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【TSSテレビ新広島】被爆地から怒りの声 「平和への反逆」ロシアを非難 Anger from the Atomic-Bombed City of Hiroshima

【TSSテレビ新広島】被爆地から怒りの声 「平和への反逆」ロシアを非難 Anger from the Atomic-Bombed City of Hiroshima

Hiroshima Peace Program TSS ARCHIVE PROJECT

放送日 2022/3/2
被爆地から怒りの声 「平和への反逆」ロシアを非難
Anger from the Atomic-Bombed City of Hiroshima

広島市中区 八丁堀(2022/3/2 午後)




Hatcho-bori, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City Morning of March 2, 2022

Organized by the Hiroshima Prefectural Confederation of A-Bomb Sufferers Organization (chaired by Kunihiko Sakuma), Hiroshima Congress against A-and H-Bombs, and other organizations
Approximately 130 people gathered in protest today in central downtown Hiroshima City,
answering the call put out by hibakusha organizations.
Protesters strongly condemned the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia,
as well as Putin’s rhetoric implying the use of nuclear weapons.

【Kunihiko Sakuma/Chairman of the Hiroshima Prefectural Confederation of A-Bomb Sufferers Organization】
I believe Putin’s actions are founded on the idea that it’s okay to use nuclear weapons.
My message for them is “withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine now!”
I want them to realize the grave crime they have committed.

Today, the atomic-bombed city of Hiroshima raises its voice in outrage.

Hiroshima Peace Program

Hiroshima 100 sightseeing spot “70 years since the Atomic Bomb/The Miracle City”

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