graduated from SG for less than a year, but it still kind of blows my mind that she just turned 16 less than a week (February 24th) before I typed this. She seems older. Must be the hair. Hey, I'm glad she's still working. She's a lovely young lady.

  6. Gorgeous girl, such a subtle beauty. Sara's from Ibaraki, isn't she? There must be something in the water; Sara, Nene, Ayami…

  7. 🌸 Joyeux anniversaire Sara Kurashima 🐱 Happy birthday 🎂 誕生日おめでとう 倉島 颯良 🌸

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