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MASACCHI self-portrait fishing diary. Hello. My name is MASANORI MURAOKA. Today I will take a video of the boat sea bass. It’s around 2pm today, October 16th, and we’re in the middle of autumn. Today I’m going on a fishing date with a woman. It’s been smelling good ever since. This is today’s guest angler.

Thank you. I’m MARINA OKADA. She is OKAMARI. Let’s do our best today. We are not meeting for the first time. Yes, that’s true. Two weeks ago, we competed together as the same team for two days at the TSURI VISION video shoot. We competed in triathlons.

We finally became friends, so I invited her out fishing today. thank you. I’m happy that she came, so I’ll do my best to stream the video. The conditions are good today, so we will go fishing for sea bass offshore during the day.

Then in the evening we go to where the Japanese Spanish mackerel are. After fishing there, we finish fishing. Let’s do it. can we catch fish? Let us catch some fish. While fishing, I hear various stories from you. Look forward to it. That line was different. We’ll be heading there right away.

We have arrived. Today I will be using Fishman 510. This is TATOXU-RA300, PE5. This is Gaboz 200. The water is cloudy because of the rain. That’s true. What will happen today? There are fish. Is it bad to go fishing the day after it rains? That’s good at this time. That’s true.

However, in November, if it rains like it did yesterday, it’s not good for fishing. The fish will move to deeper water all at once. There are a lot of KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHADs. They are at the edge of the current tide. Is the bait KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD?

Well, the bait here is KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD. Both the fish reflected in the detector and the fish jumping are KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD. Bait is being chased by something. The fish are rising to the surface of the water. There are fish everywhere like that.

I think the fish are at the edge of the current tide. There are a lot of fish jumping over there. That’s good. Let’s hurry, I’ll cast the lure. I think she’s fun. I use Snecon 180, but is it okay to just wind the Reel? In this situation, you can simply wind the Reel.

I think it’s better to wind the Reel a little faster. You should Reel at medium speed. I think you can also move the fishing rod and swing it from side to side to make sounds. I see. Is it like moving the Rod and sliding the lure while winding the reel?

That’s right, with light force you move the fishing rod. I think that movement on the surface of the water is where you can catch fish. Please continue doing it like that. That sound is amazing. The water is cloudy, so it’s better to call the fish by sound today.

I see, I need to use sound to make the fish aware of this lure. The movement of the lure should stop. You don’t have to move the lure as you pull it back toward you. OKAMARI, you also do a lot of GT fishing, right? That’s true.

I started doing it seriously around last year. You started doing it seriously last year. Every year for about 8 years, my parents and I charter a boat and go fishing once a year as a family trip. Do you go GT fishing on family trips? Yes, I have never had a moment of rest.

That’s amazing. The trip will be about 3 nights and 4 days. Every day we fished from the boat or land. At night, you eat and go to sleep. It would be great if everyone liked fishing, rather than going on a family trip where you don’t know what to do. That’s certainly true.

At first my mother didn’t fish much. I see. My mother enjoys hot springs, so she booked us a good hotel. However, about three years ago, my mother also started fishing. That change is huge. Your mother started fishing, which means she will spend more money on you guys fishing.

I think my mother seems to have given up. My mother decided that she had no choice but to go fishing, and from then on, she started booking cheap hotels that were full of spider webs. Your mother is spending money on chartering a boat.

We spent the money on a charter boat and booked a hotel just to sleep. I think it’s a happy family. That’s true. I am the only one who has ever caught a GT or giant trevally on a family trip, and that was only once, six years ago.

My parents haven’t caught a giant trevally yet. They haven’t caught giant horse mackerel yet. Let’s put the lure back in. Did the fish come out? A fish came out of it. The fish came out. The fish are coming out of there. You cast the lure. Cast farther. The fish came out.

Don’t let the fish run away. The fish ran away. There was a fish. I have the impression that this is a GT lure, but fish will bite even with a Snecon. The fish are chasing KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD. That’s amazing. It’s amazing that you brought the Snecon 180. I didn’t bring Snecon. Really?

Since MURAOKA is here, I thought I absolutely needed this today, so I brought a Snecon. I can’t win against that idea of ​​yours. We found our friend’s boat. Who is that? That’s what you all think, right? He is KOMINE. He is. Hello. She is SHIHOMIN. This kind of coincidence is amazing.

How’s the situation? It was good. Have you guys finished fishing? We still fish. In a little while we will go fishing for Japanese Spanish mackerel. Do you think the coast of FUNABASHI is a good place to catch Japanese Spanish mackerel? I think FUNABASHI Oki is good for that. That’s salvage.

There is also a fish reaction here. There are a lot of reactions. The fish seem to be here, so let’s fish near them. I do this because I know them, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do something like this. People who don’t know me are like, “Why are you guys coming so close?”

This is the third cast. This was the second cast. I wish you the best. I will do my best. We will fish next to you. I don’t usually feel this way as an old man fishing, but why does the air feel fresher when young people are around? Is the air fresh?

Just having two beautiful women within a 30m radius can make the air so refreshing. Hello, we are the Japan Coast Guard. We are on patrol now. yes. Are you their friends? We are their friends. Do you guys fish for non-commercial purposes? Yes, we are on a pleasure boat. I got it. I understand.

By the way, do you guys record videos with a camera? We are shooting videos for YOUTUBE. OKAMARI looks worried. Let us take a look at your documents to do a little inspection. Yes, that’s fine. Are you ready? Please put your documents in here. I put it in.

I ask a few questions, such as “How long will you be fishing?” and “Where are you from?” You had better catch those people. MASACCHI is trying to sell his friend. That ship may have exceeded its passenger limit. They are professional guides who desert their bosses. Please tell me your last name. I’m MURAOKA.

What is your first name? I’m MASANORI. Do you fish often? yes. Is it once a week? I fish six times a week. Do you only catch sea bass around here? I only catch sea bass. Are you a fishing professional? I’m a fishing professional. Do you appear on TV shows?

I sometimes appear on TV shows. I sometimes watch fishing programs. From now on, I’ll check out the programs you’re appearing on. thank you. I was investigated for the first time this year. I am investigated once or twice every year. Two or three such ships are patrolling. KOMINE and the others are gone.

They quickly disappeared. We look healthier, right? Those people are definitely more suspicious. I thought that those people were usually the ones to be interrogated. There was a person who dyed his hair golden. That’s true. There were people wearing tank tops even though it was October. I’m glad nothing happened. Let’s go fishing again.

Let’s put the lure back in. We change our mind and go fishing. I came the day before yesterday, but the situation today is still not as good as the day before yesterday. The other ship is also being investigated. While being investigated, the fish were running wild on the surface of the water.

That’s true. The fish were very active and when we decided to catch some, they called out to us to investigate. I felt a different ship behind me, and I thought it was someone I knew, but it turned out to be the Japan Coast Guard. Please use various lures.

You may be better off using a type of lure that moves while vibrating. You can see the fish’s reaction at the top. There is a reaction from the fish, but what do you think? I also want to fish for Japanese Spanish mackerel. That’s true. Let’s catch some sea bass soon. This is Blooowin.

Do you ever fish without filming? When I go fishing, I always record videos myself. I see. I don’t publish it when it’s not very interesting. Two weeks ago I went fishing for squid. Is that squid? I thought there was no need to publish videos of squid fishing on YouTube.

So I was fishing quietly and alone. At that time, I caught 4 squid. I ate the squid grilled in butter at my house. When I thought that squid was delicious, I wanted to shoot a video like “My Mood Cooking”. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to take proper video footage.

I have something like that too. I would do it again. I think I’ll do it on the boat next time. Do you grill squid on the boat? Next, will you join it? I want to participate in it. It’s a gathering where you eat squid grilled in butter.

It looks great if you do it at night. Squid fishing is done at night when there are no waves at all. The location is at the back of the port. Ships are being inspected one after another. The ships inspected are quickly gone. Everyone was like, “What?”

What’s the point of them chatting with us? They might be searching for something from our chat. Will they look for suspicious points in the conversation?

Just like questions asked by the police on the street, the Japan Coast Guard becomes suspicious of people who cannot smoothly answer questions such as “How many years have you been fishing?” and “Where are you from?” The Japan Coast Guard was like, “There’s something suspicious about them.” It’s like a leading question.

They were like, “It looks like they’re a couple fishing, but aren’t they actually here to dump the body parts here?” They have that kind of intuition. Their job is to be suspicious of people. That’s true. It’s not good or bad to doubt, that’s their job. You can’t doubt someone without having a conversation.

They will probably get some hints from a little conversation. The “Fishing Professional Serial Murder Case” may be happening right now. However, there are surprisingly many people who forget to renew their ship inspection certificates.

Boat licenses are now renewed once every five years, but in the past it was once every 10 years, so many people forget to renew their licenses. The expiry date on the boat license is 2024. I saw a fish over there. That’s the white chimney. It’s a good course. It’s okay there.

I let the lure swim. KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD hit the lure. I think I can see the fish. I can’t see the fish. Let’s recast the lure. Let’s go fishing for sea bass early, and it’s about time to go fishing for Japanese Spanish mackerel.

I would also like to catch at least one sea bass. I also want to catch sea bass. I think the situation is a little worse than when we arrived. When I asked KOMINE about the situation, he said in the past tense, “That was good.” I was like, “Is that past tense?”

It was in the past tense. They immediately went fishing for Japanese Spanish mackerel. In exchange for the Japan Coast Guard, they went fishing for Japanese Spanish mackerel. That boat looks fast. The engine is very big. The hull is very slender. It’s shaped like a kayak.

The hull is shaped like a speed kayak, so its speed is fast. He said, “If you go too fast, this ship will break down.” Indeed, he said so. I don’t know what will break. They said, “This ship is old and will break down.” They’ve been using that ship for years.

They were already using that ship when I was about 23 years old. Although the hull is now brown, it was pure white at the time. Was that originally pure white? It was pure white, or more specifically, a bright cream yellow.

When I was offshore and saw a pale yellow, pointed hull, I thought, “That’s here!” I didn’t want to talk to them, even though I didn’t do anything wrong, because talking to them would be a waste of time, as was the case with street police questioning.

I tried to keep a low profile when they came. That ship is certainly fast. That ship’s speed will be faster. Is it faster? Once upon a time, a Japan Coast Guard ship spotted us from a distance and headed toward us. When we are near them, leaving is an escape.

However, if they are far away, we do not know whether they are investigating us or not, so even if we leave the scene, we are not considered to be running away; we are considered to be moving. So I moved at top speed.

With a slight tailwind, the ship was moving at a speed of about 46 knots. I thought they wouldn’t be able to catch up to me, but the Japan Coast Guard was getting closer and closer. I see. It’s suspicious to keep moving all the time.

We stopped the ship as if we had arrived at the point, and the Coast Guard quickly caught up with us. You stopped differently then, so it wasn’t weird. It would have looked like you weren’t running away. But I was asked, “Were you trying to escape?” “I never noticed,” I said.

This will likely lengthen the investigation time. Usually, one person is watching the situation through binoculars from next to the driver’s seat. After looking through binoculars, they decide which ships to investigate. They didn’t see it with the naked eye, but perhaps their eyes met mine through the binoculars.

The fish don’t jump on the water surface. The water surface has become quiet. This is ARUGO APIA160. Snecon is good. Usually when I see a Snecon, it goes into the deep blue, clean water, so I couldn’t imagine that a Snecon could go into such murky water.

Just watching the lure move makes me feel happy. There aren’t many people like that. In the past, I couldn’t cast big lures for big game. I was frustrated by that, so I practiced casting all the time on KAWASAKI’s HIGASHIOUGI Island without attaching a Hook to the lure.

I understand that now, but there’s no point in practicing unless I put a Hook on the lure. The movement is different depending on whether there is a Hook or not. But it’s good practice for casting. I was working hard on it. you are a hard worker. Is it an effort?

I really had nothing to do. I had a lot of free time from my job as a singer. I see. I had a lot of free time when I didn’t have any songs released. How often do you perform live? We also had national tours, so I was always performing live.

Have you been touring the country? I went around live houses. I was a member of a band related to HELLO!PROJECT. I have even participated in an event where everyone from HELLO!PROJECT gathered. Is MORNING MUSUME the main thing after all? In one project, MORNING MUSUME’s ace REINA TANAKA and I were doing vocals.

However, the difference in our careers was huge. All I have are painful memories. Does that mean there is a difference in skill? So was skill, and I was so inferior to her. And it was hard for me because the audience didn’t care about me. So in the beginning, I didn’t enjoy it. yes.

That’s painful. Fish are jumping on the water surface. KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD is here. You should aim for the top where the water surface is bubbling. Do you see the direction in which it is going? where is it? Can’t you see the KONOSHIRO GIZZARD SHAD swimming on the surface of the water? over there.

Okay, over there. You cast the lure wherever it is moving. For some reason, I can’t see the fish completely. Let’s move in 10 minutes. Let’s go fishing for Japanese Spanish mackerel. I would like to catch a sea bass. There are four ships now, but no one is doing anything.

Are they waiting for the Striking time? Are you aiming to become a fishing professional? Where am I aiming? That’s how you feel. Anyway, you’re doing what you want to do, right?

For the past few years, I don’t want to have any regrets, so I’ve been living the life I’m living now, doing what I want to do. I don’t know what I want to do next. However, I would like to live in an environment where I can fish.

I’ve always wanted to do a fishing-related job. I’ve only been doing what I like. So I might have to work somewhere else. I don’t think that’s necessary. I think that is the sophism of the world. There were many people who said such things to me, but somehow I succeeded. Originally, I like music.

When I graduated from high school, I decided to become a singer. I announced to everyone that I wanted to become a singer, went for an audition, and became a singer. yes. And since childhood I have been fishing. Becoming a singer also led me to fishing as a job.

When I talked about my love of fishing on the radio, the producer also said he loved fishing. And the producer said, “OKAMARI, let’s do fishing work.” From there I started appearing in the media. It was only last year that I decided to only do fishing-related work.

While working as a singer for seven years, I also did some fishing. After I quit being a singer, I worked as an office worker and also worked as a fisherman. Then, last year, I quit my job as an office worker and made fishing my only job. I think that’s good.

Living by doing what you love isn’t necessarily good for everyone. If you’re going to have a hard time anyway, you should do what you like. If that works, no problem. That’s certainly true. If you are not successful, you may be complained. People who live without being able to do what they love complain.

But you only live once. My personality is naturally very conservative. I’m the type of person who always needs insurance. I really wonder why I am able to live like this. I’m the type of person who feels more secure if I’m employed by a company and receive a steady monthly salary. I see.

So why do you live like this? I don’t even know what happened to make it what it is now. Sometimes I have an epiphany. I was like, “I definitely want to do this.” My thoughts at that time have the most power. Then I can take action. yes.

I worked as an office worker for about four years. That was fun. I thought I was suited to be an office worker. I also think that you are suitable for being an office worker. I liked creating materials using PowerPoint the most. It was close. That movement is really good.

The movement of the lure coming to the surface of the water is really good. There are only 6 minutes left. You are good at moving the Snecon. is that true? However, this movement is likely to catch giant trevally. Perhaps that’s fine. You cast the lure one last time. This is the last one.

Sea bass can also be caught at night. Let’s fish for Japanese Spanish mackerel. Let’s move. Unfortunately we were not able to catch sea bass. We are going fishing for Japanese Spanish mackerel. We came a little offshore. The water depth is 16m. There is also Japanese Spanish mackerel. Let’s get started.

Japanese Spanish mackerel will probably be on the bottom, so if the fish splash on the surface, you may want to use a minnow. This is TG Shalldus (pseudonym). This is a tungsten Shalldus called TG Shalldus that is currently being tested. It’s perfect for this kind of fishing. I’ll cast it.

What is this water? Fresh water is on top. You can see that there is seawater at the bottom and fresh water at the top, right? The deep parts below don’t concern us. This is what the water looks like this far offshore.

I think it’s probably a lot thicker in a place near the shore like before. The fish is on the right. Please aim for this shadow. OKAMARI, what are you aiming to become in the future? what do you want to be? There are many things I want to do.

I have been able to appear in fishing-related media. yes. I want to continue doing this job because I love it. Starting next year, I want to work in apparel. I see. And I would like to hold a seminar to raise funds for the release. yes.

I want to do something good for the ocean soon. I see. It’s not good when the sun goes down, let’s try a little harder. Look for positive reactions. This reaction is as good as catching a fish. This reaction gives the impression that the bait is being chased and swirling around.

This is the reaction of a sardine turning and swimming. This is a very good response. The fish is on top. This reaction is as if you’ve already caught the fish. This reaction is a reaction of a large fish chasing the bait. The big fish are chasing the bait.

This thick line is probably Japanese Spanish mackerel. Sardines run away to avoid Japanese Spanish mackerel. This is such a reaction. Or maybe this is the reaction of a jellyfish swimming. I change the direction of the camera to take a close-up shot. Cast the lure at an angle of about 45 degrees.

You wind the Reel fast but keep the lure’s trajectory rounded. You cast the lure to the side to curve the lure’s trajectory. And you don’t just raise it straight up. The ship continues to move to the left. Therefore, the fishing line is pulled and gradually moves upward.

So the blade moves at this angle. This will make the fish bite the lure more. Blooowin may not be suitable. I use Jolty. This is Jolty 46, which has just finished development. This one comes with a blade. Which one should I choose? I think a jig is good for that.

But there is no sign of catching any fish. So I’m going to use Metal Shalldus. That’s good because you can pull it slowly. I think this reaction is good. Too many fish may be the problem. But Bate is being chased. MURAOKA, what kind of fishing do you like the most?

I like JAPANESE WHITING fishing the most. You like JAPANESE WHITING fishing the most. Why is that? What is the reason? This is because the pulling force of the fish is strong. Then, if I carefully bait it and put it in the water, I’m sure I’ll catch a fish every time.

And JAPANESE WHITING is delicious to eat. That’s the origin. You don’t like lures, do you? My second favorite thing is sea bass fishing. However, there are many types of sea bass fishing. It goes something like this: “Which type of sea bass fishing do you like?”

Of course, I sometimes catch JAPANESE WHITING from the beach or from a boat. I like anything about JAPANESE WHITING. He is looking for a beautiful woman to fish with a serious expression. Let’s do it. OKAMARI is introducing the lure to her camera.

I’ve never shot a YouTube video like this from a fishing professional. I have never introduced lures before, so I imitated you. You are cute. Your voice is nice as it calmly speaks to the audience. I thought that your number of fans would increase by saying “OKAMARI’s voice is good”. is that true?

In the car it starts and ends quietly. That’s true. I see, I thought. I watched your video and thought, “It’s good to talk alone to the GOPRO camera.” That’s why I chose that style as well. I see. You’re not setting up a camera and shooting videos, are you? Yes, it is.

Fishing pros have to explain the situation immediately to the camera, which I admire. yes. I usually talk about my lunch on my YOUTUBE channel. I don’t know much about the fishing situation. I’m wondering what everyone is talking about. I think that many fishing professionals actually talk about what they think about when fishing.

It goes something like this: “For some reason, the tide isn’t flowing right now.” After that, it went something like this: “I feel like the tide is starting to flow more than before.” That’s a small thing. I say, “If that’s the case, now is the time for the tide to move like this.”

A fish hit the lure. Which direction is it? That’s perfect. wait a minute. I use Blooowin. wait a minute. It is Japanese Spanish mackerel. Let’s take it slow. This is the best. you are amazing MURAOKA, the lure may be caught in the water. where is it? Jolty is stuck. is that true?

Just keep fighting. There are no fish in the net. It’s slow and good. The fish are still hooked here. What does this mean? The fish ran away. The fish ran away. The fishing line has broken. Now I was about to catch a fish. It was a Japanese Spanish mackerel in good shape.

If we try hard, we should still be able to catch fish. I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated. Japanese Spanish mackerel has come to the surface. That was close. I also use Blooowin. The Japanese Spanish mackerel has come to the surface. After all, there are Japanese Spanish mackerel. This reaction was exactly right.

My Jolty should have been on the surface, but something caught it, I’m sorry. This was my mistake. But the fish are still responding, so we’re okay. Let’s go fishing. I’m shocked. More than anything, I’m shocked that Blooowin is gone. I’ll give you a Blooowin later.

Do you have any lures that you use now? No more lures. There is no 165, but there is a 140. thank you. We should be able to catch fish. yes. OKAMARI, you brought the Japanese Spanish mackerel to the surface. I haven’t caught anything today. The sunset is very beautiful.

The sunset is so beautiful. There are fish at the edge of that tide. The night view of Tokyo is beautiful. That’s true. That’s romantic and nice. Today, this is a fishing date. Have you ever gone on a fishing date? I’ve done that a lot. Is your date a woman who goes fishing?

No, there were more women who didn’t fish. Would such a woman come on a date? I don’t think I can show my charm unless I show what I’m good at. That’s certainly true. Even if someone falls in love with me without seeing me fishing, that’s a fake me.

If I pretend to be a city boy and go out with a woman, she later finds out that I’m not a city boy. You reveal your true self from the beginning. I do that on the second or third date.

Rather than doing serious fishing, I invite the woman to go fishing in a casual way, just to show her my normal self. I would talk to her about the tides. It goes something like this: “When the moon is full or new, please consider that you won’t be able to see me.”

When the moon is waning, expect to hear from me. I think it is important to make such announcements first. I prioritized fishing over women. I see. That’s why I never said, “You are the most important thing.” It’s difficult to balance fishing and dating at the same time. That was difficult.

I really feel at ease when I date someone who says, “It’s okay to be like that.” When it’s raining or windy and I can’t go fishing, I call my girlfriend and ask, “Can you meet me today?” Indeed it is. It’s very convenient for me.

I went on a date with someone who understood that. Was there anyone like that? There were people like that. There were many people like that. I see. That means you shouldn’t lie in the first place. If you knew he was like this, you wouldn’t be angry, right? That’s what it is.

On the other hand, is it not okay for people who fish to date each other? I’ve never dated a woman who fishes, so I don’t know. I see. In that case, you don’t have to choose whether to go on a date or go fishing.

However, in that case we are likely to complain about each other’s fishing. It’s like, “The leader is hurt,” and we’re going to have a fight. If I can’t go fishing because I’m on business, and my partner goes fishing and catches a big fish, I probably don’t want to talk to her that night.

That’s jealousy. I take it seriously. It’s not that serious, but I think it’s more fun to date someone who goes fishing. Because we can share this time together. After marriage, I would feel very bad if my partner went fishing when I couldn’t. I think that would be a fight.

Once a child is born, a situation will arise where one of you cannot go fishing. Usually their wives remain at home at that time. If only the wife takes care of the children and cannot go fishing, and only the husband goes fishing, the wife’s resentment will grow.

If I were in that position, I would hate him too. When her husband comes home saying, “I caught a fish,” the wife gets even more angry. If the husband doesn’t catch any fish, it might be a good idea for the wife to complain to him.

That seems like it would make the couple’s personalities worse. There are many reactions, but no fish are caught. There is a reaction. I’m disappointed. But OKAMARI, you are amazing because you created a highlight. Was I able to make a highlight? You made the highlight. Let’s get ready for the night.

The situation seems to be different at night. This concludes the first half. Let’s do our best fishing tonight and the second half of the day. It’s already night, and we’ll try again later in the evening. That’s part 2 of the evening episode. We will try again in the evening. Thank you for watching.

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/ @masachifishing


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  1. ブルーブルーの帽子のデザインを現代的なものにリニューアルしてもらえまんせか?

  2. おかまりさんの釣り初めて見ました。これからおかまりさんも応援します。と言う事でYouTubeでおかまりさん探します-=≡Σ((o•̀ω•́)o

  3. TRAIN-TRAINが聞こえてきて思わず歌ってしまった。 マサッチ釣りちゃんねるで流れるbgmは自分達世代に刺さりますw

  4. 検査プレジャーボートだとたまーにきますよね

  5. ビッグベイトなげるにはやっぱりベイトタックルですか?投げやすいスピニングロッドってないんですかね?

  6. 立場上仕方ない事なのだろうけど、ボートシーバス釣りなんか観ている人間は全く面白くないよ

  7. 一度沖堤防でおかまりさんをお見かけしましたけど一般の釣り人さんとも村岡さんとお話しするような感じで誰とでも分け隔てなくお話しされて凄く好感の持てる素敵な女性でした✨

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