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大观篆新逛早市,脆皮米糕,柠檬撒,烤乳扇,裹卷粉等美食云集,云南风味人间等你来 Yunnan flavor world is waiting for you

大观篆新逛早市,脆皮米糕,柠檬撒,烤乳扇,裹卷粉等美食云集,云南风味人间等你来 Yunnan flavor world is waiting for you



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00:00 预告 Preview
01:23 逛早市 Morning market
01:47 拇指玉米 Thumb Corn
02:14 烤肉 BBQ
03:08 鸡脚粉蒸肉 Steamed Pork
03:43 奶白酒 Milk white wine
04:59 宣威火腿 Xuanwei Ham
05:41 熟食卤水 Deli brine
06:26 锅魁 Guokui
07:08 炸猪皮 Fried pork rinds
07:50 花椒鸡 Sichuan pepper chicken
08:13 千张肉 Thousands of pieces of meat
09:03 油炸美食 Fried delicacies
09:46 豆制品 Soy products
11:16 酸笋鱼 Fish with sour bamboo shoots
12:35 炸圆子 Fried dumplings
13:18 玉米粑粑 Corn cakes
14:15 制作饵块 Making bait blocks
15:47 烤豆腐 Grilled Tofu
16:38 泡梨 Pickled pears
18:04 糯米饭 Sticky rice
18:25 烤乳扇 Grilled milk fan
19:39 米糕 Rice cake
20:13 裹卷粉 Rolling powder
20:37 脆皮米糕 Crispy Rice Cake
21:39 鲜花饼 Flower cake
22:36 烧茄子 Grilled eggplant
23:58 盐水鱼 Saltwater fish
24:34 柠檬撒 Lemon Sprinkle


#滇西小哥#阿星探店#赶集#美食#云南#Chinese Food Tour#Hunting Archer


  1. 来篆新菜市场带你感受昆明的人间烟火
    Come to Zhuanxin Food Market to take you to experience Kunming’s human fireworks
    Click CC to open the subtitles to watch. I hope everyone will like and support it.

  2. 哈哈,纯正的云南普通话。😁😁如果有朋友来昆明玩,千万别去篆新,全昆明最贵菜市场。

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