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Owaranai Uta – Maeda Aki version

Owaranai Uta – Maeda Aki version

Owaranai Uta from ‘Linda Linda Linda’
実はこれ、出張の時に人目を気にしながら新幹線の中で作ったw だから音がズレたんだよな。

追伸 結局、音だけズラして作り直しました。でも、今更再うPする程でもないので、このままにしておきます。



  1. actually, i like the paranmaum version better than puffy's. the version in the movie is less clean. more honest. more apropriate for the song. just my opinion.

  2. this is a meaningless bit of information, but i think its interesting how the bassist was 26 when she starred in this movie.

    she's so friggin' cute…

  3. 亜季ちゃんかわいいな

  4. 高校の学祭という設定の映画だから、上手くなくていいんですよね。むしろ、下手な方がリアルでいいです。

  5. ソンちゃんのこの感じがすごくうまいと思います。女の子のかわいさと曲のパワー感、パンクの持つけだるさが十分伝わってきます。

  6. I like them all but i like bae doo na (the singer) and aki maeda (the drummer). it's hard to belive that akimaeda was in all two battle royale movies! bae doo na was also a great actress for that korean movie "the host"

  7. SUGOIIIIII (^O^)/
    I think Paranmaum's version is better than Puffy's, even the original one 😀
    hehe, just saying 🙂

  8. I think it might have been done with two (2) camera's … they used the soundtrack from the drummer and singer .. and isolated both guitars on a second run through. I'm just guessing .. very nice though.

  9. I remember a version where they're doing it live, the vocalist front hair were longer than it was shown in this one..
    the video itself is around 9 or 11 minutes lengths and contains 2 songs which are linda linda and owaranai uta..
    does anyone knows where I could watch that version..?

  10. 懐かしくて涙が😭 説明のとこ見てID思い出したw 他にも007とか付けてたわ😭

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